F# Class with Generics : 'constructor deprecated' error - class

I am trying to create a a class that will store a time series of data - organized by groups, but I had some compile errors so I stripped down to the basics (just a simple instantiation) and still can't overcome the compile error. I was hoping some one may have seen this issue before. Clas is defined as:
type TimeSeriesQueue<'V, 'K when 'K: comparison> = class
val private m_daysInCache: int
val private m_cache: Map<'K, 'V list ref > ref;
val private m_getKey: ('V -> 'K) ;
private new(getKey) = {
m_cache = ref Map.empty
m_daysInCache = 7 ;
m_getKey = getKey ;
So that looks OK to me (it may not be, but doesnt have any errors or warnings) - the instantiation gets the error:
type tempRec = {
someKey: string ;
someVal1: int ;
someVal2: int ;
let keyFunc r:tempRec = r.someKey
// error occurs on the following line
let q = new TimeSeriesQueue<tempRec, string> keyFunc
This construct is deprecated: The use
of the type syntax 'int C' and 'C
' is not permitted here. Consider
adjusting this type to be written in
the form 'C'
NOTE This may be simple stupidity - I am just getting back from holiday and my brain is still on time zone lag...

The compiler is just saying that you need to enclose parameters of the constructor in parentheses:
// the following should work fine
let q = new TimeSeriesQueue<tempRec, string>(keyFunc)
There are some other issues though - the constructor needs to be public (otherwise you cannot call it) and the parameter of keyFunc should be also in parentheses (otherwise, the compiler will think that the type annotation is for the result of the function):
let keyFunc (r:tempRec) = r.someKey
You may also consider using implicit constructor syntax which makes class declarations a lot simpler in F#. Parameters of the constructor automatically become available in the body of the class and you can declare (private) fields simply using let:
type TimeSeriesQueue<'V, 'K when 'K: comparison>(getKey : 'V -> 'K) =
let daysInCache = 7
let cache = ref Map.empty
member x.Foo() = ()


F# Async<_> to Async<obj>

I am working with F# to develop PowerShell tooling. I am currently running into a block because Async<_>is a generic type that is not derived from a non-generic type, so I can't request an Async<_> or Async as a parameter value - I have to specify the exact generic type parameter.
(For those unfamiliar with the interaction between these two languages, I can write a class in a .NET language such as F#, derive it from a class in the PowerShell library, and give it a specific attribute and when I run PowerShell and import my library, my class is exposed as a command. The command type can't be generic. Properties of the type are exposed as PowerShell parameters.)
As far as I'm aware I can't avoid this by having a generic member on a non-generic type, so ideally I'd have a transformation attribute (for non-PS users, transformation attributes effectively perform type conversion during runtime parameter binding) to turn Async<_> into Async<obj>. For the most part, this would work great for me. However, I can't figure out a way to check if a value is Async<_>, because the check computation :? Async<_> at compile time ends up as computation :? Async<obj>, which is not, unfortunately, the same, and returns false when passed Async<int>.
I ran into a similar issue in C# and was able to leverage the dynamic keyword after running a reflection test, and making the parameter be of the derived base type System.Threading.Tasks.Task, e.g.
const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHeirarchy;
var isTaskOf = task.GetType()
.GetProperty("GetAwaiter", flags)
.GetMethod("GetResult", flags)
.ReturnType != typeof(void);
if (isTaskOf) {
var result = await (dynamic)task;
I am willing to do something like this in F# if possible, but:
I have not ben able to successfully get the dynamic lookup operator ? to compile. Specifically, "none of the types 'Async<'a>, string' support the '?' operator". Not sure what I'm doing wrong as the explanations look straightforward and I can't find any other reports of this message or requirements for that operator.
I don't know if that would even work or if that operator is only used to dynamically access a member of an object.
The solutions I have tried are:
/// Transform from Async<_> to Async<obj>
override _.Transform(_, item : obj) : obj =
match item with
// only matches Async<obj>. I get a compiler warning that _ is constrained to obj
| :? Async<_> as computation ->
let boxedComputation : Async<obj> = async { return! computation }
// if the value is not an async computation, let it pass through. This will allow other transformation or type converters to try to convert the value
| _ -> item
override _.Transform(_, item) =
// no compiler warning about the type being constrained to obj, but the if test does not pass unless item is Async<obj>
if (item :? Async<_>) then async { return! item :?> Async<_> }
else item
The other thing I can think of is to use reflection entirely - get the async type, call all of the AsyncBuilder methods reflectively to create a computation expression, and then cast it to Async. As I'm fairly new to F# I'm not sure how well I'd be able to piece together a computation expression like that, and either way it seems a lot more complicated than it ought to be. I'm hoping there is some better way to identify the return type of an async computation and/or just box the result without caring what type it actually is.
After trying something ridiculously complicated using reflection with the AsyncBuilder type I realized I could leverage it a little more simply. Here is my current working solution, but I'm still looking out for any better options.
static let boxAsyncReturnValue v = async { return v :> obj }
static let bindFunctionReflected = typeof<FSharpAsyncObjTransformationAttribute>.GetMethod(
nameof boxAsyncReturnValue,
BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Static
override _.Transform(engineIntrinsics, item) =
// I need to identify the current return type of the computation, and quit if "item" is not Async<_>
if item = null then item else
let itemType = item.GetType()
if not itemType.IsGenericType then item else
let genericItemType = itemType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
if genericItemType <> typedefof<Async<_>> then item else
let returnType = itemType.GetGenericArguments()[0]
if returnType = typeof<obj> then item else
bindFunctionReflected.MakeGenericMethod(itemType).Invoke(null, [|item|])
This is how I would do it:
let convert (a: Async<_>) =
async {
let! x = a
return box x
And at compile time it behaves as you'd expect:
let a = async { return "hello" }
let o: Async<obj> = convert a
let res = Async.RunSynchronously o
printfn "%s" res // Error: expected type 'string' but is type 'obj'
printfn "%s" (unbox<string> res) // compiles, prints the string

I'm confused about value type () in Swift. What is it, and how am I meant to use it?

I'm trying to convert height in feet with a decimal to height in feet and inches.
I'm trying to use the .round(.down) method to get the feet, and multiply the decimal by 12 for the inches. I'm getting all kinds of errors, like so:
var heightInFeet: Float = 5.45
let feetRounded = heightInFeet.round(.down) // feetRounded is "type ()." What is that?
percentToNextFoot = heightInFeet - feetRounded // Error: Binary operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Float' and '()'
I tried the following and got another error:
percentToNextFoot = heightInFeet - Float(feetRounded) // Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Float' with an argument list of type '(())'
I finally got it working by avoiding the .round() method, but I'm still really confused by the value type (). Can anyone explain what's going on here?:
var heightInFeet: Float = 5.45
var feet = Int(heightInFeet) // 5
var percentToNextFoot = heightInFeet - Float(feet) // 0.45
let heightInFeetAndInches = "\(feet)ft \(Int(percentToNextFoot * 12))in" // 5ft 5in
() is shorthand for void. It means "no value is possible here".
In this example, it means that the .round() method does not return anything - it is a mutating function called on its receiver. So assigning its void return to a var causes that var's type to be inferred to be void. Void vars can be useful, sometimes, rarely*, but not in this case.
Methods on value types often come in pairs: a verb like round, and a passive verb e.g. rounded. The first operates directly on, and modifies, its target; the second returns a modified version of its target. For another example, see sort() and sorted() on collections, or append(_) and appending(_) on strings, etc.
(* note: filter is an annoying exception; it means "filtered", and there is no handy "filter in place".)
To get the effect you were going for in the first example, rounded() is what you want.
(* To answer the tangential question in your title: how would one actually use a void variable? Well, here's a way I use them sometimes:
In an object with some setup that I would like to happen sometime after init, but guaranteed at most once per instance, I used to use Objective-C's dispatch_once. That's not available in Swift, so now I'll make a lazy void member like so:
class Foo {
lazy var setup: () = {
// do some complicated stuff I couldn't do in `init` for some reason
// this will only run once
func doSomethingUseful() {
_ = setup // runs the setup initializer just the first time we get here
// do useful things that depend on setup having happened
I'll leave it to the comments to judge whether we're "meant to" use such a technique. :)
Welcome to stack overflow!
Double has two rounding methods:
Double.round(), which rounds a Double value by mutating it in-place. This is one you called. It doesn't return anything, which strictly speaking means it returns Void, a.k.a. (), the empty tuple.
Double.rounded(), which rounds a Double value by returning a new Double. This is the one you probably intended to call.
By calling the first, and trying to assign the value to a variable, you end up with a variable of type Void, whose value is ().
This is a common Swift convention: "object.foo" edits it in place. "object.fooed" returns a mutated copy.
That said, in your case, I would recommend doing this using the existing Measurement API:
import Foundation
extension Measurement where UnitType == UnitLength {
func toFeetAndInches() -> (feet: Measurement<UnitLength>, inches: Measurement<UnitLength>) {
let numberOfWholeFeet = self.converted(to: .feet).value.rounded(.towardZero)
return (
feet: Measurement(value: numberOfWholeFeet, unit: UnitLength.feet),
inches: Measurement(value: self.value - numberOfWholeFeet, unit: UnitLength.feet).converted(to: .inches)
let heightInFeet = Measurement(value: 5.5, unit: UnitLength.feet)
let (feet, inches) = heightInFeet.toFeetAndInches()
let mf = MeasurementFormatter()
mf.unitOptions = .providedUnit // force the use of feet/inches, rather than the unit appropriate for the user's locale.
mf.unitStyle = .medium
print(mf.string(for: feet)!, mf.string(for: inches)!) // => "5 ft. 6 in."
If you look at the reference for the round function of Float type, you will see that it returns nothing. It just mutate the float you called this method on.
You can do
var feetRounded = heightInFeet
Please take a look at the documentation. The method
mutating func round(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule)
has no return value (aka Void aka ())
If you need a result you have to use rounded(_:) which has a return value
func rounded(_ rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule) -> Float
round changes the value in place; you use it like this:
var heightInFeet: Float = 5.45
You notice that no value is returned; there is no = in the second line. We do not need to set anything to the result of the round call, because it has no result.
If, as in your code, you accidentally do capture the "result", it is expressed as type (). So () is the "result" type of a method call that has no result.
When we accidentally write this:
var heightInFeet: Float = 5.45
let x = heightInFeet.round(.down)
we get this error: "Constant 'x' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected." That is just a fancy way of saying, "You've taken a method call that has no result and captured its 'result'. You probably didn't mean to do that!" And indeed, you didn't.

swift 5.1 evaluate a closure in the wrong way

I'm having an issue with evaluation of one line of code
if i break it down to two lines, it's working , but in one line of code, it's just evaluate in a 'new' to a 'wrong' way.
my main reason for asking this question, is not to solve it, I know I can use parenthesis to solve it, and break it to Two line, but don't want to solve it, I just want to know why its evaluated like this , and if there's a solution for this : some setting to patch , in Order THAT it will work in ONE LINE OF CODE :
Heres the code that working in Two lines
Heres the code that trying to do the same thing, but rise an error as you can see:
full code of both working and not working :
class ClosuresStack {
var dic = Dictionary<String,(()->String)->String >()
subscript(_ str:String)-> (()->String)->String {
get {
return dic[str]!
set {
dic[str] = newValue
func createClosuresStak() -> ClosuresStack {
let cs = ClosuresStack()
func takesAClosureReturnA_string(_ closure:()->String) ->String {
return closure() + " Two"
cs["C"] = takesAClosureReturnA_string
return cs
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]
let str = c{"One"}
print(str) // print: One Two
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"} // error -->
now, I want to somehow understand how to change it that it will work in ONE LINE OF CODE : meaning that the evaluation of 'createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}' will create a closure after ["C"] , and then from that point writing the {"One"}
will make it a full evaluate of the line :
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
making 'c' a String
if that's not possible, I need to know it Too , tnx :)
tnx for the comments , its help me understand the problem more clearly :
1) im understanding that the createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
acutely trying to add the string 'One' as another parameter to the sub script , and there for the error from the compiler was that is cannot subscript (String,()->String} , 'C' as the string inside the [] , and the other parameter {"One"} -> BUT , isn't that some kind of a bug?, been that i'm using [] ,Cleary the compiler need to 'understand' that I want to subscript a String, also by power of inferring that swift has,
2) now I'm still trying to get that syntax to work as it is so I try to change some things, in order to get it to work :
so I created a function that take a string, and return a dictionary of type : Dictionary<String,()->String>, and then trying so subscript it
and the compiler don't rise an error that way :
func closuresDictionary(_ s:String) -> Dictionary<String,()->String> {
var dic = Dictionary<String,()->String>()
func foo()->String {
return s + " Two"
dic["C"] = foo
return dic
let c = closuresDictionary("One")["C"]{ "SomeString" }
c is now a closure of type ()->String which does noting with string that I put inside, so the syntax works, but the outcome is not doing anything.
when im changing the return type of the dictionary to a different closure : (String)->String instead of ()->String , im getting the same old error, that I'm trying to subscript a (String,(String)->String)
and I need a function that will take the string inside the {} , and create something from it meaning that I need to subscript to return a closure of (String)->String
its seems like there's no way to do that
im adding two more pictures of my last trying in order to get this line of code in current syntax to work
the wanted syntax working but the outcome is not an outcome not doing any thing with the string inside the {}:
same error, by changing the function to (String)->String
Your example:
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
is using trailing closure syntax.
Trailing closure syntax works by including the trailing closure as an additional parameter to a function call. Subscripting an array is really a function call under the hood (to a function called subscript), and Swift is trying to pass that closure as a second parameter to the subscripting call, which is what the error is explaining:
Cannot subscript a value of type 'ClosuresStack' with an argument of type '(String, () -> String)'.
In other words, you can't pass both "C" and the closure {"One"} to the subscripting function.
There are at least 3 ways to fix this and still put it on one line:
Option 1: Use an explicit call to pass the closure instead of using trailing closure syntax
Wrap the closure in () to make the call explicit:
let c1 = createClosuresStak()["C"]({"One"})
Option 2: Wrap the createClosureStak()["C"] in parentheses
That lets Swift know the subscripting only gets "C" as a parameter and allows trailing closure syntax to work as expected:
let c2 = (createClosuresStak()["C"]){"One"}
Option 3: Add .self to the result before the trailing closure syntax:
That again finishes the subscripting call and avoids the confusion.
let c3 = createClosuresStak()["C"].self {"One"}
Personally, I would choose option one, because trailing closure syntax is unnecessary syntactic sugar that clearly is not working here.

Why does Swift BooleanLiteralConvertible require a boolean literal?

I am trying to add BooleanLiteralConvertible support to my class so I can instantiate it with a boolean. The thing that's throwing me for a loop is the distinction between a boolean value and a boolean literal.
For example, after adding the protocol I attempted this:
func setSelected(value: Bool) {
var node: MyClass = value
But Swift complained that it cannot convert Bool to MyClass. It took me a while to realize it has to be a boolean literal. Oddly enough the following works fine:
func setSelected(value: Bool) {
var node: MyClass = value ? true : false
…which seems just absolutely silly to me. Is there a legitimate reason for this seemingly very bizarre requirement?
Types conforming to BooleanLiteralConvertible can be initialized with the Boolean literals true and false, e.g.
let mc : MyClass = true
This has nothing to do with initializing the type with a Boolean value:
let value : Bool = // ... some boolean value
let mc : MyClass = value // error: cannot convert value of type 'Bool' to specified type 'MyClass'
and there is – as far as I know – no way to make such an implicit
conversion work. You would have to write a custom init method
init(bool : Bool) {
// ...
and initialize the object as
let value : Bool = // ... some boolean value
let mc = MyClass(bool: value)
I like the question. Only the Swift team could definitively answer, but I can speculate as to why: converting a typed value into a variable of a different type without an explicit conversion or cast is very easy to confuse with a programmer error, and in many cases is something the compiler should warn about.
Example (and assume that Person is also a StringLiteralConvertible that can be initialized with a string variable as well as a literal as you pose in your question):
struct Person {
private static var idCounter = 1
var name:String
let id:Int
init(withName name:String) {
Person.idCounter += 1
self.name = name
self.id = Person.idCounter
var person = Person(withName:"Mary")
let name = "John"
person = name
The above code looks suspiciously like a mistake, where the programmer is assigning a value of the wrong type (String) to a variable of type Person. It may in fact be a mistake. Maybe the programmer only meant to change the name of the person (person.name = name) without creating a new Person with a new unique id. Or maybe the programmer intended to assign some other value to person but made a typo or code completion error. Hard to tell without either being the original programmer, or carefully studying all the context to see whether this conversion makes sense. And it gets harder the further the assignment is from the place where the variables are originally initialized Should the compiler warn here that a value of type String is being assigned to a variable of type Person?
The example would be far more clear, and more in line with Swift conventions as:
var person = Person(withName:"Mary")
let name = "John"
person = Person(withName:name)
The above version is completely unambiguous, both to the compiler and to any other programmers who read this later.

Swift: what's the difference between Array<OtherModule.MyType>() and [OtherModule.MyType]()

I'm using a type from a different module, let's call it OtherModule.MyType,
This code:
var a = [OtherModule.MyType]()
will produce an error invalid use of '()' to call a value of non-function type '[MyType.Type]'
This code won't:
var ax = [OtherModule.MyType]
But I believe ax is not an array any more, since this code
will cause an error Cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of '(MyType)'
So I wonder what ax really is?
Besides, this code works fine:
var ay = Array<OtherModule.MyType>()
I'm using swift 1.2 with Xcode 6.3
For some reason best known to the Swift team (modules are very scantly documented), Module.Thing behaves differently to Thing.
While Int is just a type name:
let i: Int = 1 // fine
// not fine, "expected member name or constructor call after type name"
let j = Int
Swift.Int can be both:
// used as a type name
let k: Swift.Int = 1
let t = Swift.Int.self
// but also used as a value
let x = Swift.Int
// equivalent to this
let y = Int.self
toString(x) == toString(y) // true
Under some uses it only wants to be a value, not a type name though. Hence this works:
// a will be of type [Int.Type], initialized with an array
// literal of 1 element, the Int metatype
let a = [Swift.Int]
But trying to use it as a type name in this context fails: [Swift.Int]() is no more valid than writing [1]() or let strs = ["fred"]; strs().
This behaviour seems a little arbitrary, and may even be a bug/unintentional.
Since the only way in which Swift.Int can be used in this context:
is as a type not a value (since only types can go between the angle brackets), it kind of makes sense that this works while the more ambiguous array literal syntax behaves differently.