Accept all incoming email, send messages from multiple identities - email

I am working on a research project that has to do with responding to spam. I want to implement the following functionality:
1. A mail server that saves all incoming email messages in an easily accessable form - hard drive, database, etc. For example, if someone sends a message to or, this message should be accepted and saved.
2. I should be able to reply to these messages from the same server/account. E.g. a message gets delivered to, so the spammer receives a response from the same address.
Any suggestions on any software / packages that can help me with that? If I can interface with them with Java or Python, it would be even better.

you could run a postfix mailserver with fuglu,a python framework for mail filters. it would be very simple to write a plugin that does what you want.
but remember: responding to spam is in most cases a bad idea. the sender address is almost always forged, so the reply goes some innocent victim instead of the spammers inbox and your server could be blacklisted for backscattering.


Analog of HTTP Redirect for SMTP

In HTTP, you can tell the client who asks for that it should ask for something.else/instead.
Is there a way to do it in SMTP? That is, if the client sends a message to, tell it to send it to jane#somewhere.else instead.
I know that I can receive the message and relay it to jane#somewhere.else. For many reasons I don't want to relay messages via my server. Instead, I want to tell the client that it should send it to another address.
The reasons include:
I cannot notify the client of a failure (well, perhaps this can be done).
My server will be blacklisted if the message was spam.
The destination server will consult blacklists with my IP and not with the original sender's IP, etc.
My motivation is:
If this were possible, perhaps it would be a better antispam measure than greylisting.
My institutional server has no antispam filters, while my personal server uses IP-based blacklists such as Spamcop. After the institutional server has received a message, I can scan the message at the client but it's too late to consult Spamcomp and to inform the sender that the message was filtered out (I consider it a must in any filtering). I wish the institutional server could simply redirect people to my personal server, which is a lot better protected and correctly informs the sender of the problem at the SMTP stage.
Sendmail provides FEATURE(redirect) to handle such cases.
It rejects recipient in reply to RCPT TO: with
551 5.1.1 User has moved; please try <>
Your email server refuses to accept the recipient with hint, it is up to sending host to generate bounce message to the sender. Spammers may/will get the new email too. I do not know any email servers handling automatically such redirects.
I have not investigated how well it is handled by various email clients and level of details provided in bounce message by various email servers.

sometimes my mail server doesn't send the emails

I'm usign amazon cloud services to host my webpage. Our web site, actually sends a lot of emails per hour. In one instant our server could be asked to send 30 mails or more.
Sometimes our clients complaint about not getting emails from the web, which is connected to our mail server to send emails. This doesn't happen if we send the email directly from our addresses to theirs, so I'm pretty much know is the web page who's causing the problem.
The thing is I don't know what is happening and neither know what to look for. I've checked memory and cpu of that server and everything seems to work fine
make sure your website sends the messages with a correct bounce address (aka envelope sender address). this does not have to be the same thing as the address in the From: header. by default, this is often something like "" - I don't know about amazon). these types of bounce addresses are bad because usually you don't receive the error message if something goes wrong. use a real email account. To check what bounce address you currently use, look at the message source of a received mail and see the Return-Path header.
check the logs of your mailserver for those missing messages. either it reports an error (in which case you should get the error to your bounce address) or it reports the message as sent to the target server (in which case you tell your clients to check THEIR maillogs since you can prove you have sent the message)

Why my own mail server can not deliver mail to gmail, hotmail etc.....?

I am trying to build a mail server using Ubuntu to send mail
I have done some research on that and find it is nearly impossible for a individual to send
the mail e.g. hotmail , gmail.
The question i am asking is not how to build a own server, it is why i can not build my own server.
To be precise:
1) what are the requirements to send to those e.g. hotmail ,gmail server ? e.g. mx record , clear dns record . (only from server aspect , not concerning other factors such as headers or mail content), It would be easier to understand if they are listed out.
2) I read some document and it said the problem can be overcome by relayhost, what is it about and is it feasible?
3) For those ISP , what are their procedure in building the mail server? How is it different from my own small Ubuntu one?
Sorry for asking a lot of question, any help would be nice and well appreciated .
Most people use an out-of-the-box package as a mail server, rather than trying to write one that follows all of the relevant RFC specifications for SMTP, Internet Message Format, IMAP4, POP3, etc.
I'm not saying "don't write your own", just that if you do, be prepared for months and months of hard work, lots of bugs and even more frustration. It's a big project.
In terms of sending messages, you will need to follow the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send messages; and they should be sent to the correct server, as per the recipient's DNS records - see RFC 1034 and RFC 1035.
If you are correctly using SMTP to send valid messages to the right server, there's not a lot else you can do.
Your next problem is going to be reputation. This would be the same, whichever software you use to send your messages.
It's easy for a spammer to set up a new mail server and start sending messages, so it will take a while for some mail servers to trust you (particularly those that are regularly targeted, such as Hotmail, Gmail, etc).
Instead of sending messages directly to the recipient's server, you can use SMTP to send the messages to a relay server. This would usually be your own ISP's server, but it can be any willing partner. You would normally need to make advance arrangements, so that they will permit you to relay messages.
The relay server would then attempt to send the message to the recipient server. If it cannot do so, it must report the failure to the sender.

Handling undelivered emails using Zend Mail

I'm sending newsletter using Zend Mail. I have used setReturnPath() to put all undelivered mail notifications in one place.
And what now?
How to get the list of addresses which were unreachable?
How do I read and parse the returned notifications?
How to know whether the mail returned because of non existing email or just quota exceeded?
Which headers do I need to send and check?
Variable Envelope Return Pathwiki
Handling undelivered emails in web appso
This class may be helpful. Can determine whether the mail is a bounce and return a response code with description:
Short Answer:
you can't do that in a simple way and not in your app.
Long Answer:
You should handle that in asynchronous way and outside your php app (at least in part). First of all you must setup the return address to something like as in the TimB answer. At this point all the notification sent by receiving smtp server will go to that address.
Then you need to setup the smtp daemon at mail exchanger to handle that kind of bounce messages and process them in some sort of pipe.
With a pipe you can forward the returned message to an external program which parse the message and extract the needed informations (i.e. the reason why the delivery is failed)
At that point in your program (which can be a cli script in your application) you can mark the address as failing and optionally can record why.
This is a pretty difficult task, which can't be handled in a simple application. Usually I use a dedicated software for large mailing list handling such as sympa which takes care of this task for you.
Otherwise you can use an external delivery service such as Sendgrid which will do the dirty job for you and report the failing addresses with a simple API. As a bonus with this solution, they are in the whitelists for all the major providers, so your email won't be marked as spam as far as you respect some simple rules (i.e. removing bouncing addresses and use an opt-in policy for your newsletter)
Well, the second link and especially the answer by TimB explains very well the procedure.
What may not be clear is that the return path is nothing other than a regular email account, i.e. you will get the email to that address. Zend_Mail is not waiting for a response and hence there is no list of addresses.

What are the best practices for applications that need to send automatic emails (like password recovery service) and avoid e-mail blacklists?

I work at a university, on a project for a web driven academic management system and I'm currently facing the following problem:
Sometimes the application needs to send e-mails, most of then are sent on demand (users ask for a password recovery link, for example). Many emails for this kind of service are sent daily, and if on a peak of access they are sent massively. This has caused our email server to be included in blacklists of common email providers (like yahoo and hotmail), resulting in failures on email delivery.
What are the common causes for this kind of problem? Is it possible to avoid these blacklists? Or at least is there any good practices to follow so I can "flag" these useful emails as non-spam or safe email?
thanks for reading.
first of all, check if those messages are really sent to email addresses in your account database. maybe there is a security hole in your application that allows sending messages to arbitrary recipients. an indicator of that would be if your domain or ip is blacklisted not only at specific providers like yahoo or hotmail, but also on public blacklists like spamhaus.
("most of then are sent on demand".. makes me think.. what about the others? could they be interpreted as spam by many recipients?)
then you need to find out if your server is blocked due to
the amount of messages sent or due to the content looking "spammy".
Check your logs from the time before the blacklisting happens. Do you see many deferred messages (4xx error code), do they contain error messages that indicate too many messages from your IP?
if so, configure your MTA to throttle message delivery to those providers.
also check your mailserver setup:
correct fully qualified HELO?
matching reverse dns?
If you have DKIM , SPF and the like... are the settings correct?
finally, examine the generated messages. Do they have all required headers? Run them through spamassassin and check the result. adapt the formatting of your messages accordingly.