How to achieve this in my iPhone/iPad application? - iphone

How to get above thing in my application?
What is this? I don't know what we call this type of thing can any one guide me for this and the technical term of this?
Thanks in advance..

You can use one view controller to present another view controller modally on top of it.
[currentViewController presentModalViewController:viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow
By default, the modal view controller will be full-screen, but you can change the size to one of two other presets.
[viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationPageSheet];
[viewControllerToPresentInModalWindow setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationFormSheet];
Additionally, you can set the transition used to display the modal window on screen by using setModalTransitionStyle:.
The screenshot posted above is not using any of these presets; as the other commenters mentioned, it is a custom modal window that doesn't leverage UIKit's built-in modal functionality.


"Warp" to a view iPhone iOS

I am currently developing an App based on a Navigation Controller. However, when the user logs out, I'd like to go to the initial screen and destroy all of the other views that were stacked. What is the best way to do that?
I've tried doing what both answers suggested but I got a nil navigationViewController. So I'll add another detail that I thought was not useful before. Actually I am trying to perform this operation from a TabViewController that is embedded in a NavigationController. I apologize if that changes anything.
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Send a popToRootViewControllerAnimated message to the navigation controller

How To Create Multiple Views Without A Navigation Controller?

I am trying to create multiple views in my view-based iPhone app in Xcode 4. I have followed many tutorials and read many articles but none of them have worked. I figured out that they require a Navigation Controller. How can I create 2 views that are switched with a button without a Navigation Controller?
I would use presentModalViewController. There are a ton of youtube videos on how to switch views, some of them don't have presentModalViewController so you have to watch the video to see if they write presentModalViewController in their code. I always use presentModalViewController.
you can create one additional view and keep it as a retained variable in your controller and on demand, you can do
[self.view addSubview:secondView];
//or - to remove second view and show first view
[secondView removeFromSuperView];
Why not use a UINavigationController but disable the navigation bar?
It's the easiest way to do it. And it will avoid many issues that can come about with incorrect view controller programming. Your users will never know the difference - there are no visual clues that you've done it that way.

Adding another view to a view based application

I'm developing an iphone apllication that stores some data into a database. That is working fine. But now i have a problem when i want to show the data. Because to show the data i need to design another view. But i'm facing problem when i try to add another view.Is it possible to have multiple view in a view-based application,cause my application is a view-based application? If yes then how to do that? Please help me
Thanks in advance
yes. In principle you create your new view [alloc/ init], then display it.
Normally you would display it by pushing it onto the navigation controller stack.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newViewController animated:YES];
If you don't have a navigation controller, you either need to create one (your best bet might be to use xcode to make a navigation based application and take a look at how its put together).
If you just want to simply display a second view controller, then you can display that as a modal view controller: alloc/init your second view controller then display it with
[self presetModalViewController:newViewContoller animated:YES];
Finally you could do a front view/ flipside view. Take a look at the utility application template in xcode.
Yes it is possible to use multiple views. You can manually add them to the window by using addSubView.
You can also use a view controller like a UINavigationController or a UITabBarController.
It depends on how you want to display the views and how the user can switch between them.

pushView - set Longger time - iPhone

I have following code in my application.
[self.navigationController pushViewController:x animated:YES];
It will push a new view to the application.
I want to change the animation time for pushing.
What should I Do?
You can't use the built-in UINavigationController Animation to accomplish this. It isn't customizable.
You will instead have to create your own animation, like with a CATransition. Then you can configure all of the attributes.
The only problem will be the navigation bar. You will have to handle that as well.
Also you will have to get the navigation hierarchy correct. You may have to be creative to get this right.

presentModalViewController is not working for the button event in iphone?

In my application i have used the UiViewController and able to push the other view using the PushViewController.
But, whenever i am using the presentModalViewController at that time i am not able to get whole functionality of the BackButton click event on the view which is working fine for the pushviewController.By using the debug i am able to reach at the function,but not able to execute the whole piece of code into that function.i have used below code.
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[self.navigationController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
But not able to get back to the push page.None of the lines effect is seen on the application.
Can any body give me any suggestion if i have done something unusual from transferring from PushviewController to presentModalViewController?
i just want the presentModalViewController in my application for some effect as horizontal or vertical.But,i am not able to see any effect of the event on that view.i am able to see the horizontal and vertical effect.
please guide me with proper resolution or any other solution which would be appreciated.
Mishal Shah.
I don't think the navigationController property is set inside of your ModalViewController. So saying self.navigationController wouldn't work inside of your Modal View Controller. That is, if that's even where you put it, I don't really understand from the way you formatted your question.
If you want more help post some more code/format it better/start accepting more answers to your questions.
I think accepted practice is to dismiss the modal view controller from the view control in which you presented it. Use a notification to send a message back to the presenting controller and dismiss it there.
I think that is what you were asking, the question is somewhat unclear.