editing the footer in joomla1.5 - joomla1.5

I have content in my footer of my joomla 1.5 website. Please help me of how to edit the year and the Powered by joomla content in the footer. How can I edit this?

You can edit the footer module in the core Joomla! package by making changes to the following scripts.
This is also where you can change things like the date, powered by et cetera.


Create forms with powermail in TYPO 11.5.21

yes, it's me with a further, maybe stupid question. I'm very new in TYPO3, I just started working with it. I know some programming languages but no typoscript. Therefore I'm working with the bootstrap package first.
I made some forms in TYPO3 and so far everything was fine but there wasn't any possibility to customize the email (to sender). Therefore I first installed "Form: Mailtexts via plugin" but afterwards the form was not working anymore and I deleted it and everything was fine again.
After some research I have found powermail for creating forms with loads of cool functions.
So, I read four different tutorials about making forms in powermail and it's not working at all.
As far as I can evaluate the problem, I would guess that the last step is the problem, because now I just see a "Hello World" site when loading the page???
I have no idea what I did wrong.
Many thanks in advance for your hints :-)
I did internet research and experiments
If you just see "Hello World", than I guess there is a TypoScript record on your root page which loads this dummy content.
using https://www.sitepackagebuilder.com/ you should get a custom site setup in quite a short time
Wow, I don't know were to start. If you see a "hello world" output in TYPO3 in the frontent, your problem is not related to powermail but to your basic configuration. First of all you have to use some lines of typoscript to get a valid output of your content elements.
I would add some pages and some textmedia content elements on it with a bit of a lorem ipsum dummy text.
After that you should open the main TypoScript template and write something like:
page = PAGE
page.10 < styles.content.get
Don't forget to add the TypoScript from fluid_styled_content to get an output. And if you get your first real output of your content elements, you can add a form with a page and some fields and add a content element of type powermail plugin.
There are some learning videos how to start with TYPO3. Maybe this helps you for your first steps.
I wish you success

Adding Templavoila template to Typo3 blog

I am pretty new to Typo3, and I am sorry if my question is too easy to answer =)
I'm using Templavoila and I installed the Typo3 Blog extension (T3G?) and I ticked the checkbox "Install and use the template provided by the extension" when setting up my first blog. I hardly managed to get a html only page with a sidebar and list of posts.
My problem is that I can't find a way to add a template or any CSS to that page. I'd like to fit it into the rest of my website with the logo, menu, etc… but after a day of searching and reading, I haven't find a solution to my problem.
Is the problem that I'm using Templavoila rather than FLUID?
Is there a way to add a TV template to my blog?
How can I add CSS to that page (I have tried page.includeCSS.style without success)?
Is it possible to fit that blog in the rest of the website?
I'm using : Typo3 7.6 - Typo3 Blog 7.6 - Templavoila! Plus 7.2
PS : Is it just me or is it pretty difficult for new people to make their way into Typo3 ? ^^ I'm probably just missing something obvious but there isn't much documentation or tutorials dedicated to beginners. I hope it get's easier =)
Templavoila (and Templavoila plus) operate its "magic" by its function to show the content; thus you don't need anymore the usual TypoScript:
page.10 < styles.content.get
Instead, the page content must be replaced with:
page.10 = USER
page.10.userFunc = tx_templavoilaplus_pi1->main_page
Be sure to enable the TemplaVoila page module to manage content with TemplaVoila.The reason is that the "bare" TYPO3 uses the colPos field to retrieve the content (e.g. styles.content.get means colPos=0) while as far as I remember TemplaVoila uses its own logic and the TemplaVoila page module is necessary (also, as far as I can remember,there is an option to map a TemplaVoila content container to the colPos but I could possibly be wrong).
This is only part of the answer I was looking for, and it was probably obvious (well not for me indeed).
In the options of the blog template (the Typoscript one) I had to uncheck all the checkboxes (Clear constants, clear setup, rootlevel).
I also deleted the page.10 < styles.content.get, if I don't I get all the content but again, HTML only.
I'm facing a new problem now. The list of posts is not showing. Only regular element like text elements are being displayed, the Templavoilà FCE aren't… It is worse for the blog posts, nothing at all is being displayed.
PS : Should I write a new question for this or is it okay to ask it here ?
as maintainer of the TemplaVoilà! Plus extension I'd like to help you. Till yet, I didn't tested the blog extension, but I'm willing to help you there.
Couls you please fill an issue report on https://github.com/pluspol-interactive/templavoilaplus/issues and add there a link to this discussion?
PS: I know, this isn't a answer to the question, but not enough reputation to add a comment.

How to Remove Orbeon Logo Form published forms on storefront?

Hi, Currently am working on hybris 6.5. I want to remove Header which have orbeon form logo. I have published forms on storefront.
You can change the logo by setting the oxf.fr.default-logo.uri.*.* property. This in done in your properties-local.xml, and if you haven't gotten a chance to modify that file yet, you might find going through the doc on properties useful.

how to add unique `div` to all course questions page?

I am new in moodle and also not 100% idea about asking question regarding moodle issues
Is there any option in moodle to add a div at the top of all questions pages as a unique div ?
it should be editable as well
any answer and advice are much appreciated
As I know moodle, Its not possible to add a new div on quiz pages easily, The easy way to add html/tags in moodle by theme which is applying in your moodle as current theme. If you add any tags on particular theme, it will be shown in this theme only.
Moodle theme has various layout, on which you can add/edit html/tags.
Please read paragraph under header 'The different layouts as of 21st April 2013' with this artcle.Various Layout. which describes about moodle various layout. I am not sure but it may useful for you.
If theme way is not useful for you, then you will have to go with creating module/plugin for add html.

Prestashop categories as dropdown in Header Menu

This question is regarding Prestashop.
I want to show the category listing in my custom header menu. I do not want to add any third party module to show the same. Please let me know which code snippet I should paste in the header menu section?
Thanks in advance,
the module I believe is called "Top Menu". You can add different categories and different CMS pages as you wish. Check it out! PrestaShop 1.5.2
PrestaShop 1.5 add this feature as default.