how to insert value from one table to other table in sqlite3 database - iphone

I am new in iphone i am developing a application with data base i am create a database and have to table we want to insert one table value to other. I am not understand how do this.
if any body know help me with coding.

Nested query: INSERT INTO Table VALUES (SELECT blah...)


Can't Create Item When Table Has Data

I have a problem where if my table is empty, I can create new items with Directus. But, if the table has data already I get the error ID: Value has to be unique. I'm using auto increment for my ID's. Any ideas what I've done wrong?
I had similar issue after importing data from another directus and database. I was able to resolve this issue by going into postgres database using psql and resetting auto increment with SELECT setval('my_table_id_seq', (SELECT max(id) FROM my_table)); and then inserting one row INSERT INTO my_table(column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); after that I was able to create new table rows thru directs.

Insert into table on conflict do update from csv

I have a table with two columns, id that is varchar and data that is jsonb. I also have a csv-file with new IDs that I would like to insert into the table, the data I would like to assign to these IDs are identical, and if an ID already exists I would like to update the current data value with the new data. This is what I have done so far:
INSERT INTO "table" ("id", "data")
VALUES ('[IDs from CSV file]', ' {dataObject}')
ON CONFLICT (id) do UPDATE set data='{dataObject}';
I have got it working with a single ID, but I would now like to run this for every ID in my csv-file, hence the array in the example to illustrate this. Is there a way to do this using a query? I was thinking I could create a temporary table and import the IDs there, but I am still not sure how I would utilize that table with my query.
Yes, use a staging table to upload your csv into, make sure to truncate it before uploading. After uploading:
insert into prod_table
select * from csv_upload
on conflict (id) do update
set data =;
Don't complicate the process unnecessarily.
Import csv to a temporary table T2
Update T1 where rows match in T2
Insert into T1 from T2 where rows do not match

Create a new table with existing style from layer_styles table in postgres

Is there any way to create a postgis table with existing style from layer_styles table? Say for example i have so many styles stored in layer_styles table. I need to assign one of the style from layer_styles table to the new table which i am going to create. Can that be done using postgresql during table creation using sql command?
You need to identify the layer IDs of interest (or name, or any column you want) and to create the new table using this data+structure. However using the style in this secondary table may not be that easy
create table public.layer_styles_2 as
(select * from public.layer_styles where id in (2,3));

Inserting into postgres database

I am working trying to write an insert query into a backup database. I writing place and entities tables into this database. The issue is entities is linked to place via column. I added a column place.original_id in the place table to store it's original 'id'. so now that i entered place into the new database it's id column changed but i have the original id stored so I can still link entities table to it. I am trying to figure out how to write entities to get the new id
so far i am at this point:
insert into entities_backup (id, place_id)
(select id from places where original_id = (select place_id from entities) as place_id
I know I am missing something because this does not work. I need to grab the id column from places when entity.place_id = places.original_id. Any help would be great.
I think this is what you want
insert into entities_backup (id, place_id)
select nextval('public.entities_backup_id_seq'),
from places, entities
where places.original_id = entities.place_id;
I am working trying to write an insert query into a backup database. I writing place and entities tables into this database. The issue is entities is linked to place via column. I added a column place.original_id in the place table to store it's original 'id'. so now that i entered place into the new database it's id column changed but i have the original id stored so I can still link entities table to it.
It would be simpler to not have this problem in the first place.
Rather than trying to fix this up after the fact, the better solution is to dump and load places and entities complete with their primary and foreign keys intact. Oracle's EXPORT or a utility such as ora2pg should be able to do it.
Sorry I can't say more. I know Postgres, not Oracle.

Table of tablenames

im using a platform called CKAN which saves datasets. When a dataset is added it creates a table with a (seemingly) random name. There are certain datasets that I want to use the data from. Therefore I want to map the relation between the table in another table and the data that is inside.
I would like to use this mapped variable (table name) in a select query as FROM statement.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT tablename FROM mappingtable WHERE id=1)
How do I do this?
Edit: As what kind of data type do I store the table name?