iPhone to Android Market [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
(I am coming from an iPhone experience)
When we create an iPhone app, Apple gives us a http URL that we can put on web pages that when clicked will open iTunes and give the user a chance to buy on their desktop.
As Android has no "iTunes" Windows/Mac application on the desktop, what do I link to on my Web pages/email marketing so that users can go and buy the Android apps we are writing?

Put this link on your site where <packagename> is the name of your android application. It will directly open up the Andorid Market an a Market phone, or it will take a Windows Browser to the details of the android app.
http://market.android.com/details?id=<packagename > or

There are several ways. You can put your apk file directly to your homepage. But you can also publish it on the Android market. See this link for a useful guide:


my app installed weird between iPhone and iPad [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have an Enterprise Account(installing via Over The Air). I made a test app, which is a universal app, and i tested it on my device. But it installed in a strange manner.
If i install the app, you can see the installation icon on the iPhone app doubled(see two app icons). but on iPad it doesn't happen. I don't know why?
First, I thought that it's because of the hardware difference of the two devices. But the app size is only just 2.7MB, so I expect that both devices can easily handle the app.
The following link shows this issue: this link shows weird app installing situation
if you are installing over the air(via a download link with configured plist), probably the "bundle identifier" set on the plist of your download link, doesn't match the "bundle identifier" of the app being downloaded. This is usually caused by reusing your plist(with old/wrong bundle identifier) for download instead of making a new one.
Run a clean in Xcode and then delete the app from the device itself and then try again

How to create a web site using Flash like "intel museum of me"? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am new to Flash technology.
Does anyone who can show me or let me know what kind of flash API or libraries are used for making this Flash video which imports facebook content?
The website link is here: http://www.intel.com/museumofme/
If you want to learn how to connect flash with Facebook than you probably should start from Adobe Flash and Facebook tutorials. There, apart from configuring Adobe ActionScript 3 SDK for Facebook Platform, you can found some basic code samples on how to log in to the Facebook, how to get current user, and other things.

HTML5 and Mobile Website Development [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
HTML5 is said to be the future of web. My question is based on the features that HTML5 provides like Offline Access, Local Storage, Input Forms, etc , is the focus been almost entirely on Mobile Website Development ?
E.g. An Offline Caccess would practically make sense only for Mobile or Tablet devices and not really on desktops.
Similarly for many HTML5 form features..
Also which mobile browser has the highest support for HTML5 features ?
Please suggest.
"Best" is subjective.
HTML5 form features such as placeholder are useful for every platform.
E.g. An Offline Caccess would practically make sense only for Mobile or Tablet devices and not really on desktops.
How about laptops? Offline Gmail or Google Docs seems like it could be handy on a long plane flight.

New app in Facebook, needs approval? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I´m programming an app in Facebook. My code is ready but I don´t know if my app needs to be approved or something like that.
A Facebook application does normally not need to go through any approval process to go public, all you need to do is to switch Sandbox mode to disabled.
To find the Sandbox Mode setting:
Go yo your application dashboard.
Select the application you wish to publish.
Click edit app.
Go to Settings -> Advanced.
It should be here under the Authentication category.
The only times you need to go through a approval process are:
When you add an open graph activity which isn't standard.
When you apply for the advanced Marketing API.
About a year ago, there was an option to "send your application to the catalog" (or similiar), now I can't see it.
Just remember to disable sandbox mode and that should be all.

Submitting a book app so that it can download and read in iBooks? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Could you please let me know how an app needs to be submitted so that it can be downloaded in iBooks and user can read from the same.
Any step by step procedure or Tutorials will be appreciated!!
iBooks lets people read PDF files or ebooks, which must be in the EPUB format. An EPUB file is ZIP file that contains mainly HTML for the content and some XML files for the table of contents etc. It has nothing to do with native iOS apps.
To publish a book on the iBooks store so that people can buy it, you don't go through Apple's App Store submission process. Apple has its own iBooks submission process or you go to a third party service provider that has a contract with Apple to publish ebooks.