swift 5.1 evaluate a closure in the wrong way - swift

I'm having an issue with evaluation of one line of code
if i break it down to two lines, it's working , but in one line of code, it's just evaluate in a 'new' to a 'wrong' way.
my main reason for asking this question, is not to solve it, I know I can use parenthesis to solve it, and break it to Two line, but don't want to solve it, I just want to know why its evaluated like this , and if there's a solution for this : some setting to patch , in Order THAT it will work in ONE LINE OF CODE :
Heres the code that working in Two lines
Heres the code that trying to do the same thing, but rise an error as you can see:
full code of both working and not working :
class ClosuresStack {
var dic = Dictionary<String,(()->String)->String >()
subscript(_ str:String)-> (()->String)->String {
get {
return dic[str]!
set {
dic[str] = newValue
func createClosuresStak() -> ClosuresStack {
let cs = ClosuresStack()
func takesAClosureReturnA_string(_ closure:()->String) ->String {
return closure() + " Two"
cs["C"] = takesAClosureReturnA_string
return cs
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]
let str = c{"One"}
print(str) // print: One Two
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"} // error -->
now, I want to somehow understand how to change it that it will work in ONE LINE OF CODE : meaning that the evaluation of 'createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}' will create a closure after ["C"] , and then from that point writing the {"One"}
will make it a full evaluate of the line :
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
making 'c' a String
if that's not possible, I need to know it Too , tnx :)
tnx for the comments , its help me understand the problem more clearly :
1) im understanding that the createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
acutely trying to add the string 'One' as another parameter to the sub script , and there for the error from the compiler was that is cannot subscript (String,()->String} , 'C' as the string inside the [] , and the other parameter {"One"} -> BUT , isn't that some kind of a bug?, been that i'm using [] ,Cleary the compiler need to 'understand' that I want to subscript a String, also by power of inferring that swift has,
2) now I'm still trying to get that syntax to work as it is so I try to change some things, in order to get it to work :
so I created a function that take a string, and return a dictionary of type : Dictionary<String,()->String>, and then trying so subscript it
and the compiler don't rise an error that way :
func closuresDictionary(_ s:String) -> Dictionary<String,()->String> {
var dic = Dictionary<String,()->String>()
func foo()->String {
return s + " Two"
dic["C"] = foo
return dic
let c = closuresDictionary("One")["C"]{ "SomeString" }
c is now a closure of type ()->String which does noting with string that I put inside, so the syntax works, but the outcome is not doing anything.
when im changing the return type of the dictionary to a different closure : (String)->String instead of ()->String , im getting the same old error, that I'm trying to subscript a (String,(String)->String)
and I need a function that will take the string inside the {} , and create something from it meaning that I need to subscript to return a closure of (String)->String
its seems like there's no way to do that
im adding two more pictures of my last trying in order to get this line of code in current syntax to work
the wanted syntax working but the outcome is not an outcome not doing any thing with the string inside the {}:
same error, by changing the function to (String)->String

Your example:
let c = createClosuresStak()["C"]{"One"}
is using trailing closure syntax.
Trailing closure syntax works by including the trailing closure as an additional parameter to a function call. Subscripting an array is really a function call under the hood (to a function called subscript), and Swift is trying to pass that closure as a second parameter to the subscripting call, which is what the error is explaining:
Cannot subscript a value of type 'ClosuresStack' with an argument of type '(String, () -> String)'.
In other words, you can't pass both "C" and the closure {"One"} to the subscripting function.
There are at least 3 ways to fix this and still put it on one line:
Option 1: Use an explicit call to pass the closure instead of using trailing closure syntax
Wrap the closure in () to make the call explicit:
let c1 = createClosuresStak()["C"]({"One"})
Option 2: Wrap the createClosureStak()["C"] in parentheses
That lets Swift know the subscripting only gets "C" as a parameter and allows trailing closure syntax to work as expected:
let c2 = (createClosuresStak()["C"]){"One"}
Option 3: Add .self to the result before the trailing closure syntax:
That again finishes the subscripting call and avoids the confusion.
let c3 = createClosuresStak()["C"].self {"One"}
Personally, I would choose option one, because trailing closure syntax is unnecessary syntactic sugar that clearly is not working here.


Need help understanding how these two statements are equal

Here is a block of code that is equivalent (to my knowledge) to the other.
let f:()->() = brick
where brick is
func brick()->Void{ print("Throw Brick");}
but I can also write it as
let f = {return brick()}
What is this ^ code doing.
The first code I know makes sense to me. This is where I am defining a variable who's type is of the signature ()->() or ()->Void. And then passing the reference of brick function to the variable.
Though in both code snippets, f will behave in the same way when you call it, the code snippets are semantically different.
let f:()->() = brick
This assigns the function brick to the let constant f. Note that the type annotation is not required since the compiler knows that brick is a function that takes no parameters and returns Void, so it can infer that f must also be such a function too. Therefore, you can write it as:
let f = brick
Another way to write functions is to use a closure expression. For example, the following closure expression represents a function that calls brick:
{ return brick() }
Since you omitted the in keyword and didn't use any shorthand argument names ($0, $1 etc), the compiler infers that the closure expression takes no arguments. And since brick() returns Void, the closure expression returns Void too - return brick() means "return what brick() returns". The compiler is able to infer the type of the closure expression, so this is valid:
let f = { return brick() }
This assigns a "closure expression that calls simply calls brick() and returns what it returns" to f.
Depending on how you look at it, this is a bit different from let f = brick, where you are directly assigning brick to f. But in the end, in both cases calling f will do the same thing - you will end up calling brick.
The difference is sort of similar to the difference between let x: Double = 1 and let x = cos(0) - x = 1 in both cases, but one of those ways is more direct.
First of all your two versions are not equivalent. This:
func brick()->Void{ print("Throw Brick");}
let f = {return brick()}
is equated by this:
func brick()->Void{ print("Throw Brick");}
func brickCaller() { return brick() }
let f = brickCaller
Whereas, the equivalent of your
let f:()->() = brick
func brick()->Void{ print("Throw Brick");}
would be simply
let f:()->() = { print("Throw Brick") }
with no intermediary call to brick at all.
So, anyway, I'd put it differently from Sweeper's answer. I'd reply that a function can be declared-with-a-name, using func, or be nameless (anonymous), using a mere function body.
So the point is that in each pair of equivalents, one function has a name-and-declaration of its own, with func, and the other function doesn't — its body is simply assigned directly to the variable f.

Swift - Ambiguous reference to member '==' error

I've done some searching and can't seem to find a solution for my below issue. I'm fairly new to swift so working through some issues. I have the below function which is just a stub containing the signature of the function and a return value just to get it to compile.
The test code is what I've been given, I did not write this and unfortunately cannot alter it.
My issues is that when I run it, it says that the test that calls this function has an "Ambiguous call to member '=='". I cannot alter the test code. Whatever the issue is must be in my function signature i'm assuming but could use some help.
Function That I am writing (That I assume contains the issue):
func contains(target: StringOrInt, compare: Character ) -> Bool {
return false
} // contains
Test that calls the function (I'm not allowed to edit this and did not write it):
func test_contains_cons_2_strings_3() {
let list1 = MyList.cons("foo", MyList.cons("bar", MyList.empty))
assertEquals(testName: "test_contains_cons_2_strings_3",
expected: true,
received: list1.contains(target: "bar", compare: ==))//Error is on this line '=='
} // test_contains_cons_2_strings_3
main.swift:807:67: error: ambiguous reference to member '=='
received: list1.contains(target: "foo", compare: ==))
Also note that "StringOrInt" is a protocol that I've defined that acts as an extension on both Int and String. This is done because the test code (Which i did not write and cannot edit) passes both strings and ints to this same variable and function.
Thanks advance for any help, I really appreciate it!
I think you want to compare two strings by passing "==" operator and return a Boolean value.If so you can use the below method,
func myList(_ compare:((String, String) -> Bool)) -> Bool {
return compare("foo","bar")
I was able to figure this out using the below. I implemented an enum of generic type and the nan extension on that enum. I then used this generic type within the contains function to represent multiple types instead of StringOrInt. Thanks everyone for the comments and the help.
enum implemented:
indirect enum my_list<A> {
case cons(A, my_list<A>)
case empty
I then implemented in extension for this enum "extension my_list" and placed the contains function within the extension.
contains function signature/stub:
func contains(target: A, compare:((A, A) -> Bool))
-> Bool {
return true
}// contains

Capturing a property of an object for a closure in Swift

I'm rewriting some code to append jobs to an array of closures rather than execute them directly:
var someObject: SomeType?
var jobsArray: [() -> ()] = []
// before rewriting
// 1st attempt at rewriting
jobsArray.append {
However, because the value of someObject might change before the closure is executed, I'm now adding a closure list as follows:
// 2nd attempt at rewriting
jobsArray.append { [someObject] in
Hopefully then if, say, someObject is subsequently set to nil before the closure executes, the closure will still access the intended instance.
But what's the neatest way to deal with the possibility that the value of .property might change before the closure is executed? Is there a better way than this?
// 3rd attempt at rewriting
let p = someObject!.property
jobsArray.append {
I'm not very keen on this solution because it means changing the original line of code. I'd prefer this but it doesn't work:
// 4th attempt at rewriting
jobsArray.append { [someObject!.property] in
Pretty new to Swift, so all guidance gratefully received. Thanks!
A capture list such as [someObject] is actually syntactic sugar for [someObject = someObject], where the right hand side can be an arbitrary expression that gets bound to a new constant upon the closure being formed.
Therefore one option is to write your example as:
jobsArray.append { [property = someObject!.property] in

Input parameter to closure in Swift with brackets

I am going through the following tutorial on RxSwift:
and having trouble understanding the following pattern:
------------> .flatMap { [spotifyClient] query in
return spotifyClient.rx.search(query: query)
}.map { tracks in
return tracks.map(TrackRenderable.init)
This square brackets input parameter: [spotifyClient] query seems very weird for me. I looked over official Apple documentation for closures and functions and I can not see any examples of such input parameters. In Objective C this would not bother me much, but it is Swift. Could anyone explain, what this parameter means here?
You will need to understand the variable capturing of closure idea.
Consider this example:
struct Calculator {
var a: Int
var b: Int
var sum: Int {
return a + b
Then you use this as:
let calculator = Calculator(a: 3, b: 5)
// You define a closure where you will use this calculator instance
let closure = {
// closure captures the variables that are declared prior to the declaration of the closure.
// your calculator instance is being captured here
// it's default variable capture
print("The result is \(calculator.sum)")
closure() // Prints "The result is 8"
Till now, everything is okay. You get what's expected.
Now consider you declare the calculator instance as var because in some point you need to mutate it's state. This is the case where complexity arises. Look:
var calculator = Calculator(a: 3, b: 5)
let closure = {
print("The result is \(calculator.sum)")
// You change the state of your calculator instance anytime before the closure gets executed
calculator.b = 20
// When the closure actually executes, you will be affected by any changes outside the closure
closure() // Prints "The result is 23"
So, the default variable capture isn't really helping you, instead it's creating problem in your case.
If you want to prevent this behaviour and print 8 even if the properties change after their capturing inside the closure, we can explicitly capture the variable with a capture list like this:
// [calculator] is your capture list
let closure = { [calculator] in
print("The result is \(calculator.sum)")
// change anything with calculator instance
calculator.b = 20
// execute the closure
closure() // Prints "The result is 8"
Capture List keeps immutable copy of the variable(s). Thanks to this copy, further changes to calculator, outside the closure, will not affect the closure.
You can capture multiple variables at once, hence it's called Capture List. Example:
let closure = { [variable1, variable2, variable3] in
I recommend you read this article Capturing Values In Swift Closures.
Now, in your case spotifyClient is an instance of a class that may be responsible to make API calls. This instance may need some changes for calling different APIs. So, to prevent the affect of any changes to spotifyClient outside this closure you capture this instance in a Capture List.
Capture List vs. Parameter List:
You are confusing the parameter list with the capture list. The generic syntax is:
{ [capture list] (parameter list) in
Now take a look at the modified version of the above example:
let closure: (String)-> Void = { [calculator] stringParameter in // When using single parameter, you can always omit the () parentheses
print("\(stringParameter). The result is \(calculator.sum)")
// change anything with calculator instance
calculator.b = 20
// execute the closure
closure("Hey") // Prints "Hey. The result is 8"

Possible in swift to do a recursive function call with javascriptcore?

I have a function that is called by javascript with JavascriptCore.
Now inside that function I have to evaluate a javascript again under a certain condition. This should call the same function.
let My_JS_Function: #convention(block) ( String, String, String ) -> ( ) = {
thing_1, thing_2, thing_3
let my_Condition = true
if my_Condition {
let c = JSContext()
// compiling error: "Variable used within its own initial value"
Context.setObject(unsafeBitCast(My_JS_Function, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "My_JS_Function")
c.evaluateScript("My_JS_Function("value 1","value 2","value 3");")
Now XCode tells me:
Variable used within its own initial value
Does anybody know wheather there's a way how to solve this problem?
Maybe a way to write the My_JS_Function as a function and not like here as a variable?
I could fix the problem with avoiding having functions as properties.
Therefor I put the functionality in an extra class and used JSExport.
One example for how it can be done with JSExport can be found here.