Passing variables to a Custom Zend Form Element - zend-framework

I'm trying to create a custom form element which extends Zend_Form_Element_Text with a validator (so I don't have to keep setting up the validator when I use certain elements). Anyway, I'm having trouble passing $maxChars variable to it when I instantiate it in my Main form. I've provided my shortened code below
This is my custom element below
class My_Form_Custom_Element extends Zend_Form_Element_Text
public $maxChars
public function init()
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $this->maxChars))
public function setProperties($maxChars)
$this->maxChars= $maxChars;
This is where I instantiate my custom form element.
class My_Form_Abc extends Zend_Form
public function __construct($options = null)
$customElement = new My_Form_Custom_Element('myCustomElement');
$customElement->setProperties(100); //**<----This is where i set the $maxChars**
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$submit -> setAttrib('id', 'submitbutton');
$this->addElements(array($customElement ,$submit));
When I try to pass '100' using $customElement->setProperties(100) in my Form, it doesnt get passed properly to my StringLength validator. I assume it's because the validator is getting called in Init? How can I fix this?

init() is called when you create an element, so before you call setProperties() and your $maxChars is not set then.
I see two solutions:
1 - Remove init() and move addValidator() to setProperties() method:
public function setProperties($name, $value)
switch( $name ) {
case 'maxChars':
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $value));
return $this;
2 - Do what you did in init() in render() - element is rendered at the end.
public function render()
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $this->maxChars))
return parent::render();
I think first is better one.


I can't pass parameters to the component Wire Elements Modal

I can't pass parameters to the component.
I have 3 files:
Inside Livewire/test.blade.php
onclick='Livewire.emit("openModal", "test-modal", {{ json_encode(["id_code" => $client->id_code]) }})'>
Inside /Http/Livewire/TestModal.php
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function render($id_code)
return view('livewire.test-modal');
And livewire.test-modal which displays the content of the modal window.
But I can't get the id_code.
Let's see if someone can help me with this. Thanks.
So I had the same issue pretty much.
I solved it by adding the $id_code to the mount method. I hope it helps
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function mount($id_code){
$this->id_code = $id_code
public function render()
$elCliente = Client::where("erp_code", $this->id_code)->first();
return view('livewire.test-modal');
Livewire.emit("openModal") will emit an event that you can listen to in your components. The render() method in Livewire does not accept a parameter, so instead you need to listen to that event, and do your actions in a separate method instead.
By adding
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
the component will now listen to the event openModal (key in the array) being dispatched, and then fire the method openModal() (value in the array). Since you pass in two parameters, "test-modal" and a JSON parameter, you can accept those in that method.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
public function openModal($name, $data)
$this->id_code = $data['id_code'];
public function render()
return view('livewire.test-modal');

Yii2 Rest Controller and public variable

I have made a REST controller with Yii2 framework. When I try to retrieve a record from my database through an ActiveRecord model, JsonFormatter give me only real attributes. How can configure JsonFormatter to give me also public variable?
This is my code:
class MyController extends yii\rest\ActiveController
public function actionView($id)
$struct = \common\models\Struct::find()->where(['id' => '285'])->One();
if ($struct) {
return $struct;
return false;
* property string $id;
* property string $name;
class Struct extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public $test;
public function afterFind()
$this->test = 'ok';
result of request
{"id":1,"name": "ciccio"}
but if I print variable with print_r(), I have all object
\app\models\Struct object
[test] => ok
[_attributes:yii\db\BaseActiveRecord:private] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => ciccio
How can I get the variable test property without add an empty field on my database table?
You can override the ActiveRecord::fields() method to add the custom field that is declared as the public property of the class. The fields() method returns the names of the columns whose values have been populated into this record.
Looking at your code you are trying to set the test property inside the afterFind() and want that value to be reflected against all rows when you call the Model::find() method. If that is correct then add the following inside your model:
public function fields() {
$fields = parent::fields();
$fields['test'] = 'test';
return $fields;
Now when you call the \common\models\Struct::find() it will return
{"id":1,"name": "ciccio","test":"ok"}
Try this:
keep all you showed and then Override getAttributes
public function getAttributes($names = null, $except = [])
return array_merge(['test'=>$this->test], parent::getAttributes($names, $except));
and in your controller isted of return like this: return $struct;
do it like this: return $struct->attributes;

Yii2 rest create - saving to DB

I am trying to save data from the form using yii2 rest api controller, standard create action. New line is created in DB, and id is returned, but data from POST is not saved - only zeroes appear in DB, then I overrided create action by my own one, the same situation. But if I directly save to DB, without rest api controller, data is saved successfully.
What can be a reason of such strange saving to DB? Thanks!
By the way, in index I can see post data in the format: {"_csrf":"wergferw","table_name":{"sum":25000,"currency":1}}
Controller is very simple:
namespace frontend\controllers;
use yii;
use yii\rest\ActiveController;
use yii\web\Response;
class DemandController extends ActiveController
public $modelClass = 'frontend\models\Demands';
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
= Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return $behaviors;
I get reply in rest:
Model is generated by gii
namespace frontend\models;
use Yii;
class Demands extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function tableName()
return 'demands';
public function rules()
return [
[['sum', 'currency'], 'required'],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'sum' => 'Sum',
'currency' => 'Currency',
If none of the posted data appears in the database, it sounds like a post format issue to me. Check that your HTTP Post headers have "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
I am also having the problem so after changing this line it's worked for me..
You try to change the model->load() method inside yii/rest/createAction
public function run()
$model->load(Yii::$app->getRequest()->getBodyParams(), '');
change this line to
see this link for more info -
The model->load($data,$formName) - the $data should be $_GET or $_POST value of array and $formName use to load the data into the model. If not set, formName() is used. so u have to change the model->load() in createAction class.
Better you have to override the activecontroller default create action then try
class CabController extends ActiveController
public $modelClass = 'api\modules\v1\models\Cab';
public function actions(){
$actions = parent::actions();
return $actions;
/* Declare methods supported by APIs */
protected function verbs(){
return [
'create' => ['POST'],
'update' => ['PUT', 'PATCH','POST'],
'delete' => ['DELETE'],
'view' => ['GET'],
public function actionCreate(){
Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$model = new Cab;
$post_data = Yii::$app->request->post();
return $model;
Include safe columns in your model
public function rules()
return [
[['sum', 'currency'], 'safe'],

ZF2 Dependent Form Fields

How can i set a input filter which is dependent from another input field.
I want to set a form field as required only when the othe form field (checkbox) is selected.
How can i handle this in zf2 ?
I use the same idea as Crisp but I prefer to do it in the Form classes instead of the controller. I think it's better to have all validators defined all together in the same place. I do it this way:
1 - All Form classes inherits from a custom BaseForm:
class BaseForm extends ProvidesEventsForm
private $postData;
protected function getPostData() {
return $this->postData;
public function __construct( $name = null, $serviceManager ) {
parent::__construct( $name );
$this->serviceManager = $serviceManager;
$this->request = $serviceManager->get( 'Application' )->getMvcEvent()->getRequest();
$this->postData = get_object_vars( $this->request->getPost() );
This way you can easily pick any value from the post, like your checkbox (you can do the same approach with the route parameters, so you'll have all the view data in your Form).
2 - In the FormEdit class that inherits from BaseForm, you pass the getPostData() value to the SomeFilter this way:
class FormEdit extends BaseForm
public function __construct( $name = null, $serviceManager ) {
parent::__construct( $name, $serviceManager );
$filter = new SomeFilter( $this->getPostData() );
$this->setInputFilter( $filter );
3 - And now just use it in the SomeFilter:
class SomeFilter extends InputFilter
public function __construct( $postData ) {
if ( $postData[ 'checkbox' ] ) {
$this->add( array(
'name' => 'other_input',
'required' => true,
) );
This way you keep the Controller clean and all the validators in the same place.
You could test if the checkbox is populated and setValidationGroup accordingly on the form before validating it in your controller action...
public function someAction()
$form = new MyForm; // contains name, title, checkbox, required_if_checked fields
// usual form related setup
if ($request->isPost()) {
// see if the checkbox is checked
$checked = $this->params()->fromPost('checkbox', false);
// not checked, set validation group, omitting the dependent field
if (!$checked) {
'checkbox', // could probably skip this too
if ($form->isValid()) {
// do stuff with valid data

How to pass params from controller to Zend_Form?

I know this question is already answered here. But this doesnt work for me.
The Form is generated by using the PluginLoader:
$formClass = Zend_Registry::get('formloader')->load('Payment');
$form = new $formClass(array('someval' => $my_arr));
class Form_Payment extends Zend_Form
protected $_someval = array();
public function init()
$this->addElement('multiCheckbox', 'store_id', array('label' => 'Someval:', 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $this->getSomeval()))
public function setSomeval($someval) {
$this->_someval = $someval;
public function getSomeval() {
return $this->_someval;
As I can see the load method only returns the class name, so new $formClass(); is equal new Form_Payment() but why this isn't accept params?
Ok I found a way by myself. I was looking for a way to inject some params while my Zend_Form was initialised. It seems the only way for this is to pass the params to the constructor - which is executed before the init method.
class Form_Payment extends Zend_Form
private $_someval;
public function __construct(array $params = array())
$this->_someval = $params['someval'];
public function init()
$this->addElement('multiCheckbox', 'store_id',
array('label' => 'Someval:',
'required' => true,
'multiOptions' => $this->_someval // passed params now available
You can add custom function to your form class like
class Form_Payment extends Zend_Form
public function init()
// and so on
public function doSome()
and call it after instanciating form in controller
$form = new $formClass();