ColdFusion email - is there a way to confirm the email has been sent? - email

Just using the standard cfmail tag, is there a way we can confirm that the email has been sent?
I tried cftry/cfcatch but that only confirms that there were no errors in processing the tag, if I put in an invalid mail server, it passes (but mail obviously doesnt send)

One hackish way, if do not have access to the logs, is to bcc an alternate address.

If it is not in the spool folder, and not in the error log, it has been sent.
see: Using ColdFusion with mail servers

You can always write a routine to check the mail log. That requires you to have access to the log files.

If you turn off spooling the messages to disk, they'll attempt to be sent immediately. Then you can trap with try/catch which should let you log any SMTP errors. If you don't get an error then you are reasonably assured that the message was sent successfully.
This may have negative ramifications for performance under load. It will also negatively impact the user experience as the user will be waiting for the SMTP negotiation that usually takes place in the background. You might then consider using CFTHREAD, but then why not just use the native spooling?


Multiple emails with ZF2 & Amazon SES

I'm sending emails using Zend Framework 2's SMTP transport, and through Amazon's Simple Email Service. Everything works great until I need to send more than one email in the same request - then I get this weird exception.
Fatal error: uncaught Exception
with message
'Could not read from'
on line 308
I've tried doing an rset() on the connection, and it just produces the same error. Right now I've resorted to manually calling disconnect() after every send() - which makes ZF2 reconnect the next time and it works - but obviously not ideal.
I'm using ServiceLocator & Factories, therefore all this is happening on the one single connection (as it should).
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any ideas?
It is the same email or different content? If same you can just put another addTo or addBcc inside same request.
Also try to check with amazon how many mails you can send at once, I know they have a limit on mail sending. (I used amazon for shared webhosting and I need to request permission to send more emails at once).

Accept all incoming email, send messages from multiple identities

I am working on a research project that has to do with responding to spam. I want to implement the following functionality:
1. A mail server that saves all incoming email messages in an easily accessable form - hard drive, database, etc. For example, if someone sends a message to or, this message should be accepted and saved.
2. I should be able to reply to these messages from the same server/account. E.g. a message gets delivered to, so the spammer receives a response from the same address.
Any suggestions on any software / packages that can help me with that? If I can interface with them with Java or Python, it would be even better.
you could run a postfix mailserver with fuglu,a python framework for mail filters. it would be very simple to write a plugin that does what you want.
but remember: responding to spam is in most cases a bad idea. the sender address is almost always forged, so the reply goes some innocent victim instead of the spammers inbox and your server could be blacklisted for backscattering.

Handling undelivered emails using Zend Mail

I'm sending newsletter using Zend Mail. I have used setReturnPath() to put all undelivered mail notifications in one place.
And what now?
How to get the list of addresses which were unreachable?
How do I read and parse the returned notifications?
How to know whether the mail returned because of non existing email or just quota exceeded?
Which headers do I need to send and check?
Variable Envelope Return Pathwiki
Handling undelivered emails in web appso
This class may be helpful. Can determine whether the mail is a bounce and return a response code with description:
Short Answer:
you can't do that in a simple way and not in your app.
Long Answer:
You should handle that in asynchronous way and outside your php app (at least in part). First of all you must setup the return address to something like as in the TimB answer. At this point all the notification sent by receiving smtp server will go to that address.
Then you need to setup the smtp daemon at mail exchanger to handle that kind of bounce messages and process them in some sort of pipe.
With a pipe you can forward the returned message to an external program which parse the message and extract the needed informations (i.e. the reason why the delivery is failed)
At that point in your program (which can be a cli script in your application) you can mark the address as failing and optionally can record why.
This is a pretty difficult task, which can't be handled in a simple application. Usually I use a dedicated software for large mailing list handling such as sympa which takes care of this task for you.
Otherwise you can use an external delivery service such as Sendgrid which will do the dirty job for you and report the failing addresses with a simple API. As a bonus with this solution, they are in the whitelists for all the major providers, so your email won't be marked as spam as far as you respect some simple rules (i.e. removing bouncing addresses and use an opt-in policy for your newsletter)
Well, the second link and especially the answer by TimB explains very well the procedure.
What may not be clear is that the return path is nothing other than a regular email account, i.e. you will get the email to that address. Zend_Mail is not waiting for a response and hence there is no list of addresses.

unable to deliver a pdf attachment to clients

On our website which is, we make a sale and an automated email is sent out to the client with an attached PDF invoice we create using a 3rd party app. We are having trouble getting these delivered successfully to some corporate clients. Yet we also send a copy of that same email to ourselves which we receive fine. We can then forward this on to the client and they do receive it no problems. So the original is not received but the forwarded mail is.
The webserver is a seperate IP address to our office Exchange server which sends the forwarded mail.
I have tried to find the difference between the 2 mails and it looked like a rich text issue, except that the mail is plain text or html!
The question is a little vague i know as i do not know where to look for the best. It seems to make no differenec which mail program is used, we tried MailEable and it was the same thing.
Mail is logged on the web server as leaving and that is the last we see of it. It doesnt bounce but it is definatley delivered to the client server, but doesnt reach the recipient. We used to track thru Message Labs and it would say it had reached the destination server ok. We do not use ML anymore until we find the issue, keeping it simple.
We have no issues sending to AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo etc.
It appears something in the email is upsetting server based spam software.
We havnt been able to get hold of any email logs from clients.
any suggestions?
Check out this link mentioning a reason not related to size issues
The SMTP (internet mail protocol) RFC (An RFC is a document describing
the standards that make the Internet work.) explicitly states that the
length of a single unterminated line can be 1000 bytes, no larger.
Some SMTP servers violate this, and the Firebox (this is our firewall)
will drop the connection when the line length exceeds the configured
length, which defaults to 1000.
which might indicate your pdf generator and/or mail generator creates output that's not 100% standards compliant. Might be a good point to check as it could explain why certain customer suffer fom this problem only.
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
This means there was a violation at the client's ("customer's") mail server. The message exceeded a threshold/limit of some kind. It's not clear if this is a per-message limit or if the user's mailbox is just so full that it cannot accept another message.
Either way, this is mostly out of your control. Only thing you can do it try to keep your e-mail messages and attachments as small as possible. If you can, compress (zip) any attachments before sending.

What is better practice for error notification by email

This question is language independent.
I have an application that handles requests in a loop. During this loop for each request multiple actions are taken. These actions are sitting inside try / catch / log blocks.
I am now extending this to notify administrators of severe errors via email.
This is all very easy, except for one thing. We are relying on the client/s to implement their own email delivery redundancy, and I know from experience there will always be one client who just has one SMTP exchange server, and this is bound to go down from time to time.
So here is the dilemma:
Scenario 1 (don't handle the error during failed send) - when I send an email to admin and SMTP is down it will break the app (app will stop running, and additional loops will stop processing, because the error is unhandled) This means that the error reporting which was supposed to be beneficial to the app suddenly becomes the reason why 99/100 requests don't get processed because there was an issue with request 1.
Scenario 2 (handle the exception during failed send) - this means that I surround send code in try/catch/log blocks, great! the application processes all requests 99 of them, except one, but the admin now has no notification of this one error via email because when it tried to send SMTP was down, and that error was simply logged to the application log, the admin who doesn't check this log for days (even weeks) at a time now has no way to know that error took place.
So is there a win/win way to solve this problem or am I always going to be at a loss, and in the mercy of SMTP being up. Remember it is out of our scope to manage email server redundancy.
Extend scenario 2 to keep a record of which entries in the application log didn't get sent via email, and periodically poll this log for unsent entries and try to resend them - eventually the smtp service will be available again. (You might want to stop any resent errors from going back in the resend queue tho...)
I would suggest the "win-win" way would be to have a server admin who actually administrates the server, rather than one who is entirely unreachable when his mail server is down, and doesn't bother to check up on it afterwards to see if he missed any notifications.