I can't pass parameters to the component Wire Elements Modal - modal-dialog

I can't pass parameters to the component.
I have 3 files:
Inside Livewire/test.blade.php
onclick='Livewire.emit("openModal", "test-modal", {{ json_encode(["id_code" => $client->id_code]) }})'>
Inside /Http/Livewire/TestModal.php
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function render($id_code)
return view('livewire.test-modal');
And livewire.test-modal which displays the content of the modal window.
But I can't get the id_code.
Let's see if someone can help me with this. Thanks.

So I had the same issue pretty much.
I solved it by adding the $id_code to the mount method. I hope it helps
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function mount($id_code){
$this->id_code = $id_code
public function render()
$elCliente = Client::where("erp_code", $this->id_code)->first();
return view('livewire.test-modal');

Livewire.emit("openModal") will emit an event that you can listen to in your components. The render() method in Livewire does not accept a parameter, so instead you need to listen to that event, and do your actions in a separate method instead.
By adding
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
the component will now listen to the event openModal (key in the array) being dispatched, and then fire the method openModal() (value in the array). Since you pass in two parameters, "test-modal" and a JSON parameter, you can accept those in that method.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
public function openModal($name, $data)
$this->id_code = $data['id_code'];
public function render()
return view('livewire.test-modal');


How to dynamically change the children in a view in a vsc extension

The code examples for TreeDataProviders on github sometimes show a refresh method but I'm not sure how to use it. Do I just call refresh() and pass in the data to be used by getChildren() and just update the class property that getChildren uses?
The refresh() function usually triggers the onDidChangeTreeData even, to which the base class (TreeDataProvider) is listening. It will then call getChildren again to re-fill the tree. See also the description of that event:
* An optional event to signal that an element or root has changed.
* This will trigger the view to update the changed element/root and its children recursively (if shown).
* To signal that root has changed, do not pass any argument or pass `undefined` or `null`.
onDidChangeTreeData?: Event<T | undefined | null>;
You can design the refresh function as you like, e.g. passing in new data, or you keep a reference to an applicationm data provider in the tree provider (e.g. passed to it in the c-tor). Up to you.
There are a few methods on the TreeDataProvider that are important to know about...
getChildren - method to obtain the data for items that will be displayed in the tree. This should return an array -- don't worry about turning the data into a TreeItem yet, this is just raw data.
getTreeItem - called on each item in the array returned by getChildren. Should return a single TreeItem using the data provided..
onDidChangeTreeData - a vscode.Event that, when changed, will trigger getChildren to be re-evaluated. This can be done by creating a vscode.EventEmitter(let's call it eventEmitter) and calling the fire method on the eventEmitter. This will cause the eventEmitter.event to be updated/triggered.
Here is an example of how to set up a TreeDataProvider, that I hope will help illustrate how to create the EventEmitter, set the TreeDataProvider's onDidChangeTreeData property to the event of the EventEmitter, and create/export a refresh method that can be called to trigger an update of the data.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export class AccountsProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<Account> {
private accounts: Array<Account>;
constructor() {
this.accounts = getAccounts();
_onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.EventEmitter<undefined> =
new vscode.EventEmitter<undefined>();
onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.Event<undefined> =
refresh(): void {
getTreeItem(a: Account): vscode.TreeItem {
return new AccountTreeItem(
getChildren(): Thenable<Account[] | undefined> {
this.accounts = getAccounts();
if (this.accounts) {
return Promise.resolve(this.accounts);
return Promise.resolve([]);
export class AccountTreeItem extends vscode.TreeItem {
public readonly name: string,
public readonly id: string,
public readonly accountData: Account,
public readonly collapsibleState: vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState,
public readonly iconPath: string = new vscode.ThemeIcon('account'),
public readonly contextValue: string = 'accountTreeItem'
) {
super(name, collapsibleState);
this.tooltip = `Active Account: ${accountData.name}`;
Importing and triggering refresh method
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { AccountsProvider } from 'accountsProvider'; // The TreeDataProvider
const accountProvider = new AccountsProvider();
vscode.commands.registerCommand('ext.accounts.refresh', () => {

Laravel redirect to post method

To stay basic I would like to create a bookmark app
I have a simple bookmarklet
I created a rest controller
use zas\Repositories\DbLinkRepository;
class LinksController extends BaseController {
protected $link;
function __construct(DbLinkRepository $link) {
// ...
//$this->beforeFilter('auth.basic', array('except' => array('index', 'show', 'store')));
// ...
public function index()
//return Redirect::to('home');
public function create()
public function store()
return 'hello';
//return Redirect::to(Input::get('url'));
public function show($id)
//$url = $this->link->getUrl($id);
//return Redirect::to($url);
public function edit($id)
public function update($id){
public function destroy($id){
in the routes.php, I created a ressource
and as I want to redirect /add to the store method I added
return Redirect::action('LinksController#store');
but it never display the hello message, in place it redirects me to
I also tried with
return Redirect::route('links.store');
without much success
thanks for your help
Ok I now get what you are trying to do. This will work:
Route::get('add', 'LinksController#store');
and remove:
return Redirect::action('LinksController#store');
Sorry it took so long!
The problem is that once you Redirect::, you loose all the Input values, so you should manually give them to your controller when you do the redirect, like so :
Redirect::route('links.store', ["url" => Input::get("url")]);
Finally add an $url parameter to your store method to receive the value we give it in the previous method, like this :
public function store($url) {
return Redirect::to($url);

Get route params in RESTful controller

In my RestController which extends AbstractRestfulController, I can get the route params in the implemented functions such as...
public function create($data)
$entity = $this->params()->fromRoute('entity');
... but when I do the same in the constructor like this
public function __construct()
$entity = $this->params()->fromRoute('entity');
I get Call to a member function getParam() on a non-object.
Why is that? How can I get the route parameters in the constructor?
What I am trying to do
Since I'm trying to create a generic controller, there is a part of the restful route that is shared for all actions (resp. verbs). The entity for which the request is made. I'd like to store this in a class parameter for convenience.
Normally you'd write a method to proxy to whatever value you need, and just call that method, it's only a little more expensive to call $this->getEntity() than it is to call $this->entity, which, as far as I can tell is the stated aim
class RestController
protected $entity;
public function getEntity()
if (!$this->entity) {
$this->entity = $this->params()->fromRoute('entity');
return $this->entity;
If you really do want to pre-populate the entity property, the simplest method is to use an initializer, and move the code from your __constructor to init(). Have your controller implement \Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface
use Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface;
class RestController extends AbstractRestfulController implements InitializableInterface
protected $entity;
public function init() {
$this->entity = $this->params()->fromRoute('entity');
Add an initializer to the controller loader in your module boostrap
use Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface;
class Module
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$controllers = $sm->get('ControllerLoader');
$controllers->addInitializer(function($controller, $cl) {
if ($controller instanceof InitializableInterface) {
}, false); // false tells the loader to run this initializer after all others
That would not make any sense as the route is matched to a particular action.
You can't route to a constructor, therefore how could you get route parameters there?
If you give an idea of what you are trying to do then I could suggest a better/nicer way to do it

GWT Widget.addHandler

I am trying to utilize Widget.addHandler(). However, the handler never gets called. Below is my sample code. What do I need to change to fix this?
My Handler Implementation:
public class CustomMouseMoveHandler
extends GwtEvent.Type<MouseMoveHandler>
implements MouseMoveHandler
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
System.out.println("----> onMouseMove.");
My EntryPoint.OnModuleLoad():
ContentPanel cp = new ContentPanel();
CustomMouseMoveHandler handler = new CustomMouseMoveHandler();
cp.addHandler(handler, handler);
Added on 7/1/2011.
The following complete GWT simple code does not work either (with Jason's hint applied). Please help me out. Thanks
package tut.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveHandler;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TextArea;
* Entry point classes define <code>onModuleLoad()</code>.
public class GwtHandler implements EntryPoint, MouseMoveHandler {
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
TextArea comp = new TextArea();
comp.setSize("200px", "200px");
comp.setText("Testing Text");
comp.addHandler(this, MouseMoveEvent.getType());
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
GwtEvent.Type is used to dispatch events based on an event specific and unique object (object equality - == - is used to match event types). Passing your CustomMouseMoveHandler as the Type to addHandler indicates an event type other than that used for MouseMoveEvents (Indeed in this case every CustomMouseMoveHandler would be assigned to a different event Type since each object is different).
Instead of extending GwtEvent.Type<MouseMoveHandler> in your handler you need to get the event Type from MouseMoveEvent itself (using the static getType() method).
Don't extend GwtEvent.Type in your CustomMouseMoveHandler:
public class CustomMouseMoveHandler
implements MouseMoveHandler
And to add the handler:
cp.addDomHandler(handler, MouseMoveEvent.getType());
DomEvents have to be registered using addDomHandler, or you have to sinkEvents for their event type. addDomHandler is a shortcut for sinkEvents+addHandler.
Here's how I solved my problem. I wanted to add handlers to a NumberLabel. This is what worked:
final NumberLabel<Long> label = new NumberLabel<Long>();
MouseOverHandler handler = new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) {
System.out.println("mouse over");
Widget widget = label.asWidget();
widget.addDomHandler(handler, MouseOverEvent.getType());
Treating is as a Widget did the trick.
By the way, System.out.println worked.

Passing variables to a Custom Zend Form Element

I'm trying to create a custom form element which extends Zend_Form_Element_Text with a validator (so I don't have to keep setting up the validator when I use certain elements). Anyway, I'm having trouble passing $maxChars variable to it when I instantiate it in my Main form. I've provided my shortened code below
This is my custom element below
class My_Form_Custom_Element extends Zend_Form_Element_Text
public $maxChars
public function init()
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $this->maxChars))
public function setProperties($maxChars)
$this->maxChars= $maxChars;
This is where I instantiate my custom form element.
class My_Form_Abc extends Zend_Form
public function __construct($options = null)
$customElement = new My_Form_Custom_Element('myCustomElement');
$customElement->setProperties(100); //**<----This is where i set the $maxChars**
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('submit');
$submit -> setAttrib('id', 'submitbutton');
$this->addElements(array($customElement ,$submit));
When I try to pass '100' using $customElement->setProperties(100) in my Form, it doesnt get passed properly to my StringLength validator. I assume it's because the validator is getting called in Init? How can I fix this?
init() is called when you create an element, so before you call setProperties() and your $maxChars is not set then.
I see two solutions:
1 - Remove init() and move addValidator() to setProperties() method:
public function setProperties($name, $value)
switch( $name ) {
case 'maxChars':
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $value));
return $this;
2 - Do what you did in init() in render() - element is rendered at the end.
public function render()
$this->addValidator('StringLength', true, array(0, $this->maxChars))
return parent::render();
I think first is better one.