How to access camera in my application - iphone

Hi I am new in iphone. I want developing a application that we can capture image from iphone camera.
How to do this i am not understand. Plz help me how to do this with source code and link where we can read this.

Check out the UIImagePickerController class:
There's two tutorials here:
Another SO thread here:


how to Get all Images from any WebPage (in iphone)

Can anyone plese help me in this question,i m trying this but not getting any suitable answer ,i m a beginner to iphone.
in my app i m using a scroll view which will show all images of a given webpage.
my question is : how to Get all Images from any WebPage (in iphone)
Thank You in Advance.
I think this tutorial of ray wenderlich has exactly what you need:
You will handle ASIHTTP and grand central dispatcher to do what you need.
I hope it helps

How can add Photo Frame on my Cameraview for iphone

hey all,
please anyone tell me that how can i set Photo frame on capture view in iphone programming. i appreciate your answer.
Here's are two tutorials with code you can follow...

how to rename the images taken from camera through our app?

I want to know how the iphone take the picture from camera through xcode?
and how it is stored ?,How to rename it? And how to delete it after our work completion?
please tell me the details about the UIPickerView also...
Thank You,
You can use UIImagePickerController to take picture from camera. You can refer
You can get an UIImage from the imagepicker which u can use according to your needs
#Anand for your camera issue take help from the 7KV7 suggest link that is the best one from the apples developer document
Take image from camera and then do it what you want to do with that image.
As far as UIPickerView is concerned refer UIPickerView and also have a look at iPhone SDK Tutorial
For pickerview you have to call different delegate methods and those methods are mentioned in the tutorial i had shared you above.

iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,
Refer to this, it is much easier one.
That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.
Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.

How to rotate QTVR image 360 degree in iPhone?

I want to develope one iphone based application in which i want to rotate one image (type:QTVR) 360 degree. So, i can get the same behavior like street view in google map.
If anybody has done this then please share code snippet here or any useful url for any related article then please paste it in reply.
Any help is greatly appreciate.
Thanks in Advance,
I guess you mean you wanna "rotate" your point-of-view to "scroll" a panoramic image...
I'm using the software "Pano2vr"
It can export panoramas in HTML+javascript+css, so you can embed all the files in your project
and load it in a UIWebView
You can download the demo version to have a look here:
ciao, luca