Eclipse Luna SWT version - eclipse

¿Is there a way to know the version of SWT that it was used to develop a certain version of Eclipse?.
I only could find an SWT version on the Plug-ins tab of the Eclipse Installation Details, but I am not sure if that is the SWT used to run Eclipse.

Your assumption is right. The plug-in with the id org.eclipse.swt is indeed the version of SWT that runs Eclipse.


How to use latest SWT in Eclipse RCP4 application?

I have two question about using SWT in Eclipse RCP4 application?
Q1: Why Eclipse 4x (Luna, Mars, Neon, Oxygen..) still use SWT 3.x but not 4.x? I downloaded SWT build with Eclipse Neon project (, but it is not the SWT which is used by Eclipse Neon.
Q2: When I created new RCP4 application by Eclipse Neon, this RCP4 application used the SWT library which is used by Eclipse Neon (SWT 3.x). How can I use SWT 4.x in my RCP4 application and How can Maven-Tycho build SWT 4.x for this application?
The SWT included with Eclipse Neon is the same as this download.
The download is numbered 4.6.1 to show that it is part of the Eclipse 4.6.1 (Neon.1) release. The SWT plugin version is 3.105.1. All 4.6.1 downloads include the same SWT.
You can also look at the files in the two jars. The 4626 is in internal SWT version (4.626).
You can also call SWT.getVersion() which returns 4626 (the internal version) in both cases.
So there is nothing to do.

Eclipse Luna without built-in plugins

Eclispse Luna has been just released. I wanted to grab it from the download site. But here comes my problem. Even the Standard and Java Developer versions have features built-in which are not needed for me and just slows down the IDE. For example i do not use Mylin or Plug-in development. These things cannot be deleted from the installation... Is there an Eclipse Luna release which only contains the basic package?
Look at the Eclipse Project downloads
The Eclipse Platform is the smallest (but does not even have Java development).
The Eclipse SDK has Java and Plugin development and the Eclipse source. This is the one I always start from.

Spring IDE plugin vs STS: feature comparison for version 3.3.0

Does anyone know where I can find the most recent feature comparison document for Spring IDE plugin vs SpringSource Tool Suite STS (version 3.3.0)?
I believe Eclipse made some good progress in Kepler release, (for example Maven support being shipped in) so was wondering if the feature gap between Eclipse+Spring IDE plugin and STS highlighted in 2.9.2 Feature Comparison were reduced in Eclipse Java EE Kepler.
There is not much difference now between Eclipse + Spring-IDE and STS. The main difference is that when you download STS, you are guaranteed that all the bits and pieces work together. When you install Eclipse + Spring-IDE, you may have some compatibility problems and trouble installing or upgrading.
My advice is this: if you already have an Eclipse that has custom plugins installed, then go with Eclipse + Spring-IDE and if you are starting from scratch, go with STS.

How can I upgrade from Eclipse Java SE version to Eclipse for Java EE via Eclipse?

I downloaded Eclipse plain Java version and now I realize that I need of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers distribution.
I'm new in Eclipse world and I would to know if it is possible (and how) to install Java EE plugins via Eclipse.
There is a thread in ServerFault that shows how to install the Java EE pluggins for Eclipse Java EE plugin for Eclipse IDE
Additionally you can:
Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Mars (or the version you have downloaded such as Luna, Kepler, etc) repository
At the bottom there are install options Java EE Development
To get all of the features of the Java EE edition of Eclipse, there are several packages that need to be installed. This page lists all of the packages that are included in the current Java EE version of Eclipse. If you want all of the features of the Eclipse for Java EE developers, go to Help --> Install New Software..., select the update site for your version (e.g. Kepler) from the dropdown menu, and select the checkbox for each item listed on the above page that is not already installed.
You'll probably find the 'getting started guides' here helpful.
You probably will need to download the plug-in. The easiest way to do this would be to:
go to Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Galileo(Change accordingly) repository
All the way at the bottom there are install options for 'Web, XML, and JaveEE Development
... also this is better suited for SO
follow this
Eclipse 3.3 or earlier, it is NOT possible to upgrade the Eclipse platform itself, only its features. So, you could for example upgrade the CVS feature or the PDE feature from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1, but not eclipse.exe itself.
Upgrading other features (like CDT, PDT, WTP...) can be done without the need to download a new platform binary, but because many projects align very closely (eg., the Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto or Eclipse 3.3 / Europa release trains) you will likely need to upgrade the Eclipse platform as well.

SWT Browser in eclipse

Is SWT Browser included to standard eclipse installation or I've to install it additionally ?
And if where can I find pack for SWT.
This really does have a lot of good info:
You will need to choose between Webkit and Gecko depending on your requirements. If it's Gecko, you will need to have XULRunner, which is the independent runtime for Gecko that provides the Java XPCOM interfaces.
SWT can be downloaded standalone, but it will not include XULRunner. You'll have to package XULRunner up separately and make that a part of the install.
SWT Browser comes with standard Eclipse SDK
While Eclipse plugin development, there is option for adding Browser in Eclipse plugin code