How can I use alerts like the volume alert in the iPhone in my apps? - iphone

What is the kind of alerts like the iPhone volume
See picture:

There's no built-in support for those alerts, but they're pretty simple to create on your own. You can construct the alert programatically, or what I've done in the past is just to create an image like the one you linked to and add any dynamic components as subviews.
If you want something significantly more powerful, check out MBProgressHUD.


How can I use a UIPickerView in my settings.bundle like how the 'nike+ ipod' app does it?

I can't see how this is possible from the documentation but here nike is doing it in their app so there must be a way.
It's impossible unfortunately. Apple developed it for Nike, so they used tricks of their own to do it. It might actually be possible, but it's certainly undocumented if possible. Impossible for an App Store app. Let us know if you figure out a way to do it even if it's undocumented.
If you use the library InAppSettingsKit, you can have a setting that uses a custom subview (a custom UIViewController) to display the choice to the user. So all you have to do is to create a custom view controller that looks just the one in your picture (it's basically just a UITableView and a UIPickerView).
In the example app that comes along with InAppSettingsKit, there is an example on how to use a custom subview.

How to make an app like VEVO?

The VEVO app on iPhone sets a great sample for video oriented apps. I'm working on something similar, and I want to now how to customize the video controller as VEVO does.
My current app is based on the built-in controller. It's OK, but I want to make it tremendous.
I've attached a screenshot. How to implement the progress bar?
you can add subviews to MPMoviePlayerController's view property such as custom buttons and everything.
Note: if there is something specific about the app you are talking about, i'd suggest posting a screenshot so others can see what you are talking about.

iPhone option menus

What options do I have when creating menu with options (contextual menus). What is allowed and what does Apple provide?
I have a toolbar with buttons and a click of a button opens a menu with options:
UIPopoverControllers are only available on iPads, but it's ok to create similar looking things for iPhone
What you see in the picture, is entirely custom. a UIView subclass likely. There are pretty much no limits to what you do with your UI, within reason, so no ugly highly contrasting primary/secondary colours, and it's best to keep it at least similar to the native UI. If you say use a windows 7 phone ui style in an iPhone app it's more likely to get rejected by Apple, than keeping to the style of iOS.
So make it look as "professional" as possible, using gradients and shadows, edge arrows, like in the above picture.
Apple provides pretty much nothing that your looking for,
Similar built-in widgets would be UIPopoverController (iPad-only) or UIActionSheet. I like your menu better though.
I would also recommend looking at the guidelines for such custom UI elements. I can not say what is 'allowed', but Apple is not shy about how your app should look/feel/function.
Towards the top of this link talks about toolbars, status bars, etc.

What's the best way to skin my iPhone app (similar to how the Notes app is skinned)?

If you look at the Notes app on the iPad, you can see it uses all native iPhone controls, but they're "skinned" to look like a pad of paper. What's the best way to implement something similar to that? Could I use interface builder and simply change the background image for each of the controls, including the TableViews?
Thanks in advance for all your help! I'm going to continue researching this question right now.
This article from Dr Touch will probably come in handy: Stuff you learn from reverse engineering
It's a little more complicated than that. My suggestion is manifold:
Hire a real designer to make the artwork.
Subclass whatever controls you want to skin, and handle this business directly in drawRect:. Interface Builder will not help you in this instance.
Consider drawing your controls programmatically instead of using images; a really cool thing would be to cache the programmatic drawings so that they only have to be performed once.
Best of luck!

IPhone SDK - How do I implement an Apple like rating UIAlertView?

Does anyone have an Idea how to implement an UIAlertView for rating purpose like Apple show when you are removing an app from the iPhone?
You can choose how many stars to rate the app or don't rate it at all.
I already have a view that shows the stars according to the user touches but don't know how to connect it to the UIAlertView...
A good tutorial how to do this:
I like the TSAlertView. It's a complete replacement of UIAlertView based on UIView. So you don't use any private APIs.
I used it in multiple projects and I really like it. Take a look at it. With that one it should be easy to add your "starview" to the AlertView becuase you have methods to add a contentView.