Inserting into postgres database - postgresql

I am working trying to write an insert query into a backup database. I writing place and entities tables into this database. The issue is entities is linked to place via column. I added a column place.original_id in the place table to store it's original 'id'. so now that i entered place into the new database it's id column changed but i have the original id stored so I can still link entities table to it. I am trying to figure out how to write entities to get the new id
so far i am at this point:
insert into entities_backup (id, place_id)
(select id from places where original_id = (select place_id from entities) as place_id
I know I am missing something because this does not work. I need to grab the id column from places when entity.place_id = places.original_id. Any help would be great.

I think this is what you want
insert into entities_backup (id, place_id)
select nextval('public.entities_backup_id_seq'),
from places, entities
where places.original_id = entities.place_id;

I am working trying to write an insert query into a backup database. I writing place and entities tables into this database. The issue is entities is linked to place via column. I added a column place.original_id in the place table to store it's original 'id'. so now that i entered place into the new database it's id column changed but i have the original id stored so I can still link entities table to it.
It would be simpler to not have this problem in the first place.
Rather than trying to fix this up after the fact, the better solution is to dump and load places and entities complete with their primary and foreign keys intact. Oracle's EXPORT or a utility such as ora2pg should be able to do it.
Sorry I can't say more. I know Postgres, not Oracle.


If a Postgres DB has unique IDs across its tables, how do you find a row using its ID without knowing its table?

Following the blog of Rob Conery I have set of unique IDs across the tables of my Postgres DB.
Now, using these unique IDs, is there a way to query a row on the DB without knowing what table it is in? Or can those tables be indexed such that if the row is not available on the current table, I just increase the index and I can query to the next table?
In short - if you did not prepared for that - then no. You can prepare for that by generating your own uuid. Please look here. For instance PG has uuid that preserve order. Also uuid v5 has something like namespaces. So you can build hierarchy. However that is done by hashing namespace, and I don't know tool to do opposite inside PG.
If you know all possible tables in advance you could prepare a query that simply UNIONs a search with a tagged type over all tables. In case of two tables named comments and news you could do something like:
PREPARE type_of_id(uuid) AS
SELECT id, 'comments' AS type
FROM comments
WHERE id = $1
SELECT id, 'news' AS type
FROM news
WHERE id = $1;
EXECUTE type_of_id('8ecf6bb1-02d1-4c04-8875-f1da62b7f720');
Automatically generating this could probably be done by querying pg_catalog.pg_tables and generating the relevant query on the fly.

Fully Qualify MS Access Table

I have an Access query, which references a table: dbo_table2
However, I have moved this table to another database, so I need to fully qualify to restore the links.
SELECT table1.x, table1.y, table2.z
FROM dbo_table1
INNER JOIN dbo_table2
ON (dbo_ID = dbo_ID)
Both tables are being pulled from SQL tables.
In my Access query I have added table2 as a Linked Table.
But I'm unsure of Access syntax. If I was using SQL, I would simply use "newdatabaseDB.dbo.table2".
My question is how can I correctly name the table2 reference by fully qualifying the database and table name.
If you moved your table to another db, just Link that table in your current db. This way you can use just as it was local.
There is another option, using IN:
select * from clients in 'c:\test\mydb.mdb'
Also see
Cracked it!
By creating a link to an external table in the database where the query was created, Access then treats the table in the queries as if it were local (so no fully qualification needed).

PostgreSQL 9.5 ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time

I have a table from which I want to UPSERT into another, when try to launch the query, I get the "cannot affect row a second time" error. So I tried to see if I have some duplicate on my first table regarding the field with the UNIQUE constraint, and I have none. I must be missing something, but since I cannot figure out what (and my query is a bit complex because it is including some JOIN), here is the query, the field with the UNIQUE constraint is "identifiant_immeuble" :
with upd(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) as(
select id_parcelle, batimentimmeuble,etatimmeuble,nb_loc_hab_ma,nb_loc_hab_ap,nb_loc_pro, dossier.id_dossier, adresse.id_adresse, zapms.geom, 1, batimentimmeuble2
from public.zapms
left join geo_pays_gex.dossier on dossier.designation_siea=zapms.id_dossier
left join geo_pays_gex.adresse on adresse.id_voie=(select id_voie from geo_pays_gex.voie where (voie.designation=zapms.nom_voie or voie.nom_quartier=zapms.nom_quartier) and voie.rivoli=lpad(zapms.rivoli,4,'0'))
and adresse.num_voie=zapms.num_voie
and adresse.insee=zapms.insee_commune::integer
insert into geo_pays_gex.bal2(identifiant_immeuble, batimentimmeuble, id_etat_addr, nb_loc_hab_ma, nb_loc_hab_ap, nb_loc_pro, id_dossier, id_adresse, geom, raccordement, batimentimmeuble2)
select a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k from upd
on conflict (identifiant_immeuble) do update
set batimentimmeuble=excluded.batimentimmeuble, id_etat_addr=excluded.id_etat_addr, nb_loc_hab_ma=excluded.nb_loc_hab_ma, nb_loc_hab_ap=excluded.nb_loc_hab_ap, nb_loc_pro=excluded.nb_loc_pro,
id_dossier=excluded.id_dossier, id_adresse=excluded.id_adresse,geom=excluded.geom, raccordement=1, batimentimmeuble2=excluded.batimentimmeuble2
As you can see, I use several intermediary tables in this query : one to store the street's names (voie), one related to this one storing the adresses (adresse, basically numbers related through a foreign key to the street's names table), and another storing some other datas related to the projects' names (dossier).
I don't know what other information I could give to help find an answer, I guess it is better I do not share the actual content of my tables since it may touch some privacy regulations or such.
Thanks for your attention.
EDIT : I found a workaround by deleting the entries present in the zapms table from the bal2 table, as such
delete from geo_pays_gex.bal2 where bal2.identifiant_immeuble in (select id_parcelle from zapms);
it is not entirely satisfying though, since I would have prefered to keep track of the data creator and the date of creation, as much as the fact that the data has been modified (I have some fields to store this information) and here I simply erase all this history... And I have another table with the primary key of the bal2 table as a foreign key. I am still in the DB creation so I can afford to truncate this table, but in production it wouldn't be possible since I would lose some datas.

Insert data from staging table into multiple, related tables?

I'm working on an application that imports data from Access to SQL Server 2008. Currently, I'm using a stored procedure to import the data individually by record. I can't go with a bulk insert or anything like that because the data is inserted into two related tables...I have a bunch of fields that go into the Account table (first name, last name, etc.) and three fields that will each have a record in an Insurance table, linked back to the Account table by the auto-incrementing AccountID that's selected with SCOPE_IDENTITY in the stored procedure.
Performance isn't very good due to the number of round trips to the database from the application. For this and some other reasons I'm planning to instead use a staging table and import the data from there. Reading up on my options for approaching this, a cursor that executes the same insert stored procedure on the data in the staging table would make sense. However it appears that cursors are evil incarnate and should be avoided.
Is there any way to insert data into one table, retrieve the auto-generated IDs, then insert data for the same records into another table using the corresponding ID, in a set-based operation? Or is a cursor my only option here?
Look at the OUTPUT clause. You should be able to add it to your INSERT statement to do what you want.
BTW, if you need to output columns into the second table that weren't inserted into the first one, then use MERGE instead of INSERT (as suggested in the comment to the original question) as its OUTPUT clause supports referencing other columns from the source table(s). Otherwise, keeping it with an INSERT is more straightforward, and it does give you access to the inserted identity column.
I'm having experiment to worked out in inserting multiple record into related table using databinding. So, try this!
Hopefully this is very helpful. Follow this link How to insert record into related tables. for more information.

foreign key constraint in sql

I have 2 tables in sql server with primary keys set to identity. They are related and work fine.
I then created a form in vb 2008 and tried inserting some values into my database the respective primary keys work but the primary key in the parent table wont show up in the child table.I did create a relationship in vb using and all the details of my table are defineed in the data table. For example
cust tables (custid,name,..)
book table(bookid,bookname,..,custid)
in vb my insert statement is something like Insert into cust(name) values(#name)
insert into book(bookname) values(#bookname). I do not include the id columns as they auto generate in the database(tables).
My question is that how do i get to insert the custid in the book table when the data is stored back into the tavles in my database.
Please advice with an example as im not half as good as you guys.
Kind Regards
You have to know which customer you want to associate with the book before INSERTing the book. If you don't know before hand, you can't. So somewhere in your Form there should be a way to select a customer. Then when you create a book, you grab that customer's ID and insert it along with the other book info.
You don't actually say that you created a foreign key constraint between the two tables!
You need to:
Ensure that you create an explicit foreign key on the BOOK table to point to a customer in the CUST table.
First insert the customer.
Then find out what the customer's auto-generated ID was. That value is in ##IDENTITY. Store it somewhere e.g. #CUSTID.
Insert the book, specifying #CUSTID as the customer's ID.