Adding another view to a view based application - iphone

I'm developing an iphone apllication that stores some data into a database. That is working fine. But now i have a problem when i want to show the data. Because to show the data i need to design another view. But i'm facing problem when i try to add another view.Is it possible to have multiple view in a view-based application,cause my application is a view-based application? If yes then how to do that? Please help me
Thanks in advance

yes. In principle you create your new view [alloc/ init], then display it.
Normally you would display it by pushing it onto the navigation controller stack.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newViewController animated:YES];
If you don't have a navigation controller, you either need to create one (your best bet might be to use xcode to make a navigation based application and take a look at how its put together).
If you just want to simply display a second view controller, then you can display that as a modal view controller: alloc/init your second view controller then display it with
[self presetModalViewController:newViewContoller animated:YES];
Finally you could do a front view/ flipside view. Take a look at the utility application template in xcode.

Yes it is possible to use multiple views. You can manually add them to the window by using addSubView.
You can also use a view controller like a UINavigationController or a UITabBarController.
It depends on how you want to display the views and how the user can switch between them.


Objective - C How to manage multiple views with View Controller iphone

I am new in developing iOS apps. I am trying to develop a multiple views app. My doubt is how to manage a multiple views app with View Controller, I mean, I do not want to use Navigation Controller nor Tab Controller.
My idea is to show a first View to choose the language, and after this, I want to show some different profiles in a table view. When you choose the profile, you get into a menu where you have some different functionalities (Once in this menu, I might use Navigation Controller).
My problem is that I don't know how to manage these two first views. I don't know if I have to declare them in the appDelegate, or if I can do it nesting one to other, I mean, I do the first view, and when I pressed the button, I declare the new view. Once in the new view, when I pressed a row in the table view, I make the another view.
I know it is a little bit confusing, so I hope you could understand it quite well.
I want to clarify that I am not using storyboards. My main doubt is what to do with all de view controllers, Do I have to declare all of them in the appDelegate? or Can I declare each view in every controller?
If you are using storyboards, you can use Segue's to navigate between the views, so you would show your first view, then you could tie a button to the next view (by control dragging in storyboard). If you want to transition programmatically you can use the performSegueWithIdentifier method. You could use the same approach to get from your tableViewController to your next viewController by using the performSegueWithIdentifier method from within the tableViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath delegate method (i.e. when a user taps a cell).
That should get you started. Good luck!
You really should be using storyboards. It's the way to do things these days. If you refuse, then the best approach is to create a container view controller that manages your "children" view controllers. You can find information on doing this, as well as the methods needed to present/remove child view controllers here:
Custom Container View Controllers
You can use navigation controller with "hidden" property.
self.navController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
If you want to have two different views and transition between them, you will want to use UIViewControllers presented modally. Here is Apple's Guide to this.

iPhone Structure ViewController

I am designing an iPhone application with a home page. This page has multiple buttons (6) that go to different things.
2 buttons are a simple view that just have some information and go back to the home screen. The next button opens up an email and I believe that will just be one view, so not a whole lot different than the other two.
Here is where it gets complicated. One button will take a picture, and another will select one from the library. Once that is done it will edit it and create an object that I will create. That object will be stored in an array, which will be opened by the last button one the home page and a UITableViewController will control that.
My first question is should I use a navigation based view controller or just a view controller that I can create myself? Or should I use something that I don't even know about?
Please Help!!! And if you help a sincere thank you!
Well i tried it my own way first and the only issue i'm having is this code
- (void) displayView:(int)intNewView {
NSLog(#"%i", intNewView);
[home.view removeFromSuperview];
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc]init];
instructions = i;
[self.view insertSubview:instructions.view atIndex:0];
It is in my SwitchClass, which controls the Main Window's view. I know it is working there because when it first runs the switch class directs it to the home screen. I know the method is being called because the console is displaying the NSLog thing, but it just won't switch.
Aside from the fact that you have 6 buttons, I would try and use a UITabBarController for what you are trying to do; it would seem more natural to me (but you should find a way to reduce you 6 button to 5, otherwise they will not be displayed all at once).
Otherwise, a UINavigationController seems fine to me. For each button you push a new controller to deal with that button functionality, then you pop back. It should work easily.
have you tried with?
[self.view addSubview:instructions.view];
Your first question Yes you should use navigation based controller ... so when you press any button will open the other view controller with animation.. also Navigation Based Controller keep track of the parent controller if you have any created objects will be retained in the parent view controller that is the root of the Navigation.
here is the steps that you should use.
1-Create Navigation controller in the main application delegate and make it's root is the view controller.
2-when you push the view controller that have 6 buttons .
3- you can check this link for get photo album also if you have changed the source type to camera then you can get the image...
Photo Libaray
4- once you get the image you can add it to NSMutableArray that exist on the NavigationViewController root in your case will be the view which have the 6 buttons.
5-sice every time you want to view the array which contain the photos you will initialize the data source of the uitableviewcontroller with the array that you save photos on.
I think the problem is coming from one of two places:
As I understand it, these are all different View Controllers, correct? And they have their own xib files? If that is true, then calling:
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc]init];
is insufficient. You need to use
Instructions *i = [[Instructions alloc] initWithNibNamed:#"Instructions"];
in order to include that view that you have already constructed in the interface builder.
The other thing I see potentially going wrong is that you are inserting all the views at the same index. Think of the index as a layer in photoshop. If you want the new view to be visible overtop of the last one, then it needs to be a higher index. This is handled automatically if you use addSubview: instead of insertSubview: atIndex:

using dismissModalViewControllerAnimated without deallocating modal view controller

I'm creating an app using the iPhone Utility App framework, and I'm trying to use a navigation controller on the flipside view, as there will be a lot of drilldown options on this view. When I'm done with this view, I call the following code:
- (IBAction)done:(id)sender
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
When I dismiss this view, I want to be able to go back to the place in the navigation I was currently at when I reopen this view again. However, when I dismiss this view using this method, the vc gets deallocated, therefore the menu starts back at the beginning when I try to go back to the menu.
You'll need to retain a reference to the object (I'm calling it the options controller). I would say the easiest way is to create an iVar in the presenting view controller that references the options controller. Then, when you go to present the options controller again, just present the referenced options controller rather than creating a new controller. If different view controller objects can present the options controller, you'll need to either pass that reference around, or store it in some object that all the other view controllers have access to.
Hmm not much code so maybe I'm misunderstanding your setup, but...
You could use the AppDelegate to store (as a property) your current position (index) in the views collection of the Navigation controller, and then write a method that pushes to that (stored) position when you re-visit it later.
Might be an easier way to do it though..
So what you want is to flip from a view to another view? If you want to keep the navigation bar status between flipping, I recommend you use only one view controller to control this 2 views. you can use + transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: of UIView to flip views.

How To Create Multiple Views Without A Navigation Controller?

I am trying to create multiple views in my view-based iPhone app in Xcode 4. I have followed many tutorials and read many articles but none of them have worked. I figured out that they require a Navigation Controller. How can I create 2 views that are switched with a button without a Navigation Controller?
I would use presentModalViewController. There are a ton of youtube videos on how to switch views, some of them don't have presentModalViewController so you have to watch the video to see if they write presentModalViewController in their code. I always use presentModalViewController.
you can create one additional view and keep it as a retained variable in your controller and on demand, you can do
[self.view addSubview:secondView];
//or - to remove second view and show first view
[secondView removeFromSuperView];
Why not use a UINavigationController but disable the navigation bar?
It's the easiest way to do it. And it will avoid many issues that can come about with incorrect view controller programming. Your users will never know the difference - there are no visual clues that you've done it that way.

How to achieve this in my iPhone/iPad application?

How to get above thing in my application?
What is this? I don't know what we call this type of thing can any one guide me for this and the technical term of this?
Thanks in advance..
You can use one view controller to present another view controller modally on top of it.
[currentViewController presentModalViewController:viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow
By default, the modal view controller will be full-screen, but you can change the size to one of two other presets.
[viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationPageSheet];
[viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationFormSheet];
Additionally, you can set the transition used to display the modal window on screen by using setModalTransitionStyle:.
The screenshot posted above is not using any of these presets; as the other commenters mentioned, it is a custom modal window that doesn't leverage UIKit's built-in modal functionality.