HTML5 with Web Services - iphone

Now the case, I want to develop a iPhone apps/web apps using Phonegap. Ok, imagine the app can do all sort of thing include data processing, transaction, login, video streaming, display data from the web services, so to do this I need use JavaScript (Ajax) to call the web services, then only put it into the HTML?
HTML5 now come with support of video right? For example, once I get the video data from the Web Services, then I use Javascript to insert into the video tag and HTML5 will handle it?

Yes on all counts.


Desktop non-HTML player for Premium+ users?

I have a headless PC connected to my stereo system. I would like to create a command-line Deezer player for it. Is it possible without launching web browser? Does the API always return only 30s previews, even for Premium+ users?
To clarify the question: I'm looking for a way to get URL of a full-length MP3 using Deezer API. I only see references to 30s previews in Deezer API Specification. Does it mean that I can't get URL to full-length MP3?
Full track streaming is only available thru the SDKs (JS, iOS, Android), so you'll have to launch a web browser. You can't get the full mp3s from the API directly.
See the API Specifications Deezer API.
You can implement it to a own software. If you would like to create an player, you need mostly MP3-Librarys to play the File.
You dont specific in which language you need to implement a Player. We can't give you special answers to that, only global informations: The API.
Here are the URL's from Preview and Full-Song:
var SOUND_STREAM_GATEWAY = 'http://proxy-{0}{1}/';
var SOUND_PREVIEW_GATEWAY = 'http://cdn-preview-{0}{1}-{2}.mp3';

Pulling songs from iOS music library into an App?

I am developing an HTML5 mobile application that should allow users to upload music directly into the application.
The music should be able to be pulled from:
Youtube (opens YouTube interface to insert YouTube link)
SoundCloud (opens SoundCloud profile to insert link/mp3)
Upload from Phone (open iOS music library within phone to select song to upload)
I want to allow the users to pick a song from their iOS native music library and upload it directly into the app as an mp3.
I've read that a possible solution is to copy the raw song data to the App Storage Directory via the AVAssetReader.
Any other good solutions?
Im going to assume then this is a hybrid so the app will be part native. Yes, you can get the raw song data. You can get it in a variety of different file types. You can do whatever you want to it. You want to somehow send it across to a server, and then load it back into your app on the html5 web interface? Sounds crazy but you might be able to do that. You also might have legal issues and get denied from the app store.

Looking for a way to record video from an iphone embedded within a web browser and saved to a server

Ok, so I'm working on a project that will allow users to record themselves within a browser and have the video save to the server for later watching.
Right now I have an implementation where I'm using Red5 server with Red5 Recorder and that is working fine, but I'm wondering how exactly you could go about this on an iphone as that is expected to be a large user base.
As far as my research has shown there is no universal way to gather this video within the browser as there is no HTML5 solution and Flash seems to be by far the best way to record webcam to a server.
So what I'm wondering is has anybody encountered this issue and found a solution, whether it be for Iphone only, or a universal solution that would work across all platforms.
At the moment, the only way to accomplish this on the iPhone would be to write a native application. The web browser doesn't give access to the camera, and it doesn't support Flash, Java etc.

Stream Audio off site for iOS app?

I am working with a group at developing an app that will essentially be a 'radio' app. One view that will just play whatever audio is streaming at the time, and another view or two of archives to listen to past programs. What I am working on right now is how to assemble the view to play. The site in question is and the source for playing is here
Any suggestions for how I can best go about building the player to stream in the audio, without needing the rest of the site graphics?
The stream URL is actually:
This is just a SHOUTcast stream. You can build your radio player to connect directly to it. No need for the HTML/Flash on the website itself.
You can find this easily by looking at your browser tool's network tab, or by using a tool such as Fiddler or Wireshark.

Live streaming on iPhone

I just started work on live streaming on iPhone. So any help of how to do live streming in iPhone. I think if I can add video tag in HTML5 and then load that html in UIWebView will work.
Am I right? If not what is your sugestion to do live streaming. I want to embed some news channel live streaming link in the application so from where I can find those links.
You have to go through HTTP Live streaming document provided by Apple.There are some sample live streaming URLs.The file extension will be .m3u8.If you want to configure your own webwserver , you have to configure FFMPEG server in your webserver.The links which will help you
1)Apple document
If you're making a web app in html5 then the video tag is a good choice.
But, If you're developing a native app then MPMoviePlayerController would be a much better choice. There are many example of how to use it online.
iOS doesn't support RTMP or RSTP, so your stream would need to be a HTTP Live stream. From memory the codec choice is very limited too, eg if you supply H264+mp3 you won't get any sound despite iOS supporting mp3.
Also remember that streams from other people (such as the BBC) will normally be protected by international copyright law, so unless you have prior permission to use their stream in your app you may be breaking the law.
Apple has some nice resources on Http Live Streaming.