How can I replicate New-SmbGlobalMapping in C# code? - powershell

I am writing a service which controls docker containers. I want to have the mounted volume as an Azure share, and thus need to use the SMB Global Mapping. If I use the usual WNetAddConnection2A then I can mount the share just fine in my code, but the containers cannot see it as it is not "global". I can't find source for the PowerShell New-SmbGlobalMapping command (is there a way to see it?) and I can't find a suitable API to call. I hope someone knows the magic incantation I can put in my .NET code.

I can't find source for the PowerShell New-SmbGlobalMapping command
(is there a way to see it?) and I can't find a suitable API to call. I
hope someone knows the magic incantation I can put in my .NET code.
PowerShell uses WMI
In your case, it calls
Create method of the MSFT_SmbMapping class (MSFT_SmbGlobalMapping exactly)
You can use WMI Code Creator to generate/test C# code
EDIT : Test with PowerShell.Create
Test as Admin ("requireAdministrator" in manifest) on Windows 10
Test code (C#, VS 2015) =>
// PowerShell calls CredUIPromptForCredentialsW to display the User/Password dialog (you can call it with P/Invoke if needed)
string sUser = "";
string sPassword = "myPassword";
System.Net.NetworkCredential networkCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(sUser, sPassword, null);
System.Security.SecureString securePassword = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (var c in networkCredential.Password)
// Add reference to :
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\3.0\System.Management.Automation.dll
// Add :
// using System.Management.Automation;
PSCredential psCredential = new PSCredential(networkCredential.UserName, securePassword);
// Error handling must be improved : if I pass an invalid syntax for "RemotePath" or not launched as Admin,
// nothing happens (no error, no result) (on Windows 10)
string sLocalPath = "Q:";
string sRemotePath = "\\\\DESKTOP-EOPIFM5\\Windows 7";
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.AddParameter("LocalPath", sLocalPath);
ps.AddParameter("RemotePath", sRemotePath);
ps.AddParameter("Credential", psCredential);
//ps.AddParameter("RequireIntegrity", false);
//ps.AddParameter("RequirePrivacy", false);
System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<PSObject> collectionResults = ps.Invoke();
foreach (PSObject psObl in collectionResults)
Console.WriteLine("Status : {0}", psObl.Members["Status"].Value.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Local Path : {0}", psObl.Members["LocalPath"].Value.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Remote Path : {0}\n", psObl.Members["RemotePath"].Value.ToString());
catch (ParameterBindingException pbe)
System.Console.WriteLine("\rNew-SmbGlobalMapping error : {0}: {1}",
pbe.GetType().FullName, pbe.Message);
// To get and remove the test mapping in PowerShell :
// Get-SmbGlobalMapping
// Remove-SmbGlobalMapping -RemotePath "\\DESKTOP-EOPIFM5\Windows 7" -Force


What does mono-io-layer-error (2) mean, starting a process in Unity?

Context is Unity, trying to start a new external process. Code looks like this:
var startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
FileName = RootPath + Executable,
WorkingDirectory = RootPath,
UseShellExecute = true,
WindowStyle = Visible ? ProcessWindowStyle.Normal : ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
try {
_process = Process.Start(startinfo);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
_global.Fail($"Unable to start engine {startinfo.FileName}.\n{ex.ToString()}");
return false;
This works just fine in the Editor, but Build&Run fails with the following error:
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): mono-io-layer-error (2)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) [0x00102] in <3df7f9ca50404bbc8bd4e7b954e70293>:0
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00032] in <3df7f9ca50404bbc8bd4e7b954e70293>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) [0x0001b] in <3df7f9ca50404bbc8bd4e7b954e70293>:0
at ServerManager.StartServer () [0x00049] in <5143145dfb5b4093ac2347595a160b5c>:0
What does it mean? I can find nothing like it on the Web.
My guess is that the feature is perhaps not supported in the built version, but I have no way of finding out for sure or where to look for alternative approaches. At the end of the day all I really need is a way to launch an external process from a built Unity project.
This is a rather peculiar error, it might be a Unity bug. I've noticed that this error occurs when you usually try to concatenate or combine paths in the "FileName". The methods used for finding or combining paths dynamically are seem to be causing this problem. In my case, I was trying to find the path like this:
FileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + #"\SBERT\dist\SBERT\SBERT.exe",
However, I have found a workaround to this problem by assigning a fully hard-coded path in the "FileName" like:
FileName = #"C:\SBERT\dist\SBERT\SBERT.exe",
Hope this helps for someone, as there is no information about this error on the internet.

What do Get-WMIObject \ Get-CimInstance actually do?

I have developing a new WMI instance provider and I am having a bit of trouble. I am able to register my provider successfully using regsvr32.exe. The regsvr32 application calls my implementation of DllRegisterServer and creates the following registry keys and values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F} : (default) = "WMI Provider"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F}\InprocServer32 : (default) = "C:\MyWmiProvider.dll"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F}\InprocServer32 : ThreadingModel = Neutral
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F}\Version : (default) = 1.0.0
(Where {00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F} is just a test Class ID (CLSID))
I am also able to successfully add my WMI class definitions defined in my Managed Object Format (MOF) file by using mofcomp.exe. I am able to verify that my definitions are present in the WMI repository by running the following command:
Get-CimClass -Namespace "root/MyNamespace" | Where-Object CimClassName -like "MyClass_*"
Here is an example of what my MOF file looks like:
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\MyNamespace")
#pragma autorecover
instance of __Win32Provider as $P
Name = "MyWmiProvider";
ClsId = "{00000001-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F}";
instance of __InstanceProviderRegistration
Provider = $P;
SupportsGet = FALSE;
SupportsPut = FALSE;
SupportsDelete = FALSE;
SupportsEnumeration = TRUE;
[dynamic, provider("MyWmiProvider")]
class MyClass_ExampleName
uint14 Id;
String Name;
Now, if I run the following:
Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root/MyNamespace" -Class "MyClass_ExampleName"
This produces the following error in PowerShell:
Get-CimInstance : Provider load failure
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CimInstance -Namespace "root/MyNamespace" -Class "MyClass_ExampleName"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (root/Surface:Device_Status:String) [Get-CimInstance], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041013,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand
Likewise, there are three (3) Event Viewer logs that are generated when this command is executed:
MyWmiProvider provider started with result code 0x80041013. HostProcess = wmiprvse.exe; ProcessID = 2144; ProviderPath = C:\MyWmiProvider.dll
Id = {FB6B3CF7-293E-0002-9316-73FB3E29D601}; ClientMachine = RTR-USERNAME; User = MYDOMAIN\username; ClientProcessId = 19416; Component = Unknown; Operation = Start IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnum - root\MyNamespace : MyClass_ExampleName; ResultCode = 0x80041013; PossibleCause = Unknown
MyWmiProvider provider started with result code 0x80041013. HostProcess = wmiprvse.exe; ProcessID = 24636; ProviderPath = C:\MyWmiProvider.dll
(It is shown that WMI did find the DLL correctly)
I get similar results if I try calling Get-WMIObject, except the second Event Viewer log says the "Operation" was "Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - root\MyNamespace : MyClass_ExampleName".
What exactly are Get-WMIObject and Get-CimInstance doing in the background?
I have looked up the source for Get-WMIObject [here] and despite the simple 6 lines, looking up the respect classes and function calls does not yield detailed specifics. My DLL interface only includes four (4) exported functions: DllGetClassObject(), DllCanUnloadNow(), DllRegisterServer(), and DllUnregisterServer(). I thought both Get-WMIObject and Get-CimInstance first made a call to DllGetClassObject() in order to get the WMI class factory, however if I place a function call to save a string to a temporary file within DllGetClassObject(), I notice when calling these PowerShell commands that no temporary file is created.
I got even more specific by creating a new project following this answer so that I could be able to call the following:
DEFINE_GUID(InstanceProviderClassID, 0x00000001, 0x00000, 0x0000, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F);
IWbemServices * pLoc = NULL;
CoCreateInstance(InstanceProviderClassID, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemServices, (LPVOID *)&pLoc);
The call to CoCreateInstance() in this case was successful. I even noticed the temporary log file was created, indicating that DllGetClassObject() was in fact called!
Even if I take a working instance provider that I have and put this same printing statement (or similarly a call to create a registry key/value) in its DllGetClassObject() function, nothing is ever saved to indicate that this function is called when calling these PowerShell commands.
1. What am I missing here?
2. Why is the DllGetClassObject() function never called when executing both Get-WMIObject and Get-CimInstance?
3. Why am I able to execute CoCreateInstance() successfully, demonstrating my provider is coded correctly, but get a "provider load failure" when executing one of the PowerShell commands?
(A side note: In order to make things easy, I have labeled all service functions with WBEM_E_NOT_SUPPORTED. When this is done in the working instance provider, I still do not see "provider load failure," but rather "not supported.")
Get-CimInstance and Get-WmiObject both use .NET APIs to communicate with WMI. In the first case, it uses and in the latter case uses The main difference between these two is that the CIM APIs are cross-platform compatible, while the WMI APIs have Windows extensions to CIM that only work on Windows.
Whether you decide to use the PowerShell cmdlets, WMIC, wbemtest, or something else, they ultimately call the WMI COM API to talk to WMI to talk to WMI Providers.
Did you follow It doesn't seem like you may have implemented IWbemServices in your COM server?

Get the "plain" (end-user readable) name of UWP apps installed on a system

I'm using the following PowerShell script to retrieve and save to a text file the list of UWP apps on a system. It gets the ID, name (system name) and packagefamilyname.
In addition to the name, I'm looking for a way to retrieve the plain name of the app: for example, "OneNote" instead of "Microsoft.Office.OneNote". Ideally, this name would also be localized: for example, "Calculatrice" (on a French system) instead of "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator".
I found this list of info retrieved by Get-AppxPackage but nothing like an end-user readable name... I'm not very familiar this area of expertise. Any help would be appreciated.
$installedapps = get-AppxPackage
$ids = $null
foreach ($app in $installedapps)
$ids = (Get-AppxPackageManifest $app -erroraction Stop)
Write-Output "No Id's found for $($"
foreach ($id in $ids)
$line = $app.Name + "`t" + $app.packagefamilyname + "!" + $id
echo $line
$line >> 'c:\temp\output.txt'
write-host "Press any key to continue..."
[Completed updated]
You can do this pretty easily in C#. You have to reference the correct WinMDs from the Windows SDK (the actual directories will change depending on SDK version):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References\10.0.17134.0\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract\\Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract.winmd
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\References\10.0.17134.0\Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract\\Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract.winmd
If you can't build a stand-alone EXE and just want pure PowerShell, you might be able to reference the WinMDs %systemroot%\system32\winmetadata. The code is pretty simple (I avoided await since I don't know if PowerShell has that):
// using Windows.Management.Deployment;
static void Main(string[] args)
static void GetList()
var pm = new PackageManager();
var packages = pm.FindPackagesForUser("");
foreach (var package in packages)
var asyncResult = package.GetAppListEntriesAsync();
while (asyncResult.Status != Windows.Foundation.AsyncStatus.Completed)
foreach (var app in asyncResult.GetResults())
I spent some time looking for this today, and finally came up with a solution that doesn't involve a page of code, or digging around in files/registry/etc. Put the below two lines in a script or function, and it will return PoSh-friendly output which you can then pipe into ForEach-Object, Where-Object, Sort-Object, Export-CSV, etc.
$PkgMgr = [Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager,Windows.Web,ContentType=WindowsRuntime]::new()
$PkgMgr.FindPackages() | Select-Object DisplayName -ExpandProperty Id
The .FindPackages() method also has an overload which takes a Family Name, but the docs lead me to believe it can only accept exact names, not wildcard matches. So unless you know exactly what you are looking for, I am guessing it is best to retrieve the list of all packages, and then do your own searches on that list.
The docs do say that this will return packages for all users, and that it requires admin/elevated rights to run.

Setting StrongAuthenticationUserDetails PhoneNumber for AzureAD via Powershell?

That title really flows.
When setting up computers for use with Azure Active Directory, we would have IT do initial setup and config. This included the first sign in and joining to Azure Active Directory. When signing in it forces you to select a verification method. We would use our desk phone or cell phone for ease.
The time has come for us to update that second factor phone number. I know of a way to manually do it via the Azure AD Web UI, but I am looking for a scripted way to set that number in PowerShell.
Here is how I retrieve the number via PowerShell.
Get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName "" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StrongAuthenticationUserDetails
That code returns this info:
ExtensionData : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject
AlternativePhoneNumber :
Email :
OldPin :
PhoneNumber : +1 5554445555
Pin :
However, there seems to be no similar option for setting the StrongAuthenticationUserDetails.
All my searches just turned up how to bulk enable 2-factor authentication, which is not what I want to do. I want to leave the StrongAuthentication the same while only updating the phone number.
As I said in comment, it appears there is read-only access for powershell.
There is even opened ticket for that on Azure feedback.
There is a plan to do it, but no ETA. My guess is that you will have to wait if you want to use powershell only.
As workaround, you could use powershell & watir for .NET OR Watin with Watin recorder to automatize it via Internet Explorer. As I don't have a testing Azure; I can not create workable code for you.
Using Watin and powershell - you could check:
The following text and code, I wanted to backup it here, was taken from the above page (all credits to the author):
Next click the record button and click the HTML element you want to
automate. Then stop the WatIN recorder and click copy code to
clipboard icon. This will produce some C# code that just needs to be
translated into PowerShell:
// Windows
WatiN.Core.IE window = new WatiN.Core.IE();
// Frames
Frame frame_sd_scoreboard = window.Frame(Find.ByName("sd") && Find.ByName("scoreboard"));
// Model
Element __imgBtn0_button = frame_sd_scoreboard.Element(Find.ByName("imgBtn0_button"));
// Code
So, I now know the name of the button and that it is 3 frames deep. A
little WatIN object exploration later, I came up with the follow
script, which clicks a button every 50 mintues.
#Requires -version 2.0
#powershell.exe -STA
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom( "$ProfileDirLibrariesWatiN.Core.dll" ) | out-null
$ie = new-object WatiN.Core.IE("")
$scoreboard = $ie.frames | foreach {$_.frames } | where {$ –eq ‘sd’} | foreach {$_.frames } | where {$ –eq ‘scoreboard’}
$button = $scoreboard.Element("imgBtn0_button")
while ($true)
#Sleep for 50 minutes
Disclaimer: the code is provided as-is. It might happen that it'll stop working in case MS changes Azure Portal interface.
I'm using the following Greasemonkey script to update alternate email and phone (phone can be updated via Graph API now so the script will be useful for email only):
// ==UserScript==
// #name Unnamed Script 548177
// #version 1
// #grant none
// #namespace
// ==/UserScript==
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
// press alt+shift+g
if (e.keyCode == 71 && e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.metaKey) {
const url = document.URL;
const regex = /https:\/\/\/#blade\/Microsoft_AAD_IAM\/UserDetailsMenuBlade\/UserAuthMethods\/userId\/[\w-]+\/adminUnitObjectId[\/]*\?\w+=(\d{9})&\w+=([\w\.-#]+)/;
const params = url.match(regex);
const allAuthRows = document.getElementsByClassName('ext-userauthenticationmethods-section-row');
const authRowsArray = Array.from(allAuthRows);
let emailRow;
let phoneRow;
let i;
for (i =0; i < authRowsArray.length; i++) {
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].data === 'Email') {
emailRow = authRowsArray[i]
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes.length > 1) {
if (authRowsArray[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].data === 'Phone') {
phoneRow = authRowsArray[i]
const emailInput = emailRow.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[2];
const phoneInput = phoneRow.childNodes[3].childNodes[1].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[2];
const event = new Event('input', {
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true
if (params[1] !== '000000000') {
phoneInput.value = `+48 ${params[1]}`;
if (params[2] !== 'null') {
emailInput.value = params[2];
setTimeout(() => {
const buttonArr = document.getElementsByClassName('azc-toolbarButton-container fxs-portal-hover');
const saveButton = Array.from(buttonArr).find(e => e.title === 'Save');;
} , 2000);
}, false);
It requires you to open Azure portal with querystring like this (I do it with PowerShell):$($u.ObjectId)/adminUnitObjectId/?param1=$newPhone&param2=$newMail
How to use it:
open only one tab at a time, otherwise you'll receive Unable to sign-in error
from time to time you'll receive that error anyway, so just wait
to trigger the script press Alt+Shift+g after the site is loaded (you can change the shortcut in first if)
once the data is updated and saved, press Ctrl+w to close the current tab and press Alt+Tab to switch to previous window (should be PowerShell)
you're still free to use the code to update the phone. Make sure to change country code (currently +48 for Poland)

Set Execution Policy Powershell in Azure web application

I need to execute some powershell code from a web api which I have deployed in an Azure App Service. I couldn't achieve to se 'Set-ExecutionPolicy' because I need to set it to unrestricted but I get an error
File D:\home\powershell\teams_v2.psm1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at
I have the following code
using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace())
var script = String.Format(#"Import-Module 'D:\home\powershell\teams_v2.psm1'
connect-teamsservice -user -tenant
new-Team -displayname '{0}' -description '{1}' -smtpaddress '{2}' -alias '{3}' -type 'private'",
group.Name, group.Description, String.Format("{0}", group.MailNickName), "team");
RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke();
// set powershell execution policy to unrestricted
//scriptInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");
Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline();
// add an extra command to transform the script
// output objects into nicely formatted strings
// remove this line to get the actual objects
// that the script returns. For example, the script
// "Get-Process" returns a collection
// of System.Diagnostics.Process instances.
// execute the script
Collection <PSObject> results = pipeline.Invoke();
// close the runspace
// convert the script result into a single string
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (PSObject obj in results)
How can I achieve this to correctly load the ps module and use its functions.