Zend Lucene displays blank screen when no results found - zend-framework

When I submit a query to Zend_Lucene with a string that exists in the index, the results are displayed as expected, however when string is not found, I get a blank page with no error messages. Code used as below:
require_once 'Zend/Feed.php';
require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene.php';
$index = Zend_Search_Lucene::open('data/my-index');
$queryStr ='fjkhsdkdfh';
$hits = $index->find($queryStr);
if ($hits) {
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
echo $hit->page_title;
} else {
echo 'No results found.';
I would expect 'No results found' to appear, but instead I get a blank page with no error messages.
What confuses me more is that I have this tested and working locally, but when on a live server it stops working.
Locally I have Zend Server 4 installed, remotely PHP 5.2.11 and ZF 1.10.2
Any help much appreciated!

I actually found a work around to this that involved processing the entire routine through a single page. As I was calling in external functions to generate the querys for some reason a blank page was always returned. By placing all script on one page I was able to have results displayed.


TYPO3 Repository findByUid (magic method) stops commandController script and returns blank page

I update records with a CommandController. When I do a findByUid() in the command then only a blank white page returns and the script ends.
Its running with TYPO3 7.6.35 ELTS
I do a
The Debug-Output does not appear, the die does no output and instead there is only a blank white page.
I added the function manually to the Repo:
public function findByUid($uid) {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->equals('uid', $uid)
return $query->execute();
After this - it works fine. My Debug-Output is a QueryResult with my record and the die() says "died" as expected.
I have no idea why this happens. There are multiple repos in use inside the command and if I dont have to, I dont want to create the findByUid in every repo by myself. Anyone any idea to solve/fix this?

Default Content on failed require_once

Just started learning PHP today. And though I moved through most of my problems quickly, I got stumped with this one.
I have a main page page.php with a dynamic require_once to pull up content. I got the main part working, which is page.php?id=1 page.php?id=2 etc load just fine, but if somebody goes to just page.php without the ID, then there are errors that ruin the page. Now I figured out how to repress the errors with an # and I can also obviously set the links to the page to page?if=default, but I really need a solution to having page.php load content specific to it without errors. Or, perhaps, automatically redirect page.php to page.php?id=default should no id be provided.
The code I current am using for the require_once is:
<?php require_once('folder/' . $_GET['id'] . '.html');?>
Thank you for your help!
Well easiest way would be to check if you have an ID and if not, than just set default one, something like that:
$default = 1;
$id = ($_GET['id'] && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) ? $_GET['id'] : $default;
require_once('folder/' . $id . '.html');

Perl Tk: confusion with updating a text window

I have a small Perl Tk app with a text window that I want to be updated in a non buffered way like I have with my log files but I can't get it to work due to my poor understanding of everything to do with Perl.
The app reads an xml index, parses it then loads each id found in the xml as a url to cache the page. These can number from 1700 to 19,000 depending on which $pubId is entered and takes a couple of hours.
I have the following code for the Submit button and the text window:
my $submit_image = $pict->Photo(-file => $submit);
my $submit_button = $mw->Button(
-image => $submit_image,
-text => "Submit",
-background => "#cccccc",
-command => sub {
if ($pubId eq '') {
Log_message ("\n$DATE - $TIME - WARNING: Please complete all fields\t");
tk_message ("Please enter a valid Publication ID");
else {
request_url(); #Open the xml url and read it in
# put something to the _end_ of the text
# which is in the widget
sprintf(" $txtmesg\n")
# Set window to the end of the text
# I want to see the newest events immediately
}) ->place( -x => 60, -y =>195);
which works if the button is pressed with an empty or invalid $pubId (request_url does a further check to see if the html body contains the word 404 and errors out a message to the window).
But if everything is ok and request_url() runs, then the whole Tk window freezes and I can't use my exit button and have to close it via the command prompt.
I know I should be doing this differently but so far every site I have looked at is too complicated for me and I just get baffled. I'm looking for some noddy instructions to enable me to work through this.
EDIT: I have now tried to use MainLoop(); and the DoOneEvent(): within my sub but I am still seeing the same gui freeze and no window updates.
I will continue to research and experiment.
-command => \&long_job)
sub long_job {
if ($pubId eq '') {
Log_message ("\n$DATE - $TIME - WARNING: Please complete all fields\t");
tk_message ("Please enter a valid Publication ID");
else {
request_url(); #Open the xml url and read it in
Not sure if this will help others with a similar problem, but just in case it does:
is what "starts" the tk process. Good practice would be to set up all your widgets, callbacks and anything you want to show up on screen first, then call the MainLoop(). Processing should occur after the MainLoop() is called. In the above, you will probably need to call
inside the loop on whatever it is you are using to display your output. In my case I was using a Label to output progress messages in a loop that made calls using system(). Using ->update solved it perfectly (while DoOneEvent() did not).
Hope that helps somebody out there.

Intrincate sites using htmlunit

I'm trying to dump the whole contents of a certain site using HTMLUnit, but when I try to do this in a certain (rather intrincate) site, I get an empty file (not an empty file per se, but it has an empty head tag, an empty body tag and that's it).
The site is https://www.abcdin.cl/abcdin/abcdin.nsf#https://www.abcdin.cl/abcdin/abcdin.nsf/linea?openpage&cat=Audio&cattxt=TV%20y%20Audio&catpos=03&linea=LCD&lineatxt=LCD%20&
And here's my code:
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fullOutputPath));
HtmlPage page;
final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.INTERNET_EXPLORER_8);
page = webClient.getPage(url);
dumpString += page.asXml();
Some people say that I need to introduce a pause in my code, since the page takes a while to load in Google Chrome, but I set long pauses and it doesn't work.
Thanks in advanced.
Just some ideas...
Retrieving that URL with wget returns a non-trivial HTML file. Likewise running your code with webClient.setJavaScriptEnabled(false). So it's definitely something to do with the Javascript in the page.
With Javascript enabled, I see from the logs that a bunch of Javascript jobs are being queued up, and I get see corresponding errors like this:
EcmaError: lineNumber=[49] column=[0] lineSource=[<no source>] name=[TypeError] sourceName=[https://www.abcdin.cl/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js] message=[TypeError: Cannot read property "nodeType" from undefined (https://www.abcdin.cl/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js#49)]
com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ScriptException: TypeError: Cannot read property "nodeType" from undefined (https://www.abcdin.cl/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js#49)
Maybe those jobs are meant to populate your HTML? So when they fail, the resulting HTML is empty?
The error looks strange, as HtmlUnit usually has no issues with JQuery. I suspect the issue is with the code calling that particular line of the JQuery library.

Multi-Page Form in Zend is Validating All Forms too early

I have been working through the Multi Page forms tutorial in the Zend Form Advanced Usage section of the documentation, http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.form.advanced.html.
My first page loads fine, however when I submit it, the second page loads and it includes validation error messages. (Obviously I don't want to see validation errors for this page until the user has filled in the fields...)
I have tracked it down to the final line in the formIsValid() function. It seems that here validation is run for all elements in the three forms (not just the current one), so it's really no surprise that errors are showing on the second page.
I have tried the suggestion in the comments at the end of the tutorial, i.e. $data[$key] = $info[$key].
Have you had a crack at this tutorial? How did you solve the problem?
Any assistance is much appreciated!
I encountered the same problem this is how I solve it.
By replacing
public function formIsValid()
$data = array();
foreach ($this->getSessionNamespace() as $key => $info) {
$data[$key] = $info;
return $this->getForm()->isValid($data);
public function formIsValid()
$data = array();
foreach ($this->getSessionNamespace() as $key => $info) {
$data[$key] = $info[$key];
return (count($this->getStoredForms()) < count($this->getPotentialForms()))? false : $this->getForm()->isValid($data);
The documentations reads:
Currently, Multi-Page forms are not
officially supported in Zend_Form;
however, most support for implementing
them is available and can be utilized
with a little extra tooling.
The key to creating a multi-page form
is to utilize sub forms, but to
display only one such sub form per
page. This allows you to submit a
single sub form at a time and
validate it, but not process the form
until all sub forms are complete.
Are you sure you have been validating a single sub-form instead of just whole form?