I have already provided both Icon.png (for iPhone) and Icon#2X.png (for iPhone4).
The thing is, when I just provided Icon.png of size 144x144, the console outputs this message:
"iPhone/iPod Touch: Icon.png: icon dimensions (144 x 144) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 57x57 pixels, in .png format (-19014)"
But this renders icon in both iPhone and iPhone4 well.
I want to be able to remove this issue so I reduced the size for Icon.png to 57x57 and created Icon#2X.png with size 144x144. After this, icon for iPhone seems fine but iPhone4 uses Icon.png and the icon renders a low res image.
Any suggestions?
Heres the images you need to make to support all current devices
iTunesArtwork – Icon for iTunes AdHoc
distribution (512×512)
icon#2x.png – Home screen icon for
iPhone 4 (114×114)
icon-72.png – Home screen icon for
iPad (72×72)
icon-Small#2x.png –
Settings/Spotlight icon for iPhone 4
icon.png – Home screen icon for
iPhone 3 (57×57)
icon-Small-50.png – Spotlight icon
for iPad (50×50)
icon-Small.png - Settings/Spotlight
icon for iPhone 3 (29×29)
From my blog http://kgutteridge.co.uk/blog/2010/07/04/icon-sizes-filenames-for-ios-devices/
you need double resolution image for iphone4 and the double of 57X57 is 114X114 and not 144X144.
I just found this solution:
It works!
The icon size will be 114X114 and not 144X144. Apple provides the following documentation for this:
So there will be 2 icons:
icon.png with 57X57
icon#2x.png with 114X114
I heard somewhere of an workaround by adding the following files to your xcode project:
Icon.png - 57x57 pixels application icon for standard resolution iPhone
Icon#2x.png - 114x114 pixels application icon for high resolution iPhone 4
Icon-72.png - 72x72 pixels application icon for iPad
Icon-Small.png - 29x29 pixels settings icon for standard resolution iPhone
Icon-Small#2x.png - 58x58 pixels settings icon for high resolution iPhone
Icon-Small-50.png - 50x50 pixels settings icon for iPad
Then setup your CFBundleIconFile to "Icon" (without extention).
The compiler will put a warning because your icon does not have an extention. If you just ignore it - it will work like a charm - UNTIL YOU WANT TO UPLOAD YOUR BINARY!
If you upload your binary through webinterface everything is working fine - but if you use the "apploader" it will not upload your app because of the missing extention..
is there a known way how to setup correctly the icons so you can use it for iPhone3 and iPhone4?
There is a "CFBundleIconFiles" Key for iPhone 3.2 and later - is it possible to use both?
Just set the Icon filename to Icon.png or delete the key all together from the info.plist file and let the OS do the work for you. It will select the correct one based on the device.
As long as both an Icon.png and an Icon#2x.png are added to the app bundle, the OS will load the correct one.
See Apple's Technical Q&A QA1686 which describes the exact naming conventions, Info.plist keys, and other details for the various icon sizes required for each device.
Our CEO wants our iPhone app's icons to look correct (ie not scaled) on both the iPad and iPhone. He does not want to actually create separate versions, or a universal version of the app. The app will remain iPhone only, but the icon would need to show up proper on both devices.
This is a "business decision", and I think its rather silly but regardless - is this possible? OR would we have to create a universal version?
No. You have to create all the 72x72 (iPad), 57x57 (iPhone) and 29x29 (Settings, if you have one) icons, if you(r boss) don't want scaling.
And you need to create a 512x512 version to submit to AppStore anyway, so I don't see a reason to avoid an extra image.
To use the 72x72 icon for iPad, see How do I specify both icons for a universal iPhone/iPad app?.
Do I have to put 2 icon images in my build for iPad? and what are the names of those 2 build, one is Icon.png and what is the other one?
Thanks for all your help
For iPhone apps you need to provide a 57x57 Icon.png and may optionally provide a 29x29 Icon-Small.png.
To submit to AppStore you need a 512x512 icon too.
There's no special requirement for iPad. A 57x57 Icon.png is sufficient. Although you can add a larger 72x72 icon and add it into the CFBundleIconFiles key. (See How do I specify both icons for a universal iPhone/iPad app?.)
The default name for an iPad icon is Icon-72.png. You do not currently need two icons for iPad submissions, though there are in fact a dozen other icon sizes that a “complete” app should contain.
What are the specifications for the icons required by Apple for a custom iPhone application published?
57x57, PNG, No Transparency, No Layers, 72 PPI
512x512, TIFF or JPEG, No Transparency, No Layers, 72 PPI
Note: iPhone OS applies rounded corners, optionally shine, and other effects
Also have a large version of your logo with the name of the application in case Apple contacts you needing a version for marketing purposes.
The icon should be a 57x57 pixel PNG. The PNGs generated by Apple have a PPI of 72.01 so I guess something in that range will work fine. Don't have a very high PPI else images are not rendered properly.
If you want to use a custom icon and not let the iPhone to apply the gloss to your icon, add a key to info.plist called UIPrerenderedIcon (is a boolean value) and make it checked.
When submitting the app to the app store, you will need a 512x512 pixel version of your app's icon (this one in jpeg or tiff format) and at least one screenshot of your app. You can have additional 4 screenshots of the app.
Now the specs for icon (to be submitted in iTunes connect) and the app icons have changed. The icon to be submitted to itunesconnect must be 1024x1024 px.
For the app icons, you can find details here - http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/App-RelatedResources/App-RelatedResources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW1
Also, make sure the icon files are NON-INTERLACED PNG files. Recently one of our apps' binary was marked invalid since one of the app icon files was an interlaced PNG.
From here:
To ensure that your icon can take advantage of these visual enhancements, provide an image in PNG format that:
Measures 57 x 57 pixels, with 90 degree corners (if the image measures other than this size, iPhone OS scales it)
Does not have any shine or gloss
Name your icon file Icon.png and place it at the top level of your application bundle.
As of May 2012, the official Apple Docs include this chart:
This describes the icons that must be visible in the app. The docs also say the file must be jpeg or png but doesnt specify a dpi.
You must also include a larger copy for the page in iTunes. Again, from the apple docs
full docs available here.
The new retina display is at 114 x 114 for icons.
To submit app to iTunes store you need to have following sizes:
Reference: http://ios-funda.blogspot.in/2013/02/all-icon-size-needed-for-app-store.html
The app store is looking for a 512x512 icon as well (not sure the PPI). Best bet is just to design it as vector then you can easily resize and export it as whatever.
This blog post describes all icon sizes and where are they used.
57x57 pixels png... you can choose via code to apply or not the gloss effect.
I made a complete list of the ten (10) needed app icon files in my blog post, iOS App Icons, Listed and Summarized . My information is current as of iOS 3, 4, 5, and 6. Two links take you to the crucial Apple documentation.
I show three tables, each listing the icon files needed for:
Handheld devices (iPhone, iPod touch)
Tablet devices (iPad)
iTunes & App Store
Note: iOS ignores the PPI (Pixels Per Inch) of icon images. You may
author your icon images at any PPI but their width and height, as
measured in pixels, must match the values in the tables below.
This is coming from Apple Technical Q&A QA1686 and contains also information about sizes and files types.