analytics script is not sending data from shadow DOM - dom

We are working on tracking a site which has components built using Shadow DOM concepts, when we are creating a rule in launch to add tagging to these components it’s not working.
Can you guide us with best practice on tagging components in Shadow DOM?
I found unanswered questions about google analytics Google analytics inside shadow DOM doesn't work is this true for adobe analytics also?

Best Practice
Firstly, the spirit of using Shadow DOM concepts is to provide scope/closure for web components, so that people can't just go poking at them and messing them up. In principle, it is similar to having a local scoped variable inside a function that a higher scope can't touch. In practice, it is possible to get around this "wall" and have your way with it, but it breaks the "spirit" of shadow DOM, which IMO is bad practice.
So, if I were to advise some best practice about any of this, my first advice is to as much as possible, respect the spirit of web components that utilize shadow DOM, and treat them like the black box they strive to be. Meaning, you should go to the web developers in charge of the web component and ask them to provide an interface for you to use.
For example, Adobe Launch has the ability to listen for custom events broadcast to the (light) DOM, so the site developers can add to their web component, create a custom event and broadcast it on click of the button.
Note: Launch's custom event listener will only listen for custom event broadcasts starting at document.body, not document, so make sure to create and broadcast custom events on document.body or deeper.
"But the devs won't do anything so I have to take matters into my own hands..."
Sadly, this is a reality more often than not, so you gotta do what you gotta do. If this is the case, well, Launch does not currently have any native features to really make life easier for you in this regard (for the "core" part of the below stuff, anyways), and as of this post, AFAIK there are no public extensions that offer anything for this, either. But that doesn't mean you're SoL.
But I want to state that I'm not sure I would be quick to call the rest of this answer "Best Practice" so much as "It's 'a' solution..". Mostly because this largely involves just dumping a lot of pure javascript into a custom code box and calling it a day, which is more of a "catch-all, last resort" solution.
Meanwhile, in general, it's best practice to avoid using custom code boxes when it comes to tag managers unless you have to. The whole point of tag managers is to abstract away the code.
I think the TL;DR here is basically me reiterating this something that should ideally be put on the site devs' plate to do. But if you still really need to do it all in Launch because ReasonsTM, keep on reading.
'A' Solution...
Note: This is a really basic example with a simple open-mode shadow DOM scenario - in reality your scenario is almost certainly a lot more complex. I expect you to know what you're doing with javascript if you're diving into this!
Let's say you have the following on the page. Simple example of a custom html element with a button added to its shadow DOM.
class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this._shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
mode: 'open'
var button = document.createElement('button'); = 'myButton';
button.value = 'my button value';
button.innerText = 'My Button';
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
<my-component id='myComponentContainer'></my-component>
Let's say you want to trigger a rule when a visitor clicks on the button.
Quick Solution Example
At this point I should probably say that you can get away with doing a Launch click event rule with query selector my-component#myComponentContainer with a custom code condition along the lines of:
return event.nativeEvent.path[0].matches('button#myButton');
Something like this should work for this scenario because there are a lot of stars aligned here:
The shadow dom is open mode, so no hacks to overwrite things
There are easily identifiable unique css selectors for both light and shadow DOM levels
You just want to listen for the click event, which bubbles up and
acts like a click happened on the shadow root's light DOM root.
In practice though, your requirements probably aren't going to be this easy. Maybe you need to attach some other event listener, such as a video play event. Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" solution at this point; it just depends on what your actual tracking requirements are.
But in general, the goal is pretty much the same as what you would have asked the devs to do: create and broadcast a custom (light) DOM event within the context of the shadow DOM.
Better Solution Example
Using the same component example and requirement as above, you could for example create a rule to trigger on DOM Ready. Name it something like "My Component Tracking - Core" or whatever. No conditions, unless you want to do something like check if the web component's root light DOM element exists or whatever.
Overall, this is the core code for attaching the event listener to the button and dispatching a custom event for Launch to listen for. Note, this code is based on our example component and tracking requirements above. It is unique to this example. You will need to write similar code based on your own setup.
Add a custom js container with something along the lines of this:
// get the root (light dom) element of the component
var rootElement = document.querySelector('#myComponentContainer');
if (rootElement && rootElement.shadowRoot) {
// get a reference to the component's shadow dom
var rootElementDOM = rootElement.shadowRoot;
// try and look for the button
var elem = rootElementDOM.querySelector('button#myButton');
if (elem) {
// add a click event listener to the button
elem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// optional payload of data to send to the custom event, e.g. the button's value
var data = {
// create a custom event 'MyButtonClick' to broadcast
var ev = new CustomEvent('MyButtonClick', {
detail: data
// broadcast the event (remember, natively, Launch can only listen for custom events starting on document.body, not document!
}, false);
From here, you can create a new rule that listens for the custom event broadcast.
Custom Event Rule Example
Rule name: My Button clicks
Extension: Core
Event Type: Custom Event
Name: MyButtonClick
Custom Event Type: MyButtonClick
Elements matching the CSS selector: body
*None for this scenario*
From here, you can set whatever Actions you want (set Adobe Analytics variables, send beacon, etc.).
In this example, I sent a data payload to the custom event. You can reference the payload in any custom (javascript) code box with event.detail, e.g. event.detail.value. You can also reference them in Launch fields with the % syntax, e.g. %event.detail.value%.


My question is about Ability for an author to reorder each tab within the component dialog in aem

enter image description here
I want to know how to provide the numbering for each tab, so that author can provide the number as per their requirement.
This is the strangest requirement I ever heard of. You can sure do that, but it didn't make much sense of doing it system wide as one author can feel the dialog one way, other in completely different. The only reasonable solution is to use javascript to reorder the tabs in the way an author want and than save the settings for this specific component in his user profile. You can start implementing it by creating a clientlib with the category cq.authoring.dialog. In your JS you have to listen to specific dialog loading event as shown below. I think this should be enough and it's a good starting point.
// necessary as no granite or coral ui event is triggered, when the dialog is opened
// in a fullscreen mode the dialog is opened under specific url for serving devices with low screen resolution
if (location.href.match(/mnt\/override/)) {
$(window).on('load', function(e) {
setTimeout(doSomething, 100);
} else {
$(document).on('dialog-ready', function(e) {
setTimeout(doSomething, 100);
You can use granite:rel to define specific identifiers in the dialog definition and use save them later in the user settings. You can define drag & drop events using the tab selector [role="tab"].
This is not trivially possible. Decide upfront about the order when building the component, provide meaningful labels and go with that. Touch UI does not provide the feature you need.

Best way to implement modals and notifications in React Flux

Modals and Notifications are components that are appended to the body. So they work little different than normal components. In my App, I can think of two ways of implementing them and I am not sure which one is better.
No stores
In this approach, I create a NotificationHelper class which has a create method. Inside that, I create a new container node, append it to the body and then call React.render(, container);
So any component can call NotificationHelper.create() and it will create a notification. Notification component that manages it's lifecycle and closes when the timer expires or somebody clicks on the close button.
The problem is often times, I need to show notification on the page in response to XHR response (success or failure), so in my actionCreator, I will have code like this, postData).then(function(response) {
NotificationHelper.create(<SuccessNotification />)
I don't know if it's correct to call something like this from action creator that renders a new component.
With stores
Another approach is to create a NotificationStore and on emitChange render the notification component.
The code will look something like this
In my App.js, the code will be
<Header />
<Fooder />
<NotificationContainer />
And then in NotificationContainer, I will do something like
onChange: function() {
this.setState({customNotification: NotificationStore.get()});
render: function() {
And finally, the action creator will look something like
actionType: 'notification',
component: <MyComponent/>
The problem with this approach is the additional overhead of stores. Store is not doing any meaningful thing here, it's only there just to follow the flux. From action creator, we are passing data to the store, and the component is again taking the same data from the store and rendering it. So we finish the flux cycle without really getting anything out of it.
Also, I now need to initialize NotificationContainer at the start of my app, even though I don't have any notifications at this point.
I don't really see how your problems are problems. It does exactly what it's supposed to do, and if you need to build on it later, you can easily do so. Notifications and other no-true-component-owner features are one of the best reasons to use flux in my opinion (90% of the time I don't recommend flux).
With flux the notification action creator would be responsible for creating a remove notification action after a set period of time. You can also have an x button on the notification, which when clicked creates that action, and these go to the store which removes the item if it exists, and any/all views dependant on this store update. When I say any/all I mean that the notifications component may be hidden, or there may be an alternate way to view notifications on one page of the app, or there may be a simple counter with the number of notifications anywhere in the app.
Side note: don't pass around elements in a way that they could be rendered more than once. Pass {component: SuccessNotification, props: props} instead if you need to specify the component ahead of time.
I follow the answer of FakeRainBrigand.
Sorry the self promotion here but I created a Notification component that you can use with Flux. Here you can see a issue that shows a example of usage with Alt, but the principles are the same. You add the component to a top level element on your HTML and subscribe that component to a Notification store. On your notification action creator, you can add notification with some properties like: level, position, auto-dismissible, action, etc.
Here is the component demo.

Custom event handler in Unfolding Maps

I am using Unfolding Maps in Processing.
The following map works correctly:
UnfoldingMap map = new UnfoldingMap(this, new OpenStreetMap.OpenStreetMapProvider());
EventDispatcher eventDispatcher = MapUtils.createDefaultEventDispatcher(this, map)
The issue is that I want to create a custom handler for pan/zoom events to trigger other events in my application. For example, I would like to detect panning and zooming actions in the map to run queries in the background based on the current coordinates, while preserving the default panning/zooming behaviour.
In other web mapping platforms this is trivial (e.g. Leaflet), but I can't find any tutorial/reference in UnfoldingMaps.
Any pointers?
Unfolding provides a mapChanged event, similar to mouseClicked and other event handler in Processing's simplified event system. There, you can implement your background query stuff. You can even check and react to the specific MapEvent (even though a bit tedious).
Take a look at this MapChangedApp example.
You could also do it via a custom event handler, if you want, but this should be sufficient for your use case. Let me know if you plan to do something else.

AngularJS: When user action impacts both the model and the DOM

This is for an AngularJS app. I have a custom directive that depends on a service.
What I'm really curious about is the "angular way" to deal with a user action that impacts both model and DOM. Some example code:
<form foo-places>
<!--other stuff -->
<span ng-repeat="place in places">
<button ng-click="removePlace(place)">remove {{place}}</button>
angular.module('foo.directives', []).directive('fooPlaces',
function(placesService) {
return {
controller : function($scope) {
$scope.places = placesService.places;
$scope.removePlace = function(name) {
$scope.$on('placesChanged', function() {
$scope.places = placesService.places;
link : function($scope, element, attrs) {
//code to do stuff when user removes a place
When a user removes a place (by clicking a button), I also need to do stuff to mess with the DOM, for example, scroll the window to the top, etc. It feels weird to have a function in the controller that deals with the model and then another function in the directive that does the DOM stuff...but both based on the same user action.
Am I over-thinking this or really missing something? How should I handle a single user action that deals with both model and DOM?
When you are dealing with AngularJS you might have heard the phrase "The model is the single source of truth". If you understand this part, then the rest of the things fall easily into place. This is the "Angular way".
When the user interacts - he is not interacting with the DOM or the view. He is interacting with the model. The view itself is just a "view" of the model. There could be other views of the same model - which is why the model is the single source of truth. Now, what angular allows you to do is make changes to the model when the user interacts. You make these changes and because the model has changed, the view's start reflecting the changed state of the model.
Also, just to emphasize the separation of concerns - a directive should rarely, deal with a service directly. A directive is a piece of the DOM, which means it is a piece of the view. A service generally has something to do with business logic or represents a model. In MVC or MVVM you dont directly make the View interact with the Model. You always use the ViewModel or Controller in between. This keeps the dependencies to a minimum.
Your ScrollToTop could be a service that you call from your controller (look at $anchorScroll which is a service in Angular ). It doesnt do what you want, but its a scrolling service, which is how you need to implement yours too.
To clarify, you dont generally do DOM manipulately stuff in services. The scenario where you could consider DOM manipulatey stuff in the service, is when, what you are trying to do does not belong to any particular html element, but something that needs to happen on your app level.
Let me explain that. For example, if you are attempting to do something like a dialog / modal window - In angularJS, you would think, the ideal place for something like this is a directive since it is a generic UI component. But if you think about it, a directive in AngularJS is something associated with an element. You always associate a directive with a html element. But as we have seen, a dialog isnt something that you attach to an element, but rather something that is global in nature. This is probably an exception.
The same also holds true to some $window and $document related stuff ( scrolling for example ). These dont belong to any particular element (if you want to scroll inside a div, it should be a directive ), hence they need to be a service. Also, this is a service you could probably inject into a directive. Say each time your directive is triggered you want to scrollToTop or open a dialog. You could inject these kind of services into your directives. The kind of services that you probably should not inject into a directive are services that are associated with business logic. Treat a directive as a re-usable UI component.
Ofcourse, you could create a higher level component ( the stuff you are trying ) which creates a DSL, but then you need to know exactly what you are doing. Until then, I suggest you stick with the plain old controller, directive and services and each managing their own concerns.

GWT UiBinders Interaction between modules

Im new to GWT, this should be a simple question i hope.
Imagine that i made two Uibinders Modules or two independent widgets.(this a simplify example to expose my problem)
one is a set of buttons (ButtonPanel) and the other image to been show when i press a button from the previous panel(ImagePAnel) with a label to be the title of the image.
How can i reach the wiget the imagePanel to actuate when there are a handler click from the buttons in the (ButtonPanel)
Thanks for the help.
I recommend you to use MVP Pattern for Development and add all events in the Presenter.
Or Else you can use the following technique within the UIBinder's Java File
public void onOpenButtonClick(ClickEvent clickEvent){
Just Create an Object of the Images & the ImagePanel to be loaded and add it on button click using this.
I can't say I understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish but in general the best way for different components in a GUI application to communicate is to use the eventbus pattern. There's one global Eventbus object in the application that lets components subscribe to a specified type of event that are fired from any place in your application. This way you avoid spaghetti code and your components are loosely coupled.
I typically create a third component that is the container for the Button and Image components you defined. This component sets itself as a callback for the two and contains logic to integrate the two.