P2P webconferancing using html clinets - applet

Can we do a P to P video convercaning wia web based clints . I have webpages as clinets.Meanns the clint donwloads the webpage rm servere and then allows p to p video converacning beteern these 2

well, you could do it a with a flash application embedded on your web page.
HTML4 has no support for video.
HTML5 has video support though, but how you would go about implementing a web conference system using plain HTML5 and javascript is beyond my skill.


How to play vimeo videos inline in moblie application and grab seek, play events

We are developing a mobile application (using ionic framework, jquery) and thinking to let our users to share videos from vimeo, youtube etc. in this case we are integrating vimeo video link in iframe. Below are challenges:
Not able to play vimeo videos inline in our application:
on iPhone device when we play vimeo video from our ionic application it opens in a native video player, on the contrary we want to play it inline in our application itself
in case of Youtube video its supported and works well. They have provide Playsinline property to support it.
As per vimeo developers documentation, we have not found any similar video player property to allow inline video rendering
Is there any workaround that you suggest to play vimeo video inline inside application?
Play, seek & load progress events are not supported in mobile application
As per your developers page, play, seek, load progress etc events are not supported in mobile application
Is there any workaround to enable these events on our mobile application
Yes, I know there are limitations that vimeo has declared but can someone provide me if there are any workarounds? Your response to our queries is very much important for us.
try adding background=1 to your embed code
<iframe id="player1" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/[video id]?api=1&player_id=player1&background=1" width="630" height="354" frameborder="0"></iframe>
This wil not work in browsers which revert to the flashplayer.
I don't know if you'll have javascript API functionallity.
This will remove all controls aswell. What I've read, it's still in an experimental fase, but hope it works for you.

Voice Recording/Playback on Web for mobile(Android, iOS, BB)

I am working on a website that works across all mobile browsers specifically Android, iOS and BB. I have used the experimental jQuery mobile for the consistent look and feel. One of the pages require audio to be recorded and played back for this I did some research and found that HTML5 has support for this but still part of the spec so it may not available on these browsers yet, so I was wondering if there is any workaround for this. I atleast know of one such application that captures audio and its Google Voice for iPhone and I read somewhere that they use HTML5 so does that mean safari has support for HTML5 audio capture? Please suggest.
For audio playback, you can use this test page on all of your supported platforms and browsers. It should confirm which HTML5 audio playback constructs will work:
It sounds like there are issues with even getting playback to work on Android, see here for info:
I haven't seen anything about current browser support for audio recording through HTML5. You could try Java or Flash, but Java requires the user to have it installed (and accept suitable permissions), and Flash requires you to set up a server for the data to be sent to (e.g. Red5)...and remember that Flash does not work on iOS.

Integrating Real Time Messaging Protocol with Wicket

I am designing my web project by Wicket. There I want to add web cam video capturing facility. I have Recorder.swf which records the video and save in rtmp and Player.swf which playback that saved video. Normally both of the swf are working well, if I open them simply by any browser. But If that two swf are added in wicket application then they are not working. But I have tested other swf, like I have played flv by media player swf file in my project. I can not able to understand what is happening! Can rtmp not be integrated with wicket? Thank you.
From what you describe, it has not much to do with Wicket.
Wicket is on server side.
If it works on some machine but does not on other, then it's most probably a problem either in the flash or on the client side (flash player).

HTML5 with Web Services

Now the case, I want to develop a iPhone apps/web apps using Phonegap. Ok, imagine the app can do all sort of thing include data processing, transaction, login, video streaming, display data from the web services, so to do this I need use JavaScript (Ajax) to call the web services, then only put it into the HTML?
HTML5 now come with support of video right? For example, once I get the video data from the Web Services, then I use Javascript to insert into the video tag and HTML5 will handle it?
Yes on all counts.

How can a web page play mp3 on iPhone/iPad

As far as O know, web pages play mp3 sounds by embedding invisible Flash players. Since Flash is not available on mobile webkit (iphone/ipad), how is it possible to play mp3 on this platform?
HTML5 supports these 2 tags (audio / video) which Safari supports:
In your case, you can use the audio tag.
<audio src="horse.ogg" controls="controls">
your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio
The only catch is getting the right format for your media. :-)
Safari supports MP3 for audio, and MPEG 4 for video... Firefox supports OGG for audio/video, (I believe Opera does too), and chrome supports both.
More information about the supported file formats in HTML5 are here:
That links to a really useful page allowing you to test the format support on your particular browser: