Would it be possible to speed up Android Emulator by removing unnecessary apps? - android-emulator

I am using Android SDK 1.6 and developing some simple apps. It seems everytime Android Emulator loads every default apps, like message music browser etc... I guess this cause the booting process slow (takes 1 minute overhead for me to test the code every time).
Would it be possible to take these apps out and just have my apps on the emulator? My purpose is to have a faster boot up time on emulator.

emulator -help
there are a few things you can disable.
Why you would want to disable stuff instead of having a more accurate representation of how it will actually behave on the real device, I don't know.


Android Launch screen take more time than a native one for Flutter

I'm new to Flutter, and I noticed that the launch screen for Android take more time than usual for a native app, I followed the instructions here
But for IOS, everything is working fine.
Is there a way to make the launch time for Android faster?
Flutter is a Cross Platform. When ever you to compare with Native then it always slower than Native Apps. Both Android and IOS handling and Behaviour are different so that why you got different for Lunching time..

Flutter android emulator System UI isn't responding

So i build an app with a lot of data and images and i use for all the images cached network image to improve the building/preview time.
After some time my app is on the fly, the emulator start to crush.
I noticed that in android virtual device manager the size on the disk is small,
like 500 mega bytes.
After some time it is growing to 12gb, i guess it's happen because i use cached network image, than every couple of seconds the UI crash.
Am i right or it can be an other problem.
How can i fix that?
Using CachedNetworkImage is not supposed to cause the problem you described. From my experiences I have found the emulator on Android Studio to be sluggish and occasionally freezing on machines with lower RAM.
If your app doesn't have dependency on Google Play Services, you may try the desktop version of Genymotion.
Genymotion is smoother than the default emulator on Android Studio and also free for personal use.

crosswalk in Ionic2 increases app size by 25 MB [duplicate]

I really hope I'm doing something wrong. I've added crosswalk to a project and have had some serious app size increase. To test I've done the following.
created a new ionic project
added my app code to /www/
added ngcordova and various plugins
Ran ionic build and drop the apk onto a Genymotion emulator. The app was very slow but had a app size of 8.01mb (once installed - checked with app manager).
Then I deleted the app from the emulator
Ran ionic browser add crosswalk
Ran ionic run android which installed the correct .apk on the emulator. On checking in manage apps the app size is now 79.36mb!!! Thats a 71mb increase! Most places say 20mb at most but 71mb!!!
Can someone tell me what I've done wrong?
When I added the Android SDK I did add all the tools ad platforms availabe in the SDK manager, did that have some effect?
If this isn's fixable it's a show stopper for me, which is a shame after spending weeks developing an app...
Please help!
I'm also running into that issue. Unfortunately using crosswalk will definitely increase your apk size. However, I found some way to at least reduce the apk size. For instance you could make use of the crosswalk lite. It may reduce your apk size for about 15 MB (see crosswalk lite).
You can also specify that you don't want to build the projects for two architectures (explained here).
Same problem here. I think promissed size of 20Mb is for the apk file which is compressed, you are looking at installed size on device.
You can check generated APK size on platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/ or platforms/android/ant-build/
I think the problem you're encountering though Crosswalk related, it's emulation related. I've tried emulators from both Android Studio versions and Genymotion. They both didn't work well for hybrid app testing.
My advice is to try Chrome Device Inspector along with actual device testing. I don't think anyone will argue that's the best way to ensure performance. AWS Device Farm is just one of many offerings that will spit out physical devices for testing. There's even services that let you outsource testing on different devices by real people, just can't think of the name of it right now...
My current favorite is Cordova Tools for Visual Studio Code, but it has been buggy for me lately.
However, I'm in the early stages of a fleet of Cordova apps and was alarmed at the overhead Crosswalk has. ~20MB extra to your APKs, and ~70MB to the installed size of your application. That's pretty alarming, considering the apps we use it with, with resource assets (images, etc.) are about 1/10th the size of this one plugin!
We have one app that has actually degraded with Crosswalk. My theory is that Crosswalk doesn't do a good job parsing non-standard HTML which is a core feature we have since we have XSLT transformed XML which winds up being non-standard HTML. Traversing it is extremely slow compared to the default WebView. We do a lot of manipulation with raw DocumentNode objects, so maybe that's it. That said, I'm so surprised that if it's slow traversing/appending HTML via vanilla JavaScript that these other apps are seeing performance gains!
I also learned last night there is Shared Mode with Crosswalk which allows multiple applications that use Crosswalk to share one instance.

Custom Android Emulators

I currently have an Android app on the Android Market. One of it's main purposes involves detecting incoming calls. Unfortunately, some phone models don't seem to be detecting this correctly. The version of Android isn't the problem (other phones with 2.1 and 2.2 work fine), so I'm wondering if the phones have something unique about them.
Because the main phone I've had problems with is the Epic 4g, I was hoping to get an emulator running simulating the phone. Is it possible to do this? I don't know anyone that personally has that model of phone, so this seems like my only option to debug the issue.
I've found this for Motorola Phones
which has helped me.
Generally, the emulator is based on QEMU, so it can be configured deeply. But thats not very useful as it is hard to get the actual hardware specs of any specific device as long it's developing company don't like to talk and share their secrets and flaws.
This said, it would be quite easy for an phone company insider to set up an exact emulator but very hacker style to set up for ourselves, needing days of investigation on the actual phone to check out its hardware details.

PhoneGap's vibrate() and beep() functions break in iPhone, Android emulators

I have a PhoneGap app that I'm testing on webOS, Android, and iPhone. I'm using physical devices as well as emulators (the ones that come with their respective SDKs, not the PhoneGap emulator).
Part of the code uses the navigator.notification.vibrate() and navigator.notification.beep() functions.
All the physical devices I'm using either perform the behavior or ignore it if they're not capable (e.g., the iPod can't vibrate). However, the emulators behave differently.
The Android emulator kills the app whenever the beep() function is called. The iPhone emulator causes the app to hang whenever the vibrate() function is called.
Is there any way to get the emulators to ignore those function calls when they are unable to execute them? That is, is there a way to get them to degrade gracefully so I can test the app both places without having to modify the code specifically for the emulators?
I don't think this is an issue with the emulators. I can use both vibration and audio alerts in my native applications. These both function fine in the emulator. I think it the problem is how PhoneGap is handling these functions in native code. Are you suggesting that these functions work on the device but not the emulator?