How to execute the code generated by codeDom? - c#-3.0

I just generated the .cs file using codeDom. Can someone explain how do I execute it?

The code below will allow you to compile the code using the codedom and then you can show the user if the code compiled correctly or not. It even creates a DLL as well.
// Store provider from the method into a object, Default is CSharpCodeProvider**
CodeDomProvider provider = this.GetCurrentProvider();
// Configure a CompilerParameters that links System.dll**
String[] referenceAssemblies = { "System.dll", "System.Data.Linq.dll", "System.Web.dll","System.XML.dll","System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll", "System.Data.dll", _mvcLocation };
CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters(referenceAssemblies, this.fileLocation + this.fileName + ".dll", false);
// Generate an executable rather than a DLL file.**
cp.GenerateExecutable = true;
// Invoke compilation.**
CompilerResults _results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(cp, this.fileLocation + this.fileName + "." + this.extention);

It's not quite that simple. See here for a primer. Basically the CodeDom supports scenarios such as code generation and dynamic compilation. So .cs files created with the CodeDom are not executables in the usual sense.


How can I replicate New-SmbGlobalMapping in C# code?

I am writing a service which controls docker containers. I want to have the mounted volume as an Azure share, and thus need to use the SMB Global Mapping. If I use the usual WNetAddConnection2A then I can mount the share just fine in my code, but the containers cannot see it as it is not "global". I can't find source for the PowerShell New-SmbGlobalMapping command (is there a way to see it?) and I can't find a suitable API to call. I hope someone knows the magic incantation I can put in my .NET code.
I can't find source for the PowerShell New-SmbGlobalMapping command
(is there a way to see it?) and I can't find a suitable API to call. I
hope someone knows the magic incantation I can put in my .NET code.
PowerShell uses WMI
In your case, it calls
Create method of the MSFT_SmbMapping class (MSFT_SmbGlobalMapping exactly)
You can use WMI Code Creator to generate/test C# code
EDIT : Test with PowerShell.Create
Test as Admin ("requireAdministrator" in manifest) on Windows 10
Test code (C#, VS 2015) =>
// PowerShell calls CredUIPromptForCredentialsW to display the User/Password dialog (you can call it with P/Invoke if needed)
string sUser = "";
string sPassword = "myPassword";
System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(sUser, sPassword, null);
System.Security.SecureString securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (var c in networkCredential.Password)
// Add reference to :
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\3.0\System.Management.Automation.dll
// Add :
// using System.Management.Automation;
PSCredential psCredential = new PSCredential(networkCredential.UserName, securePassword);
// Error handling must be improved : if I pass an invalid syntax for "RemotePath" or not launched as Admin,
// nothing happens (no error, no result) (on Windows 10)
string sLocalPath = "Q:";
string sRemotePath = "\\\\DESKTOP-EOPIFM5\\Windows 7";
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.AddParameter("LocalPath", sLocalPath);
ps.AddParameter("RemotePath", sRemotePath);
ps.AddParameter("Credential", psCredential);
//ps.AddParameter("RequireIntegrity", false);
//ps.AddParameter("RequirePrivacy", false);
System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<PSObject> collectionResults = ps.Invoke();
foreach (PSObject psObl in collectionResults)
Console.WriteLine("Status : {0}", psObl.Members["Status"].Value.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Local Path : {0}", psObl.Members["LocalPath"].Value.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Remote Path : {0}\n", psObl.Members["RemotePath"].Value.ToString());
catch (ParameterBindingException pbe)
System.Console.WriteLine("\rNew-SmbGlobalMapping error : {0}: {1}",
pbe.GetType().FullName, pbe.Message);
// To get and remove the test mapping in PowerShell :
// Get-SmbGlobalMapping
// Remove-SmbGlobalMapping -RemotePath "\\DESKTOP-EOPIFM5\Windows 7" -Force

Protractor - Create a txt file as report with the "Expect..." result

I'm trying to create a report for my scenario, I want to execute some validations and add the retults in a string, then, write this string in a TXT file (for each validation I would like to add the result and execute again till the last item), something like this:
it ("Perform the loop to search for different strings", function()
//strings[] contains 57 strings inside the json file
for (var i = 0; i == jsonfile.strings.length ; ++i)
var valuetoInput = json.Strings[i];
var writeInFile;
httpGet(""+valuetoInput+"?page=1&pages=3&limit=20").then(function(result) {
writeInFile = writeInFile + "Validation for String: "+ json.Strings[i] + " Results is: " + expect(result.statusCode).toBe(200) + "\n";
if (i == jsonfile.strings.length)
console.log("Executions finished");
var fs = require('fs');
var outputFilename = "Output.txt";
fs.writeFile(outputFilename, "Validation of Get requests with each string:\n " + writeInFile, function(err) {
else {
console.log("File saved to " + outputFilename);
But when I check my file I only get the first row writen in the way I want and nothing else, could you please let me know what am I doing wrong?
*The validation works properly in the screen for each of string in my file used as data base
**I'm a newbie with protractor
Thank you a lot!!
writeFile documentation
Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already
You are overwriting the file every time, which is why it only has 1 line.
The easiest way would probably (my opinion) be appendFile. It writes to a file without overwriting existing data and will also create the file if it doesnt exist in the first place.
You could also re-read that log file, store that data in a variable, and re-write to that file with the old AND new data included in it. You could also create a writeStream etc.
There are quite a few ways to go about it and plenty of other answers
on SO specifically on those functions that can provide more info.
Node.js Write a line into a .txt file
Node.js read and write file lines
Final note, if you are using Jasmine you can also create a custom jasmine reporter. They have methods that contain exactly what you want (status Pass/Fail, actual vs expected values etc) and it's fairly easy to set up with Protractor

How do I find the full directory for an IFile in Cake?

I'm writing a script to produce some artefacts from my build so I want to clean up unwanted files first. I'm using CleanDirectory(dirPath, predicate).
I'm finding it disturbingly hard to work out the directory for a file. If I use GetDirectoryName() that seems to just get me the immediate parent, not the full directory path.
Func<IFileSystemInfo, bool> predicate =
fileSystemInfo => {
// Dont filter out any directories
if (fileSystemInfo is IDirectory)
return false;
var path = fileSystemInfo.Path.FullPath;
var directory = ((DirectoryPath)path).GetDirectoryName();
Obviously I can use the .NET Framework System.IO classes to do this easily but then I get strings with the slashes in the wrong direction, and things do not smoothly inter-operate with Cake which uses POSIX paths.
OK I've worked out a solution. The key to IFileSystemInfo is to try and cast the Path to various derived types/interfaces, which then provide the functionality you are probably looking for. Example:
Func<IFileSystemInfo, bool> predicate =
fileSystemInfo => {
// Dont filter out any directories
if (fileSystemInfo is IDirectory)
return false;
// We can try and cast Path as an FilePath as know it's not a directory
var file = (FilePath) fileSystemInfo.Path;
if (file.FullPath.EndsWith("Help.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
// GetDirectory() returns a Path of type DirectoryPath
var directory = file.GetDirectory().FullPath;

Unable to run compiled Matlab code that uses "Presentation" for report generation

I am trying to convert a simple program that uses "Presentation" (from reportgen package) to a .exe.
The code is as follows:
import mlreportgen.ppt.*
slides = Presentation('mySlideAddPresentation.pptx');
slide1 = add(slides,'Title and Picture');
plane = Picture(which('tulips.jpg'));
plane.X = '4in';
plane.Y = '4in';
plane.Width = '5in';
plane.Height = '2in';
I get the following error on running the complied version:
" Undefined function 'Presentation' for input arguments of type 'char'"
Any idea what I am missing here?I am on 2015b, used the following link for help:
You need to make the reportgen compilable, see here and here
In my code I put:
if ismcc || isdeployed
% Make sure DOM is compilable
Then it compiles fine! :)

How to copy the XPO files out of version control...partial code working, bizarre issue

I began upgrading our layers to Roll Up 7 while we still were developing in another environment with TFS turned on. We were at say version 1850, and by the time I finished, we were at 1900. So the goal is to merge in the 50 different check-ins into the completed RU7 environment. Each check-in can contain many different objects, and each object is stored in TFS as an XPO somewhere.
My code is 90% of the way there, but the issue arrises when copying the files out of the temp directory. When I look in the temp directory, the files aren't there, but somehow they're able to be accessed.
static void Job33(Args _args)
SysVersionControlSystem sysVersionControlSystem = versioncontrol.parmSysVersionControlSystem();
SysVersionControlTmpItem contents;
SysVersionControlTmpChange change;
SysVersionControlTmpChange changes;
int i;
SysVersionControlTmpItem contentsAddition;
SysVersionControlTmpItem contentsItem;
str writePath;
Set permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class);
str fileName;
int n;
change = versioncontrol.getChangesHistory();
// BP deviation documented
while select changes
order by changes.ChangeNumber asc
where changes.ChangeNumber > 1850
writePath = #'C:\TEMP\' + int2str(changes.ChangeNumber) + #'\';
contentsAddition = versioncontrol.getChangeNumberContents(changes.ChangeNumber);
n = 0;
while select contentsAddition
// Write to appropriate directory
fileName = int2str(changes.ChangeNumber) + '_' + int2str(n) + '.xpo';
if (WinAPI::fileExists(contentsAddition.fileName(), false))
// Write to appropriate directory
WinAPI::copyFile(contentsAddition.fileName(), writePath + fileName, true);
info(strfmt("|%1|%2|", contentsAddition.fileName(), writePath + fileName));
info(strfmt("%1", changes.ChangeNumber));
Buried in Classes\SysVersionControlFilebasedBackEndTfs there is a .Net assembly that is used. I was able to use this to extract what I needed mixed in with the upper code. After I used code from above started working strangely enough??
Somehow there was a file lock on the folder that I copied TO, that just wouldn't let me delete it until I closed big deal, but it suggests there is a tfsProxy.close() method or something I should have called.
Microsoft.Dynamics.Morphx.TeamFoundationServer.Proxy tfsProxy = new Microsoft.Dynamics.Morphx.TeamFoundationServer.Proxy();
tfsProxy.DownloadFile(contentsAddition.InternalFilename, changes.ChangeNumber, writePath + fileName);
So you are trying to just get the objects that were changed so you can import them into the new RU7 environment? Why not do this within Visual Studio directly? You can pull the XPOs from there based on the history of changesets since you started the RU7 upgrade.
Also, you should use branching for this. It would have been easy to just branch the new code in that way. Something you should look into for the future.