Safari on the iPhone & iPad gives colour feedback on touch, I want to stop this - iphone

Clicking on an element which has a Javascript handler makes the element go have a 'grey overlay'. This is normally fine but I'm using event delegation to handle the touchdown events of many child elements. Because of the delegation the 'grey overlay' is appearing over the parent element and looks bad and confusing.
I could attach event handlers to the individual elements to avoid the problem but this would be computationally very wasteful. I'd rather have some webkit css property that I can override to turn it off. I already have visual feedback in my app so the 'grey overlay' is not needed.
Any ideas?

To disable tap highlighting, set the
alpha value to 0 (invisible)

$('body').bind('touchstart', function(e){

For those reading this question, another CSS property which will not only remove the overlay but also prevent the touch device from interacting with the user to assess a tap intention (which delays the timing of the event trigger significantly), is to use the cursor property.
a.notTappable {
Also, in the case the asker described where you have descendants of a parent and you only want the descendants to be tappable and you wish to IGNORE ALL MOUSE EVENTS OF THE PARENT, the following solution will you give you the best performance (by completely disabling the bubbling up to the parent). Read the webkit spec here.
.parent {
.parent .descendant {
I only mention this because the performance difference here is significant.


analytics script is not sending data from shadow DOM

We are working on tracking a site which has components built using Shadow DOM concepts, when we are creating a rule in launch to add tagging to these components it’s not working.
Can you guide us with best practice on tagging components in Shadow DOM?
I found unanswered questions about google analytics Google analytics inside shadow DOM doesn't work is this true for adobe analytics also?
Best Practice
Firstly, the spirit of using Shadow DOM concepts is to provide scope/closure for web components, so that people can't just go poking at them and messing them up. In principle, it is similar to having a local scoped variable inside a function that a higher scope can't touch. In practice, it is possible to get around this "wall" and have your way with it, but it breaks the "spirit" of shadow DOM, which IMO is bad practice.
So, if I were to advise some best practice about any of this, my first advice is to as much as possible, respect the spirit of web components that utilize shadow DOM, and treat them like the black box they strive to be. Meaning, you should go to the web developers in charge of the web component and ask them to provide an interface for you to use.
For example, Adobe Launch has the ability to listen for custom events broadcast to the (light) DOM, so the site developers can add to their web component, create a custom event and broadcast it on click of the button.
Note: Launch's custom event listener will only listen for custom event broadcasts starting at document.body, not document, so make sure to create and broadcast custom events on document.body or deeper.
"But the devs won't do anything so I have to take matters into my own hands..."
Sadly, this is a reality more often than not, so you gotta do what you gotta do. If this is the case, well, Launch does not currently have any native features to really make life easier for you in this regard (for the "core" part of the below stuff, anyways), and as of this post, AFAIK there are no public extensions that offer anything for this, either. But that doesn't mean you're SoL.
But I want to state that I'm not sure I would be quick to call the rest of this answer "Best Practice" so much as "It's 'a' solution..". Mostly because this largely involves just dumping a lot of pure javascript into a custom code box and calling it a day, which is more of a "catch-all, last resort" solution.
Meanwhile, in general, it's best practice to avoid using custom code boxes when it comes to tag managers unless you have to. The whole point of tag managers is to abstract away the code.
I think the TL;DR here is basically me reiterating this something that should ideally be put on the site devs' plate to do. But if you still really need to do it all in Launch because ReasonsTM, keep on reading.
'A' Solution...
Note: This is a really basic example with a simple open-mode shadow DOM scenario - in reality your scenario is almost certainly a lot more complex. I expect you to know what you're doing with javascript if you're diving into this!
Let's say you have the following on the page. Simple example of a custom html element with a button added to its shadow DOM.
class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
mode: 'open'
var button = document.createElement('button'); = 'myButton';
button.value = 'my button value';
button.innerText = 'My Button';
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
<my-component id='myComponentContainer'></my-component>
Let's say you want to trigger a rule when a visitor clicks on the button.
Quick Solution Example
At this point I should probably say that you can get away with doing a Launch click event rule with query selector my-component#myComponentContainer with a custom code condition along the lines of:
return event.nativeEvent.path[0].matches('button#myButton');
Something like this should work for this scenario because there are a lot of stars aligned here:
The shadow dom is open mode, so no hacks to overwrite things
There are easily identifiable unique css selectors for both light and shadow DOM levels
You just want to listen for the click event, which bubbles up and
acts like a click happened on the shadow root's light DOM root.
In practice though, your requirements probably aren't going to be this easy. Maybe you need to attach some other event listener, such as a video play event. Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" solution at this point; it just depends on what your actual tracking requirements are.
But in general, the goal is pretty much the same as what you would have asked the devs to do: create and broadcast a custom (light) DOM event within the context of the shadow DOM.
Better Solution Example
Using the same component example and requirement as above, you could for example create a rule to trigger on DOM Ready. Name it something like "My Component Tracking - Core" or whatever. No conditions, unless you want to do something like check if the web component's root light DOM element exists or whatever.
Overall, this is the core code for attaching the event listener to the button and dispatching a custom event for Launch to listen for. Note, this code is based on our example component and tracking requirements above. It is unique to this example. You will need to write similar code based on your own setup.
Add a custom js container with something along the lines of this:
// get the root (light dom) element of the component
var rootElement = document.querySelector('#myComponentContainer');
if (rootElement && rootElement.shadowRoot) {
// get a reference to the component's shadow dom
var rootElementDOM = rootElement.shadowRoot;
// try and look for the button
var elem = rootElementDOM.querySelector('button#myButton');
if (elem) {
// add a click event listener to the button
elem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// optional payload of data to send to the custom event, e.g. the button's value
var data = {
// create a custom event 'MyButtonClick' to broadcast
var ev = new CustomEvent('MyButtonClick', {
detail: data
// broadcast the event (remember, natively, Launch can only listen for custom events starting on document.body, not document!
}, false);
From here, you can create a new rule that listens for the custom event broadcast.
Custom Event Rule Example
Rule name: My Button clicks
Extension: Core
Event Type: Custom Event
Name: MyButtonClick
Custom Event Type: MyButtonClick
Elements matching the CSS selector: body
*None for this scenario*
From here, you can set whatever Actions you want (set Adobe Analytics variables, send beacon, etc.).
In this example, I sent a data payload to the custom event. You can reference the payload in any custom (javascript) code box with event.detail, e.g. event.detail.value. You can also reference them in Launch fields with the % syntax, e.g. %event.detail.value%.

Inner Workings of Unity3d's GUI.Button

I'm still pretty new to scripting in Unity3D, and I'm following along with a tutorial that uses GUI.Button() to draw a button on the screen.
I am intrigued by how this function works. Looking through the documentation, the proper use of GUI.Button is to invoke the function in an if statement and put the code to be called when the button is pushed within the if statement's block.
What I want to know is, how does Unity3D "magically" delay the code in the if statement until after the button is clicked? If it was being passed in as a callback function or something, then I could understand what was going on. Perhaps Unity is using continuations under the hood to delay the execution of the code, but then I feel like it would cause code after the if statement to be executed multiple times. I just like to understand how my code is working, and this particular function continues to remain "magical" to me.
I don't know if it's the right term, but I usually refer to such system as immediate mode GUI.
how does Unity3D "magically" delay the code in the if statement until
after the button is clicked?
GUI.Button simply returns true if a click event happened inside the button bounds during last frame. Basically calling that function you are polling: every frame for every button asking the engine if an event which regards that button (screen area) is happened.
If it was being passed in as a callback function or something, then I
could understand what was going on
You are probably used to an MVC like pattern, where you pass a controller delegate that's called when an UI event is raised from the view. This is something really different.
Perhaps Unity is using continuations under the hood to delay the
execution of the code, but then I feel like it would cause code after
the if statement to be executed multiple times.
No. The function simply returns immediately and return true only if an event happened. If returns false the code after the if won't be executed at all.
Side notes:
That kind of system is hard to maintain, especially for complex structured GUI.
It has really serious performance implications (memory allocation, 1 drawcall for UI element)
Unless you are writing an editor extension or custom inspector code, I'd stay away from it. If you want to build a menu implement your own system or use an external plugin (there are several good ones NGUI, EZGUI,..).
Unity has already announced a new integrated UI System, it should be released soon.
Good question. The unity3d gui goes through several event phases, or in the documentation
Events correspond to user input (key presses, mouse actions), or are UnityGUI layout or rendering events.
For each event OnGUI is called in the scripts; so OnGUI is potentially called multiple times per frame. Event.current corresponds to "current" event inside OnGUI call."
In OnGUI you can find out which event is currently happening with >Event.current
The following events are processed link:
Types of UnityGUI input and processing events.
-MouseUp,mouse button was released
-MouseMove,Mouse was moved (editor views only)
-MouseDrag,Mouse was dragged
-KeyDown, A keyboard key was pressed
-KeyUp A keyboard key was released.
-ScrollWheel The scroll wheel was moved.
-Repaint A repaint event. One is sent every frame.
-Layout A layout event.
-DragUpdated Editor only: drag & drop operation updated.
-DragPerform Editor only: drag & drop operation performed.
-DragExited Editor only: drag & drop operation exited.
-Ignore Event should be ignored.
-Used Already processed event.
-ValidateCommand Validates a special command (e.g. copy & paste).
-ExecuteCommand Execute a special command (eg. copy & paste).
-ContextClick User has right-clicked (or control-clicked on the mac).
Unity GUI has much improved lately and is quite usefull if you want to handle things programmatically. If you want to handle things visually, i recommend looking at the plugins heisenbug refers to.
If you decide to use unity gui, i recommend using only one object with ongui, and let this object handle all your gui.

TinyMCE inside Durandal widget - callback after routing transition?

I'm trying to use TinyMCE in a widget but it fails. I think the problem is that view is still hidden when "viewAttached" is fired. It seems that TinyMCE has a bug/feature (read last paragraph) and can't be displayed when the target (textarea) is hidden (or inside a hidden div).
I got it working by doing the job in a setTimeout but it's crappy.
Is there a callback that I could attached to which is fired after the view is unhided (after the transition is completed)?
I found one solution:
Explicitly subscribe to the "isNavigating" observable of the router and add TinyMCE when "isNavigating" value becomes false.
Still : this has the effect of flickering - you see the textarea and then it is replaced by TinyMCE... but this is not a Durandal problem IMO.
Edit 1
Finally, I think the the best solution (for now... follow the link below for the thread on the subject) is to do a setTimeout(xyz(), 0) - I have seen a lot of people using this technique and it prevents the flickering.!topic/durandaljs/5NpSwMBnrew
Durandal does have a callbacks when you're using composition - you just put a function on to your viewModel with the correct name. In your case, you would use viewAttached:
Here's the docs:

CSS pseudo class for when a user is touching an element in iOS Safari?

In Safari on iOS, is there a CSS pseudo class for when a user is touching an element? Or do I have to use javascript?
Similar to how :hover works on desktop computers, it would be active while the finger is touching the element, and then be inactive as soon as the user stops touching the element.
CSS currently does not define any user-action pseudo-classes for touch paradigms.
You'll have to listen for events and handle them accordingly with JavaScript. In fact, Apple recommends this; see Handling Events in the Safari Web Content Guide for details. You'll want to look at the touchstart, touchend, touchmove and touchcancel events, for example.
Answered here:
<body ontouchstart="">
Applied just once, as opposed to every button element seemed to fix
all buttons on the page. Alternatively you could use this small JS
library called '[Fastclick][1]'. It speed up click events on touch
devices and takes care of this issue too.

are there DOM events for controller presses on the PS3?

I want to develop a site which is easy to use from a Playstation 3 PS3 game console web browser. I thought it would be good to make screen actions on button presses on the console.
I can find no information on how to do this after quite a bit of searching.
Any info or links highly appreciated!
Why not write a function that displays a message for every "keystroke" and you'll see what values they represent:
$(document).keypress(function(event) {
Then you can use the number you get from this test and create some logic based on that.
Like this perhaps:
if(event.which == 13) {
// display cool menu maybe?
From what I've tested so far, the left stick generates mouse events, left pad with arrows generates keyboard events corresponding to arrows, while the right stick generates a mouseevent but unfortunately it does not move the mouse, but rather scrolls the window.
I do not know how to detect in which direction the stick is pushed (unless the cursor actually moved or the background scrolled, in which cases it is quite trivial).