Xcode/iPhone Code templates - iphone

Is there some tool in Xcode that allows me to store snippets of code I often reuse in various applications so I do not have to retype it each time? I am talking about things like all the code that goes into defining Table Delegate Methods and Table Source Methods, UIAlertViews code and such. I just would like to have my own private repository where I can put snippets of code I think I may need in the future in other apps. Is there anything like that? Thanks for any help.

I guess the answer to your need is discussed in this page http://www.turkeysheartrhinos.com/?p=8. Look at the "Custom TextMate – Like Macros" section.

In Interface Builder you can drag and drop components you've built into the library under the Custom Objects list. These can be reused in other XIBs you build later.
I'm not sure about code snippets in Xcode itself, I would find that useful too. If you are talking reuse though, can you put alot of your generic stuff in superclasses that you can inherit from when appropriate?

Try "Edit User Scripts..." under the script menu in Xcode. Look at the scripts under the "HeaderDoc" header to see some examples of inserting templates into code. You'll have to reformat your snippets into blocks of Perl like these, but this approach also gives you those neat tab-through-able input areas like you see when you autocomplete method calls.

How about using the tool "sinppets" ?


Can Emmet Be Used to Create FXML?

I have a scalaFX app that currently has its views created programmatically. I am wondering if I can use the Emmet tool to create FXML (particularly ScalaFXML) because I want to recreate my views in ScalaFXML to separate my views from my controllers more effectively. I have searched the internet and cannot find out if this is possible. So far I have only used Emmet for HTML. Thanks in advance for the help!
I have been looking around for something for PrimeFaces; I had trouble finding anything. I guess maybe it's because people who are using it are actually writing "normal" HTML with JS frameworks.
The good news is, it's completely (and easily!) customizable: just find the installation directory, and edit the "snippets.json" file, or create a new one called (for example) snippets-scalaFX.json. Mine on a Windows 10 machine, installed as a plugin for NPP, was C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\EmmetNPP\emmet\snippets.json.
It's pretty obvious once you get in there, but inside the "snippets" object just add some more fields for yourself. For example, to make a PrimeFaces commandButton tag I added:
"pc": "p:commandButton"
You can use $0 or ${<placeholder text>} to define tabstops for expanded snippets, and | to define the caret starting point.
Full docs on editing snippets are here.

How to adapt code among view types?

I am trying to use a sap.m.List Control in a application, however, I am struggling to find examples of how to implement this control in a JavaScript View. I am aware that the "Explored" app has code examples to implement the controls in XML views; However, I would like to know how to adapt those examples to HTML, JSON and JavaScript views. What an expert UI5 Developer does when he needs to adapt a control from a XML View to another type of view? Do we have any guidelines? Thanks in advance!
Regarding the guidelines you`ll find at least a quick introduction on js-views in the demokit documentation here.
I created a pretty simple example for the sap.m.List in javascript here although I am aware that it is not part of a view, but it should give you a first impression.
If you are looking for more js examples have a look here. For the older sap.ui.commons controls all samples are created with javascript.

Two very similar apps, with different texts and UI graphics

I'm going to developer two very similar apps, the logic is absolutely the same, but api calls base URLs, texts and UI graphics( such as backgrounds etc) will be different, but the all views will be the same (buttons, labels in the same places). It's quizes apps.
How to do it in the smart way? To not duplicate code etc.
I thought about to setup workspace, add bundles with UI, plists with texts and URL's, and than based on project name or identifier use one of the bundles, etc.
Maybe somebody can share smth else? More efficient way.
I thought about [...] adding bundles with UI, plists texts and URL's
You wrote your own answer. Additionally you setup two targets. One for each project. Within the target you define an envorinment variable, which you can use in your code to switch between the bundles / URLs.
You should write a Helper Class to get the Ressources. That helper class checks the environment variable and gives back the correct ressource.
(You may want to write categories for UIImage and NSURL and write your own NSLocalizedString version. With that you don't need to check any conditions/settings anywhere else in your code.)

Common, reusable iPhone-App configuration screen

I'm writing code that will allow my iphone-app to have a "configuration page".
A grouped, scrolling, UITableView... with cells that contain the needed textFields, switches, sliders, etc.
It is an ENOURMOUS amount of code. Is there an easier way?
Is there a way I could create a simple text-file, contain all my desired design choices and have my (reusable) code build the TableView for me?
Or... can I just do the whole thing quicker/easier in Interface Builder instead of code?
Basically there are two approaches here :
you rely on what Apple gives you and implement a Bundle Settings (basically a dictionary that describes how the settings screen should look like), and then , your settings will be in the "Settings" application of the iPhone.
The drawback here is that what apple provides is quite limited and you won't be able to implement some of the most complicated settings you can see in "standard" (pre-installed) apple application settings.
That's why many developers are switching to "inapp" settings thanks to open source FWK or they reimplement everythingh from scratch but it can be a lot of code as you said.
You reimplement your own UIViewController for settings or you rely on some framework that will provide you the UIViewController to extend from and ease your implementation.
There are 2 good frameworks for that (Jesse cited one of them, but there's another one )
InAppSettings ( http://inscopeapps.com/blog/inappsettings-10/ )
InAppSettingsKit ( http://inappsettingskit.com/ )
A comparison of the two framework can be found here : http://inscopeapps.com/blog/inappsettings-vs-inappsettingskit/
(ok that's from one of the two authors but at least this gives an idea ;)
If you can live with the limitations of the standard application preferences in iPhone, you can actually create this using a settings bundle which only needs a plist and optionally a localized strings file.
You can check out Apple documentations for this:
If you're looking for a ready made and reusable solution, you can check
It's open source too, so it's useful as a base.
I never found an easy and efficient way to build complicated table view by using Interface Builder, so I think programming the settings view is more preferable.
If you're talking about using a text file or plist, you may want to mimic the Settings Bundle design of Settings app.
Load the plist data upon the app launch.
I've built something like what you're looking for. Going off Claus's answer as well, it basically just duplicates the interface of the Settings application using the same settings.plist file as the settings app. The only difference is that it's a view controller that you can put inside the app. There's a surprisingly small amount of coding involved, it was just a lot of looking at the settings app to see exactly how things were laid out.

iPhone Coverflow

I need to implement cover flow functionality to our iPhone application. I tried to find sample code online to get started with it, but I didn't have any luck. Can anyone tell me how to implement cover flow functionality or give me a sample?
Thanks In Advance!
Try FlowCover at
the source code provides you with a FlowCoverView realizing the coverflow effect.
You simply need to customize a few delegate methods. Take a look at the example source code, customizing it to suit your needs should be straightforward.
You might also want to check out a library I released at iPhoneDevCamp -- OpenFlow. http://apparentlogic.com/openflow
It is all core animation-based, so it's easy to understand and customize to your needs. AFOpenFlowView is a subclass of UIView.
I included a demo application, and check out the blog entry on my personal website for a bit more information about its use. fajkowski.com
Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments!
This one looks promising:
Seems to be more actively maintained than the other two suggested above.