MVC Multiple submit buttons on a array of objects -

I've got a list of objects in an MVC view, each with a set of submit buttons - Move up, Move down and Remove.
Using the answer from this question, I can get the button clicked - but I need to know which item it would be operating on.
The problem comes from the fact the input's value attribute is passed back, I need more information than that - i.e. an id.
Below is a snippet of the contents of a for loop, rendering each item.
<li><input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Move-Up" class="linked-content-position-modifier" /></li>
<li><input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Move-Down" class="linked-content-position-modifier" /></li>
<li><input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Remove" class="linked-content-modifier" /></li>
<li><%= Model.Contents[i] %></li>
When the form is posted back, I can see that the SubmitButton has a value of either Move-Up, Move-Down or Remove - but no idea which item in the array it's referring too.
Without changing the value to something really ugly, how would I tell which item it's referring to?

Just a quick idea, but maybe you could try adding hiddenfield to each row and see which one gets submitted?

Why are you using a button?
Could a link work instead?
Move Up
I use similar code to update items in a table, but I do it with javascript and update the table accordingly...
<script type="text/javascript">
var itemId = this.attr('id'); // Do some parsing of the id here, i use a format of bi-##
$.ajax({ uri: 'controller/MoveUp/' + itemId });


Dynamically adding Semantic UI modals with SilverStripe

I'm having a hard time trying to connect SUI modal with SilverStripe to generate them dynamically.
I want to achieve something like this:
I have button (attach events) to trigger modal with some content. I wanted to loop that elements (GridField) to generate everything dynamically. But the only thing I can achieve is multiple modals with the same "trigger class" and it doesn't matter which button I have clicked (first, last or whatever). I only have one modal (the last in hierarchy). Without SUI the solution is easy - put "this" to fetch the closest element and I can have as many different modals as I want, but SUI seems to complicate things.
I think the best solution will be to generate a class/id with SilverStripe and pass it to the JavaScript to use with modal or use one class for every modal and to "somehow inform" that this button triggers this modal.
Basically I need one code snippet to handle many modals, not many snippets to handle many modals. I hope it's clear enough what the the problem is.
Here is my code:
(without specific SilverStripe tags)
<% loop SomeName %>
<div class="job-offers">
<a class="ui right floated button job-application">Click here</a>
<div class="ui basic modal job-application">
<div class="job-application-sheet">
<div class="job-application-sheet-content">
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="ui center aligned container job-application-action">
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
<button class="ui primary button">Click here</button>
<% end_loop %>
autofocus : false,
observeChanges: true
.modal('attach events', '.job-application', 'show');
As you can see "job-application" class is a trigger for modal, so is this possible to change it to "(this)" so I don't have to write "specific" class for each button/modal. Or maybe there is a different/easier solution?
first i generated a data-type attribute for each of my elements that are going to display a modal when they are clicked, and in send as a local the same index to the modal this way:
<% #relateds_array.each.with_index do |related,i| %>
<div class="card custom" data-id="<%=i%>">
<%= render partial: 'my_modal', locals: {index: i} %>
<% end %>
the i put the modal in the partial that i called my_modal for this example and used the index that i sent as a local to create an unique id for each my modals, like this:
<div class="ui modal" id="modal-<%=index%>">
<p>blabla things inside this modal.</p>
and then with javascript, simply get the data-id of the element clicked and select the element that contain the id for that data-id, like this:
var card_clicked = $(this).attr('data-id');
$('#modal-' + card_clicked).modal('show');
Hope this was useful for you.
Note that i used Ruby on Rails for this example, but the behaviour that you should use should be something similar to this, no matter what framework you use.
Answer based on Sebastian's solution. I did some minor tweaks to meet my needs, like I've used ID variable to automatically get DataObject ID which is generated dynamically.
Basically to dynamically add Semantic UI (SUI) modal in SilverStripe, first you should add "data-id" in a modal trigger, for example:
<a class="ui button custom-trigger" data-id="my-item-$ID">Click here</a>
then inside modal container add an "id" tag, for example:
<div id="modal-my-item-$ID" class="ui basic modal">
Finally in JavaScript file:
var triggerItem = $(this).attr('data-id');
$('#modal-' + triggerItem).modal('show');
I meet problem with SUI autofocus, so after a modal opens, screen went to the bottom and button placed there was highlighted.
I tweaked original snippet adding SUI settings:
var triggerItem = $(this).attr('data-id');
autofocus: false,
observeChanges: true
$('#modal-' + triggerItem).modal('show');
If someone wants to write "data-id trigger" manually using fields in CMS, then change $ID to $SomeField variable. Then normally add that field in .php file and in Page Controller add something like this:
public function init() {
Requirements::javascriptTemplate($this->ThemeDir().'/js/script.js', array(
'SomeField' => $this->SomeField
Hope this helps someone.

TYPO3 merge list and edit

I've got a TYPO3 backend module which lists a lot of elements. Now, I want to include in my list the edit form, but that doesn't work well at the moment.
Rendering is good, but if I send the form, I get the error:
Required argument "note" is not set.
My code looks like this:
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form action="update" name="note" object="{note}">
<textarea class="form-control gettooltip" rows="1" placeholder="Kommentar" title="Kommentar zur Note">{note.kommentar}</textarea>
How can I merge these two views correctly?
Your code cannot work because your textarea doesn't have a property (or you don't use the <f:form.textarea ViewHelper).
If you property map $note in your controller, the property must be passed to Fluid with the prefixed extension name and plugin name. This is done automatically when using the "property" argument of the textarea ViewHelper. The name attribute will then be:
<textarea name="tx_myext_myplugin[note]"...
Thîs will map to $note in the controller.
So if you don't use the ViewHelper, you need to manually prefix the name attribute to create an output like printed just above.
If you're planning to update multiple objects of the of the same kind in one request, this won't because because there is an Extbase limitation.
You could do the following:
Use a submit button for each note and save/reload the changes through AJAX.
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form action="update" name="note" object="{note}">
<f:form.textarea class="form-control gettooltip" placeholder="Kommentar" property="kommentar">{note.kommentar}</f:form.textarea>
<f:form.submit value="Update" />
Then you intercept the submit click, submit the form through AJAX and set the new content to the textarea.
If you want to have one form for all objects, you will need to prefix the fields
<f:form action="update" name="note">
<f:for each="{notes}" as="note">
<f:form.textarea class="form-control gettooltip" placeholder="Kommentar" name="note[note{note.uid}][kommentar]">{note.kommentar}</f:form.textarea>
<f:form.submit value="Update" />
You will then have an array of values and need to iterate in your controller and manually persist the changes.
For your problem - as #lorenz answered you need to use viewhelpers for rendering fields OR at least use valid name attributes for your fields...
Anyway, I'm wondering why do you want to reinvent the wheel - especially while creating BE modules, the fastest, easiest and most elegant way is... using TYPO3 forms. They handle many things, relations, localization, validation, RTE etc, etc. What's more you can also add own type of field to TCA and process with your own PHP and JS - very rare situation, but may be used i.e. for adding GoogleMap field,
#see: user type in TCA
Finally all you need to open the record from your BE module is creating proper link - which can be easily copied from List module (right click on the yellow pencil next to your record and copy the code), sample:
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][1234]=edit'; return false;" title="Edit user">
<span title="" class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-open"> </span>
Where fe_users is table name and 1234 is record uid.
alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION part handles returning to the place from which edit was started, so it will be your module again including all GET params selected by admin before editing.
For creating new user
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][6789]=new'; return false;" title="New record">
<span class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-new"> </span>
In this case 6789 is a PID (uid of the page where the user should be created...
You can even set some default values when creating records from your own module using params in your new link:
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='alt_doc.php?returnUrl='+T3_THIS_LOCATION+'&edit[fe_users][6789]=new&defVals[fe_users][tx_extbase_type]=Tx_MyExt_People&defVals[fe_users][usergroup]=1'; return false;" title="New record">
<span class="t3-icon t3-icon-actions t3-icon-actions-document t3-icon-document-new"> </span>

Questions about grails form

Assuming that i have the following data in my params
params:[input:[1, 2, 3]]
And i have the following form in my Grails app
<div class="block1">
<label class="control-label">
<g:message code="input.label" default="Input"/>
<div class="controls">
<g:textField id="input1" name="input" value="${input}" readonly="${actionName != 'show' ? false : true}"/>
<div class="block2">
<label class="control-label">
<g:message code="input.label" default="Input"/>
<div class="controls">
<g:textField id="input2" name="input" value="${input}" readonly="${actionName != 'show' ? false : true}"/>
<div class="block3">
<label class="control-label">
<g:message code="input.label" default="Input"/>
<div class="controls">
<g:textField id="input3" name="input" value="${input}" readonly="${actionName != 'show' ? false : true}"/>
The form design above is correct, because in my form design, there will be several inputs of the same name (but each will be saved to the database under different primary keys) and it can be increases and decreases according to user selection.
Few questions using the above
How do i make it so that the value for input1 is params.input[0], input2 is params.input[1] and input3 is params.input[2] in the view? I can pass the model from controller without problem, but i couldn't distribute the value properly to each input on the form.
Is there any way to change the value ${input} dynamically? As in if i want to change the value to ${input[0]} or ${input[1]}
Can i automatically set the amount of block appended into the form using the g:each tag? Say like if from controller i want to set the rendering block amount to 3, so can i use the g:each tag to render the block 3 times in the form?
The links are examples of how to use ajax/jquery to get values from a remote call and replace html element (divId) within a page - this divId could be the entire
<input type="text" name="input" value="newvalue"/>
upon triggering some form of call as above to get the new value.. in regards to
yes it works like all other grails tags in the end they are transformed back to the correct HTML terminology...
The actual variable value is dynamic if you defined
<input name="existingvariable" value="${something}" ...
where something was a parameter from the given controller - and then you updated the call so
and refreshed or clicked this link which is what ajax would be doing for you doing a new call to either another controller to generate new values or same and passing new value to it and then grabbing data and pushing it back onto the divId ... (all in the background)
Groovy loading into divs
Grails - Select menu not rendering
I want my selects dropdowns to auto populate with Ajax in Grails website
The above are all related to using ajax to populate / update existing form elements
If you wish to update a live form with a new live value (non existant in DB) take a look at modaldynamix plugin. //

getting a collection back from a form in grails

I have an album view where a user can check which photos to delete. I am currently doing this:
<g:form action="delete">
<g:each in="${pictures}">
<div id="images2">
<img id="images2" src="${it.urlThumb}" alt="no Picture"/><br>
<g:checkBox name="myCheckbox"/>
<g:submitButton name="Submit"/>
The problem is this creates the form dynamically so each of the names are the same for the check boxes. I ideally want a collection returned to the controller that has each of the checked images.
Any ideas?
In the <g:checkBox> you need to specify a value. Each checkbox will be created with the same name but a different value. When the form is submitted with different checkboxes checked, you will get a list in the controller.
<g:each in="${pictures}">
<div id="images2">
<img id="images2" src="${it.urlThumb}" alt="no Picture"/><br>
<g:checkBox name="myCheckbox" value=""/>
def checked = params.list('myCheckbox')

jQuery inconsistent .remove by class on element with multiple classes

I've got a page where messages and associated elements (responses, forwards, etc) all share a class based on the database id of the parent.
For example
<div id="recentMessages">
<div id="a3" class="message a3">this is a message</div>
<div id="a5" class="message a5">this is another message</div>
<div id="recentComments">
<div id="a3" class="comment a3">this is a comment</div>
<div id="a5" class="comment a5">this is another comment</div>
<div id="recentActions">
<div id="a3" class="action a3">tim posted a new message</div>
<div id="a4" class="action a4">sara forwarded a message to john</div>
at times I need to remove all elements with the same id, so I originally had
but that would sometimes not remove all the ids because ids are supposed to be unique.
So I added the id as a class. now I use
but this seems to be about 80% effective, and sometimes the divs aren't being removed.
I'm not sure if the issue is because the div has more than one class, but I need the classes because that is how I refer to the elements when somebody clicks.
For instance,
get the id, send it to the server and get the message
is there something wrong I'm doing here? or is there a better way to do this?
Looks like this was an issue where a function was being called using a variable which had already been defined. I didn't realize this would cause a problem.
For instance:
var removeId=jQuery(this).attr('id').replace('','a');
function removeDiv(removeId){
I can't say for sure this was the issue, but changing the function to:
function removeDiv(cancelId){
seems to be working.