How to send xml/application format in bottle? - bottle

If some one come to my url suppose /get it should give back a xml/application format in response in bottle framework. How can i do this? i am using elementree as xml generator.

Look on the official page for the cookie example and do it like this:
def xml():
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'xml/application'
....(create the xml here)......
return xml_content_whatever


How to crawl data from encrypted url?

I'm trying to use scrapy to collect the university's professors' contact information from its directory. Since I can't post more than 2 links, I put all links in the following picture.
I set last name equals from the drop-down menu as shown in the picture. Then I search all professors by last name.
Usually, the url will have some pattern from other universities' website. However, for this one, the original url is (1). It becomes (2)when I search 'An' as last name. It seems like 'An' is replaced by something like 529385FD5FF90A198625819E002B8B41? I'm not sure. Is there any way I can get the url that I need to send as a request? I mean, this time I search 'An'. If I search another last name like Lee. It will be another request. They are irregular. I can't find a pattern.
The scraper is not as complex as you think it is. It just makes a POST call from the form and that returns a GET request. Below would work
import scrapy
from scrapy.utils.response import open_in_browser
class univSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "univ"
start_urls = [""]
def parse(self, response):
yield FormRequest.from_response(response, formname="_DIRVNAM", formdata={"LastName": "Lalwani"},callback = self.search_result)
def search_result(self, response):

REST: Is it considered restful if API sends back two type of response?

We have stock website and we help buyers connect with the sellers. We are creating API to let buyers push their contact details and get back the seller details. This is transaction and get logged in our database. We have created following API:
The request is POST, the URL looks like:
The request body looks like:
"buyermobile": "9999999999",
"stockid": "123"
The response looks like:
"sellermobile" : "8888888888",
"selleraddress": "123 avenue park"
We have a new requirement, i.e. we need to send back PDF URL (instead of "sellermobile" & "selleraddress"). This PDF URL would contain the seller details in case it comes from one of our client.
We have modified the same API, now the request body looks like:
"buyermobile": "9999999999",
"stockid": "123",
"ispdf": true
The response looks like:
"sellerdetailspdf" : "",
Is it RESTFUL to do this? OR we should create separate API for getting response as PDF?
I wouldn't approach it this way. What happens when you need to add XLS? Do you add "isxls" to the request too?
Things I'd consider:
Use a mime type for content negotiation. Post the same request, and specify in the Accept header what you expect back - JSON, PDF, etc. You're then actually getting the report instead of a link to the report, which may or may not be better.
- or -
Include a link in the typical lead response.
"sellermobile" : "8888888888",
"selleraddress": "123 avenue park",
"_links": {
"seller-details-pdf": ""
- or -
Support a query parameter that specifies the type in the response.
- or -
Have a single property that specifies the type in the response, rather than a boolean. Much cleaner to extend when you add new response types.
The first two options have the bonus that you don't require clients to handle multiple response types to a single request. That's not forbidden by any spec, but it's annoying for clients. Try not to annoy the people who you want to pay you. :)
Again the implementation looks good to me, however you could potentially look at breaking the return of the PDF URL to another endpoint maybe something like api/lead/pdf that way your request body is the same for api/lead and all subsequent endpoints under /lead. Allowing your routes and other code to handle small portioned tasks instead of having a route that handles multiple flags and multiple code routes.
That looks good to me - the same type of input should give the same type of response but in your case you have two different types of input - one with the "ispdf" flag and one without. So it's consistent to responds with two different types of response, one with the PDF link and one without.
That's still something you'll want to document but basically it's a correct implementation.

How convert html or URL output of Scala to JSON

val url = ""
val result =
This gives me the complete HTML page. I want to access individual html elements of this web-page now to do some data analysis. In C# we did it using DYNAMIC variable and then putting html data into some class (json object).
How can we format this URL result to some classes for analysis?
Problem is to download HTML URL page, access its individual elements through Scala code.
Give a look to scala-scraper:

How to post a file in grails

I am trying to use HTTP to POST a file to an outside API from within a grails service. I've installed the rest plugin and I'm using code like the following:
def theFile = new File("/tmp/blah.txt")
def postBody = [myFile: theFile, foo:'bar']
withHttp(uri: "http://picard:8080/breeze/project/acceptFile") {
def html = post(body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC)
The post works, however, the 'myFile' param appears to be a string rather than an actual file. I have not had any success trying to google for things like "how to post a file in grails" since most of the results end up dealing with handling an uploaded file from a form.
I think I'm using the right requestContentType, but I might have missed something in the documentation.
POSTing a file is not as simple as what you have included in your question (sadly). Also, it depends on what the API you are calling is expecting, e.g. some API expect files as base64 encoded text, while others accept them as mime-multipart.
Since you are using the rest plugin, as far as I can recall it uses the Apache HttpClient, I think this link should provide enough info to get you started (assuming you are dealing with mime-multipart). It shouldn't be too hard to change it around to work with your API and perhaps make it a bit 'groovy-ier'

How can I check my post data in Zend?

I am a beginner and I am creating some forms to be posted into MySQL using Zend, and I am in the process of debugging but I don't really know how to debug anything using Zend. I want to submit the form and see if my custom forms are concatenating the data properly before it goes into MySQL, so I want to catch the post data to see a few things. How can I do this?
The Default route for zend framework application looks like the following$controller/$action/$param1/$value1/.../$paramX/$valueX
So all $_GET-Parameters simply get contenated onto the url in the above manner /param/value
Let's say you are within IndexController and indexAction() in here you call a form. Now there's possible two things happening:
You do not define a Form-Action, then you will send the form back to IndexController:indexAction()
You define a Form action via $form->setAction('/index/process') in that case you would end up at IndexController:processAction()
The way to access the Params is already defined above. Whereas $this->_getParam() equals $this->getRequest()->getParam() and $this->_getAllParams() equals $this->getRequest->getParams()
The right way yo check data of Zend Stuff is using Zend_Debug as #vascowhite has pointed out. If you want to see the final Query-String (in case you're manually building queries), then you can simply put in the insert variable into Zend_Debug::dump()
you can use $this->_getAllParams();.
For example: var_dump($this->_getAllParams()); die; will output all the parameters ZF received and halt the execution of the script. To be used in your receiving Action.
Also, $this->_getParam("param name"); will get a specific parameter from the request.
The easiest way to check variables in Zend Framework is to use Zend_Debug::dump($variable); so you can do this:-
Zend framework is built on the top of the PHP . so you can use var_dump($_POST) to check the post variables.
ZF has provided its own functions to get all the post variables.. Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost())
or specifically for one variable.. you can use Zend_Debug::dump($this->getRequest()->getPost($key))
You can check post data by using zend
and for retrieving post data
For example
if ($request->isPost()) {
$postData = $request->getPost();
Zend_Debug::dump($postData );