Objective C: Include class and call method - iphone

I have built a class which has a few methods in it, once of which returns an array, lets call this class A.
I have a second class, class B, which I would like to use to call the method from class A.
But, now how do I call that method from class A and store what is returned in a var in class B? Do I have to initiate the class? I have made sure to include the .h file from class A into class B.
Thanks for helping a newbie.
Here is how I thought I could do this (DataStore is my class A and pushRideData is my method that returns an array):
DataStore *store = [[DataStore alloc] init];
trailsArray = [store pushRideData];

Assuming you have files A.h, A.m B.h and B.m to define your two classes, then you need to do the following:
Make sure A.h and B.h are #imported into your projects PCH file (this is the easiest/fastest way, but you could also choose to import the files into all the .m files, instead).
If you refer to a class -- say, B *something in A.h -- before that class's header file is imported, then use a forward class declaration to shut up the compiler. I.e. #class B; before the #interface A:NSObject in A.h
If you want to call an instance method of a class, you need to instantiate the class as you describe. Or, if the instance is created somewhere else, you'll need some mechanism to retrieve it. A class method, perhaps, or a global variable or a controller or something like it.
None of this is really that much different than straight C save for a formal notion of Objects (as opposed to malloc'ing a bunch of memory and passing around pointers).

That's a fairly abstract question. Yes, you need an instance to be able to store instance variables in it. You will need to allocate and init the instance, assinging it to an instance or local (pointer) variable in the calling class unless it is one of the several in the Cocoa Touch frameworks which use the singleton pattern, such as the application delegate. Such singletons have special case-specific class methods for obtaining the singleton instance.


Importing a class in matlab

Pretty new to matlab. I want to have a class, which does some calculation. I want to import this class in another class( not instantiate). and use the functions as default functions.
This did not help me much. Can we import a user defined class/functions?
So you have a class calculationClass, and you want to create another class otherClass that can access the calculations provided by calculationClass
One way that works if the calculations are either normal or static methods would be to subclass calculationClass, i.e. start your class definition with
classdef otherClass < calculationClass
[some code here]
This way, all methods of calculationClass immediately become available to otherClass. Note that if calculationClass has a nonempty constructor, the subclass will call the constructor as this = this#calculationClass.
If the calculations are static methods only, you can, alternatively, access those calculations as calculationClass.someCalculation(inputArguments), or create a package and use import.

Calling methods from another class in objective-c

I know usually, when you want to call a method on another object, you do:
NewObject *object = [NewObject alloc]init];
[object callMethod];
But I created a class that isn't an object itself meaning it doesn't have properties or memory management. It has a couple methods that calculate some stuff.
From any other class, all I have to do is import the header for this class and do:
#import "MyClass.h"
[MyClass callMethod];
Why in this case do I not have to alloc init? It works just fine.
It sounds like you are trying to call a class method. These are methods which have been defined as:
+(void) myStaticMethod;
instead of
-(void) myMethod;
The plus sign indicates that the method does not use any fields, and thereby does not need to instantiate the object.
In your example, "object" is an instance of a class "NewObject" which has been allocated memory and initialized. Where-as your example, "MyClass" is only a class which because it has static members declared as above, does not need to be instantiated.
Class methods provide a nice way to combine a bunch of related functions into one place, rather than having them spread out in the regular namespace, as would usually be done in straight C. You can also have both class methods and instance methods in the same class, using the class ones when needed, and instantiating the class to use the instance ones when needed.
EDIT: Changed terminology to refer to class methods instead of static methods.
because you are calling a class method. You only need to alloc init objects. Classes only need to be included but not alloc inited. So you don't need to init an NSString class, say.
Let's just have some nonsense examples:
+ (void)classMethod {
[SomeClass classMethod]; // prints Hi!
- (void)instanceMethod { // (say it's an instance method of NSString)
[#"someNSString" instanceMethod]; // prints someNSString. But you need to have a string first, otherwise you cannot use this method.
There is a difference between "instance" methods (normal ones), that have to be called on an object and have access to self, and "class" methods (called static, in many programming languages), that are invoked on the class and thus do not have a self.
Class methods are similar to C++ static methods, in that they can be invoked without creating a concrete instance of the class. The usefulness of this is you can call a class's specialized factory methods to create a new instance; or, you can define a utility library under the scope of a class that may or may not provide concrete instances depending on the task.
Look at NSDate and NSNumber are good examples of this in the Foundation framework.

Which is the best way to define private methods for a class in Objective-C?

#interface ClassXXName(private)
- (void) xxxfunctions
or user category methods?
#interface Foo() creates a class extension (I stand corrected, props to bbum) on interface Foo which is like additional methods added to the interface. Some people also use #interafce Foo(Private) (category) instead of a class extension with (). It's more like "injecting" new methods into a class from outside the class.
Placing this in the .m file just keeps other things from "seeing it" in the .h file, but that's it. Basically people normally use categories or class extensions in .m files to specify private interfaces, but they are also used for things like UIKit uses categories to add row and section public methods to NSIndexPath. (This can be confusing.)
You don't really need to define private methods this way, but if you have a method called bar that calls method foo before foo is defined in the source file you'll get a compiler warning something like "object self may not respond to foo". You can get rid of that by defining foo before you define bar or any other foo-calling code. It's the same with plain C and functions.
Like Ole says this doesn't stop anyone from calling the private methods, it just declares your intention that they be private and causes the compiler to generate the "may not respond to" warnings even if they import the .h file.

Is there a good/best way to extend a nested class in Objective-C?

Sometimes framework objects put helper class interfaces inside of *.m files, such as:
#interface HelperObject : NSObject
#implementation HelperObject
#implementation Foo
If I want to extend Foo, for instance using a category, is there a way to extend HelperObject as well? More generally, is doing so a violation of encapsulation? Should I try to extend the class functionality without extending HelperObject?
Callers of Foo know nothing about HelperObject--frequently, they do not even know it exists. So no, it's not safe or valid to be subclassing it in another file.
You can extend either Helper or Foo using categories, but you can't extend both with a single category. Given the relationship between Helper and Foo (where Helper is effectively an invisible helper class), I don't see much value in allowing that.
In general, Objective-C does not support multiple inheritance of either classes or categories.
It does, however, support multiple inheritance of interfaces through protocols.
That is, you could declare a protocol in your .m file that both Helper and Foo implement.
Objective C doesn't allow nested classes (unlike Java or C++ for example).
You can use aggregation to expand classes functionality. If you want to hide something you can use Pimpl idiom, however it is not necessary in ObjC cause you can easily replace that with category.
Edit: if you want to extend HelperObject object using category you should declare it in the same file where you want to use that functions (so they are visible).

Is it good style to declare methods in .h when they're intended to be overwritten by subclass?

I have a class which is intended to be abstract. This means: When someone subclasses it, a few methods MUST be overwritten.
But on the other hand, those methods are not intended to be called manually from anywhere except inside the abstract class (the superclass of the subclass).
Must I declare these methods in .h anyways or can I just add comments in .h which say "you must overwrite -foo and -bar"? Or is there a better pattern to make abstract methods?
Related: Is there a way to create an abstract class in Objective C?
Objective-C doesn't actually have a way to declare a class as abstract. From Apple's Docs:
Abstract Classes
Some classes are designed only or
primarily so that other classes can
inherit from them. These abstract
classes group methods and instance
variables that can be used by a number
of different subclasses into a common
definition. The abstract class is
typically incomplete by itself, but
contains useful code that reduces the
implementation burden of its
subclasses. (Because abstract classes
must have subclasses to be useful,
they’re sometimes also called abstract
Unlike some other languages,
Objective-C does not have syntax to
mark classes as abstract, nor does it
prevent you from creating an instance
of an abstract class.
The NSObject class is the canonical
example of an abstract class in Cocoa.
You never use instances of the
NSObject class in an application—it
wouldn’t be good for anything; it
would be a generic object with the
ability to do nothing in particular.
The NSView class, on the other hand,
provides an example of an abstract
class instances of which you might
occasionally use directly.
Abstract classes often contain code
that helps define the structure of an
application. When you create
subclasses of these classes, instances
of your new classes fit effortlessly
into the application structure and
work automatically with other objects.
So to answer your question, yes, you need to place the method signature in the header, and should implement the method in the base class such that it generates an error if called, like the related question's answer states.
You can also use a protocol to force classes to implement certain methods.
However you choose to implement the base class, clearly document in the header, as well as in your documentation, exactly what the class assumes and how to go about sub-classing it correctly.
Whenever possible write your code so that improper implementations fail to compile. If you cannot do that then you should try to generate a runtime error (at the very least in a debug build) if the subclass is not written correctly. Do not rely on comments because people will not read them.
You must declare your "protected" and "abstract" methods in a header file, but you can use separate categories to clearly indicate their purpose and intended use.
#interface MyBaseClass : NSObject {
- (void)foo;
#interface MyBaseClass(ProtectedMethods)
- (void)bar;
#interface MyBaseClass(AbstractMethods) // Subclasses must implement
- (void)internalBar;
You can put everything in a single header, or you could put your protected and abstract declarations in a separate "protected" header, say MyClassProtected.h, meant to be included only by your subclass implementations. It depends on how badly you want "hide" your protected methods.
Your base class can log, assert, or throw when an abstract/pure-virtual method is called.
As other people have said, Objective-C does not support pure virtual classes.
You can enforce pure virtual behaviour at runtime though. The cleanest way to do this is by using the Objective-C runtime's _cmd and NSObject's -doesNotRecognizeSelector:
- (void)iMustBeImplementedInaSubclass;
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; // Pure virtual
As ben says you are probably better served by using a protocol to get your API design right.