iPhone SDK: Adding Input Field Group - iphone

I cannot find how to a text field group, similar to what is in the Address Book app:
(source: puc.edu)
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I can't find an option to make them look this way.
Also, does anyone know the font, font size and color?

As Devin mentioned it is just a UITableView with it's style set to Grouped. Then each cell contains a UITextField. They probably also worked their magic so when you click "Next" in the first cell, it automatically assigns the second cell as a first responder, which then moves the cursor down instead of putting the keyboard away.

This is a Table with the style set to "grouped".
Here's a reference: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TableView_iPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone/AboutTableViewsiPhone.html


How to create an expandable and collapsable menu WITHOUT a tableviewcontroller

I have a question. I am trying to create an expandable FAQ menu without using a tableviewcontroller. The reason I don't want to use a tableview is because I don't want expandable cells, rather, I want a buttonclick to reveal a label while also sliding down any other buttons on this page.
I'm using Swift in Xcode 7.3
If anyone has any suggestions/knows of a tutorial/a forum post, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Sure,nyou could use buttons, and either change constraints on label heights or dynamically add labels. That's a lot of effort and code.
Or, you could use a table view and one of the myriad guides. Remember that table views don't have to be selectable on ever row, and they don't have to display row separator lines (UI).
Indeed you could disable selection on all rows and add buttons to some rows, though I'd personally say that's overkill and why require the user to be 100% accurate with the tap on a button which in your sample image doesn't even look like a button.

Should I make separate UIViewController just because a single row is different in layout

I am a very basic SWIFT Xcode programmer. I make small apps.
For last 2 days, I am stuck at a very simple thing and I am sure with your guidance I can quickly make a decision.
I have a UIViewController class as well as an xib
In the layout I have 4 textfields
Now based on a user setting (in another frame user make a choice), I will either have to show 4 textfields ** OR ** 3 textfields and a UISwitch.
Long story short, if user select one option he should see UISwitch and 3 textfields or else 4 textfield. The labels's text also change.
To my limited knowledge, I will make another UIViewController, another XIB file and if user selection allows I will segue to the new UIViewController.
But all this looks so redundant. How do you smart people do this thing?
I use size classes in my layout as well as constraints in the visual editor for positioning of elements on the layout. If I change things programmatically, which is one option, how will I manage the layout ?
Please advise.
Show me the right path please.
When user select first option based on action show or hide the text field or switches, like when user select first option only show three text field and one UIswitch hide fourth text field.
And programatically change text field hint value and also set NSString Tag="first" so that when you want that value at the time of submit button you can apply if condition to tag and on that basis you can get your desired output on each selection.

iPhone - Text field covers entire screen

A beginners question: I've added a Text Field to my application. In IB it looks fine, having its size set to 100 x 30. However when running the app on simulator, the Text Field covers the entire screen. How do I fix that?
I think you have to check your file owner's connection with that textfield may be by mistek you have done connection from file owner's to textfied as view so remove thatone.
Checkout Utility view on the right side
Go to first tab
Uncheck Use Autolayout
Go to forth tab
Check Autoresize subviews
Following these steps may solve your problem
Enjoy Programming!!
Check Property for Text field for 'AutoSizing'
Hope, it'll help you.

UITextField, is it possible to get the text to wrap around to another line below the first line?

I've a UITextView, its quiet big, I sized it so it could fit 4 lines of text, so if the user wants to write a long note it can be read while its being written.
The problem is that text stays on the top line and it scrolls horizontally rather than wrapping around and dropping down to a line below it. Like you see when you write a text message on your phone.
Is there anything that can be done to get a UITextField to act like this? Or am I required to use an editable UITextView instead?
Looking at the docs it would seem UITextView cant provide the functionality I need.
Many Thanks
I do'nt think , It could be possible by using UITextField (support single line),You will have to use the UITextView (for multiline text) .
See the below tutorial , It grow at runtime while the user type the text using keyboard and can expend till certain line ...
If it is an IBOutlet than you can just enable vertical scroll and remove horizontal scroll from scrollers.
Hope this helps.

custom number pad

I want to create my own number pad to appear after user focus the textfield, so I have two question about it?
1.I use "Interface Builder to add a textfield in my view and select the "Number Pad" as the default pad for user to input number, so when I click the textfield, the number pad appear automaticlly, how can I stop it appear the number pad? because I want to show my number pad.
2.If I custom a view with number button inside it, how can I detect the event when I click the textfield? and whether after I detect the event I add a subview to show my custom number pad or not?
If you are creating a custom number pad (I assume this means a view with a grid of buttons), don't bother using a UITextField; there is no easy way to hide the native keyboard and, for all that trouble, there is nothing useful that the text field gives you.
I recommend creating a custom UIControl subclass. You can detect a touch inside the view and show your custom keypad that way. The documentation explains this pretty well.
I have a partial answer but not an ideal one, and I haven't tried this myself. Take a look at the documentation for the UITextFieldDelegate protocol.
You could have your controller set textField.delegate = self, then have it implement textFieldShouldBeginEditing to show your specialized keyboard somehow and then return NO so that it doesn't go into edit mode. When you tell your special keyboard to show itself, pass it a reference to the text field so it knows where to insert characters. The problem is that this probably won't show a cursor and won't let the user move the cursor to insert characters, etc.
So really this a bit ugly, but it may be sufficient. AFAIK there is no good way to do this :(