SWT Browser in eclipse - eclipse

Is SWT Browser included to standard eclipse installation or I've to install it additionally ?
And if where can I find pack for SWT.

This really does have a lot of good info:
You will need to choose between Webkit and Gecko depending on your requirements. If it's Gecko, you will need to have XULRunner, which is the independent runtime for Gecko that provides the Java XPCOM interfaces.
SWT can be downloaded standalone, but it will not include XULRunner. You'll have to package XULRunner up separately and make that a part of the install.

SWT Browser comes with standard Eclipse SDK
While Eclipse plugin development, there is option for adding Browser in Eclipse plugin code


Eclipse Luna SWT version

¿Is there a way to know the version of SWT that it was used to develop a certain version of Eclipse?.
I only could find an SWT version on the Plug-ins tab of the Eclipse Installation Details, but I am not sure if that is the SWT used to run Eclipse.
Your assumption is right. The plug-in with the id org.eclipse.swt is indeed the version of SWT that runs Eclipse.

Eclipse Luna without built-in plugins

Eclispse Luna has been just released. I wanted to grab it from the download site. But here comes my problem. Even the Standard and Java Developer versions have features built-in which are not needed for me and just slows down the IDE. For example i do not use Mylin or Plug-in development. These things cannot be deleted from the installation... Is there an Eclipse Luna release which only contains the basic package?
Look at the Eclipse Project downloads
The Eclipse Platform is the smallest (but does not even have Java development).
The Eclipse SDK has Java and Plugin development and the Eclipse source. This is the one I always start from.

Installing eclypse plugin into flash builder 4.6

I am running the stand alone version of Flash builder. what I am wanting to do is to install an eclipse plugin into it. Is this possible or is it only possible if I install flash builder as an eclipse plugin?
Yes, you definitely can install eclipse plugins into Flash Builder 4.6. The download system works exactly like Eclipse Indigo (which I believe Builder is built upon). This means you can install new software and go to the various Marketplaces in order to get software to download. Everything works exactly as t would with a "regular" eclipse installation (including the annoying dependency messages, which you will tend to get more of because Builder is not a complete Eclipse implementation!).
It does work, though.

How to create a UI in eclipse?

I have downloaded eclipse i'm trying to create a form in eclipse, where i can see the tools with texbox, button..etc in eclipse ? please help me to get the toolkit. I used the toolkit in Visual Studio, is there any toolkit for eclipse? I'm using Eclipse Indigo, in vista system.
For desktop apps (Swing or Eclipse SWT), there's WindowBuilder. It's one of the core features that is included in the Eclipse for Java Developers package you can download from www.eclipse.org. If you downloaded a different Eclipse package, use Help > Install New Software to install WindowBuilder into your Eclipse.
For web pages, the Eclipse for Java EE Developers package includes a Web Page Editor with source view and "design" view. Design View has a palette of components that you can drag and drop to construct a page.

How to bundle Webkit into Eclipse?

Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) now allows using Webkit as an underlying renderer for the SWT browser component. Nevertheless, runtime requirements say that Safari must be installed on the target machine. Is there a way to avoid this requirement by bundling Webkit/Safari into Eclipse similarly to how XULRunner is bundled?
I think Genuitec did something that could help you.
from Genuite:
WebKit for SWT is an open-source embeddable Java(tm) WebKit browser
component developed by Genuitec and contributed to the Eclipse Blinki
Mobile DevKit project. WebKit for SWT can be used in the development
of a wide range of Java SWT standalone and RCP applications that
require integration of rich internet content, and services.