[iPhone]How to deploy a app with Application Preferences to real device - iphone

Every thing is OK in simulator but when I deploy my app to real device (jailbroken) I can't find app's Application Preferences in Setting or my iPhone!
What wrong?! Please help me!

I presume that you mean the settings bundle within the project. If it works in the simulator and not in the device there is a good chance that the problem is case sensitivity. Check that the name of the settings bundle is Settings.bundle


Forgot to remove breakpoints before submitting app to App Store

I have uploaded an app with breakpoints to the app store. I forget to remove a breakpoint before uploading the app. Will the review team reject my app for this reason?
No. Break points are the settings of XCode (or other IDE) they are not included into ipa file.
Break points are set in the project environment, not in the binary. As such, breakpoint are only effective on your environment when a debugger is attached. You can verify this by running your app in the simulator without using the 'start' button of Xcode (just press on your app's icon in the simulator).
The breakpoints are project settings and are not compiled with the target archive, so it will not leave your machine.
Don't be worried. Your app won't be rejected. Breakpoints are used for internal purposes. No relation with App Store thing.

iphone/ios adHoc distribution crashing (shut down only in case of adHoc distribution)

I've made an app using the Facebook API. I completed it, and there's no problem at all when I run my app on my device with development code signing.
So, I tried making it with adHoc distribution code signing and building was succeeded. There's also no problem when it goes through any other functions.
But when I try to share something to Facebook (using Facebook dialog API), this app shut down even though it worked well in case of development code sign on my device.
I can't debug cause this is adHoc version, so I don't know what the problem is. Can you let me know what the problem is?
When does this happen in what case?
What's the problem? Delete the app from your device, then install the ipa with itunes to your device. Then, while your device is still connected, go to Xcode => Organizer => Devices => your device => Console and start your app on your device. Then you should see the reason for the crash.
I checked the Device logs via Xcode > Window > Devices > View Device Logs.
The problem for me was that I am using a custom font which is integrated into my project via CocoaPods. During development time, the app runs smoothly because my computer can see where the font files are. However, Xcode doesn't bundle the font files (.ttf) from the pod into the project, so I had to either:
Add the font files into Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources and adding the font files into my main project folder (without copying them; only as references).
Or, remove the custom font as a CocoaPods dependency and copy-paste the font files to my project instead.
I went with the second one since I might accidentally delete one of the references to the font files and encounter the problem again.

App settings appear in simulator but not on device?

Hey folks, I'm setting up my first application settings bundle right now. I went through the process of creating a Settings.bundle in the project root, settings the Root.plist to display as an iPhone Settings plist, etc.
So – the app's settings panel displays in Settings.app just as I would expect in the iPhone Simulator. However, it is not present in my device settings when I deploy there. My test device is an iPod Touch running iOS4. I've rebooted the device just to make sure everything has reloaded... still nothing. Can anyone think of a reason that my settings panel would work in the Simulator but not on my Device?
Thanks for you help!
You may need to run your app at least once after installing your app before the app's setting will appear.
Not sure if a quit and restart of the Settings app (from the "multi-tasking" bar) might also be required.
I've experienced this myself - it usually happens when you mistype a key in the plist or if required keys are missing.

Question regarding iPhone SDK Setting Bundle

Hey guys, I'm currently testing my app by adding the setting bundle into my program but the program I'm facing now is when I test my app on my device, I go to the Setting screen and I couldn't found the setting of my app. If I test it on the iPhone simulator then I can find the app's setting in setting menu.
May I know what happens? How can I see my app's setting on my device?
Have you tried removing and re-adding your app to the device? Also do a "Clean All" before doing this.

Instruments - Target terminated too early to collect data

I am using my iPhone as a development device. Whenever I run an application on the iPhone with Instruments (Instruments->Launch Executable->my app), the app is launched but I get the error mentioned in the subject in Instruments.
I have tried removing the device from xcode and adding it again as a development device but I still get the same error. Can someone please tell me how to solve this.
Did a fresh certificate-provisioning profile routine and changed the bundle identifier to read myAppId.somethingForTheStar.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier}
Also, if you open the mobileprovision in TextEdit and search for
if the value for the key is true, make sure the option is checked in your Entitlements.plist file (though Apple developer portal says it should be unchecked - which it should ideally be, if your mobileprovision file wants it checked, keep it checked)
Strange, I had to use an Entitlements.plist with the "get-task-allow" checked for Debug profile and unchecked for Distribution profile for the respective profiles to work!
Hope that helps someone.
Does it crash normally? or only using Instruments?
I've had lots of oddness with instruments and app installation that was only fixed by a complete restore of the iPhone/iPod Touch.
I got it to work only with my development provisioning profile which is not my distribution profile.
I also made sure i have the same provisioning profile in project and target and turned
on get-task-allow in Entitlements.plist
It sometimes still doesn't work and then i restart xcode unplug/plugin my iphone, clean the target and run instruments from Xcode via 'Start with Performance Tool'
This is by the way with XCode 3.1 / SDK 3.0.
Hope this gets less painful with SDK 3.1 (which i'm downloading now).
Oh and yeah my app crashes sometimes during 'CPU Sampler' which i believe has to do with Instruments.
make sure you are compiling as debug and not release
also make sure you are using development profile for both project and target