Launch Apple's Stocks app, with a particular stock selected - iphone

I would like to launch Apple's Stocks app to show information for a particular stock, on a non-jailbroken phone. I'm not interesting in how to get a quote or graph a stock myself, just opening
I was hoping that the Stocks app would have a custom URL format, so opening a URL like stocks://AAPL would do the trick. But I haven't found anything documenting such a scheme, and suspect it doesn't exist.
Any other ideas, or is it impossible to integrate with the native Stocks app?

It doesn't exist, Apple publishes a list of iPhone URL schemes - Mail, phone, text, Maps, YouTube, and iTunes.
Maybe you could just pull the stock info yourself? There must be some kind of web service you can use.

Unfortunately this is not possible as Apple pulls its stock information from Yahoo! Finance. Maybe you can try opening a UIWebView/Safari and direct to the Yahoo! Finance as the next best thing?


How to know the source of a link and load web app accordingly

I'm making an online ordering web app in Flutter, there's a link to the app on the restaurant website. The app needs to know which restaurant website the customer came from so that it can load the correct menu.
How would you do this? Webhook?
I see two methods:
Referrer, Webbrowsers send a referrer-header. Maybe unstable for privacy browsers. More information
Link-Parameter, give each resturant a unique link (with More information

App Store review integration

I'd like to know how to put that menu inside my app that asks the user to review my app and redirects him to App Store to do so. Searched around but couldn't find much information, probably I'm not using the right keywords.
There's a nice library called Appirater for that.
If AppIRater is too heavy for you, you can send them directly to the page by using the format:
… where APP_ID is your iTunes numerical application id.

I localized my app to China, England, Dutch, etc. How do I go to local iTunes Store and check local feedback?

recently I uploaded my app internationally. I found that the app is selling in China compared to other countries that I localized my app to.
So, I would like access to Chinese Apple App Store so that I can read their feed back if there is any. But I only have ID for North America, not China.
I tried but this page is for downloading iTunes for Chinese users.
any ideas? many thanks.
I don't know about the web interface, but you can switch the store from within iTunes. There is a little country flag all the way down in the right corner. Click on it to get to a page where you can choose the country whose store to show.
You can browse other countries' stores, you need the ID only to buy.
Especially for languages you don't speak fluently, the following can also be helpful and will display your app (or any other app) in your browser in the language of your choosing. Search your own app on the web, you'll find a link like:
You can view the same information in other stores by changing the store identification part - "us" in the example link above for the United States store.
To see the Chinese page of your app, it would suffice to change "us" to "cn":
A quick and easy way to find what you're looking for.

How can I collect a list of all my iOS applications programmatically over the Internet?

I would like to collect all the iOS apps I have on my iTunes account programmatically via a web script, applet or anything possible over the web. Idea is to have a web page where I can enter my iTunes credentials and then display all these apps.
It looks like no open API is offered by Apple to do this so what's the best way to do it ?
The only way I can think of is an applet reading the XML files in the iTunes directory on my computer, but it's a poor solution regarding me for a few reasons.
EDIT : solution must be valide for any user (not only an iOS developer)
You can use the iTunes Store Search API to search for apps by your developer name, then filter the results by your developer ID in case anyone has a similar name.
It may interest you:
It's a document about iTunes Store Search API. It could be a starting-point.

iPhone apps: Linking to review page

I've seen several many apps link to the "write a review" page on the app store. What URL are they using? I know it's a Phobos URL.
You can use the following link:
Just replace the ID with your application’s ID. Unfortunately, the page you are taken to doesn't actually show your application's name; it just shows recent reviews for your application and allows the user to write their own. It's not a perfect solution, but so far it's the best we've got.
Also, that URL will only work on an iOS device. If you need one that works on the desktop, you can use the following:
See this blog post for more information.