Importing a class in matlab - matlab

Pretty new to matlab. I want to have a class, which does some calculation. I want to import this class in another class( not instantiate). and use the functions as default functions.
This did not help me much. Can we import a user defined class/functions?

So you have a class calculationClass, and you want to create another class otherClass that can access the calculations provided by calculationClass
One way that works if the calculations are either normal or static methods would be to subclass calculationClass, i.e. start your class definition with
classdef otherClass < calculationClass
[some code here]
This way, all methods of calculationClass immediately become available to otherClass. Note that if calculationClass has a nonempty constructor, the subclass will call the constructor as this = this#calculationClass.
If the calculations are static methods only, you can, alternatively, access those calculations as calculationClass.someCalculation(inputArguments), or create a package and use import.


Extend a type using generics

In Swift, I am trying to create a generic class that can extend another class, while inheriting from it. I am able to do it in C++ as follows, but is there a way to do the same in Swift?
class Atom {};
template<typename Base, typename Extension>
class Extend: Base {
Extension _value;
int main() {
return 0;
One approach I have been trying to apply is Protocol Oriented Design, but it doesn't seem to be able to take a class and extend it. The best I reached is something like creating the extension manually, and declaring that it does extend Atom, but at that point, I would just create another class and add to it the respective property manually.
One way to do it is by generating the code for the subclass at compile or run time. check these answers of these questions:
How to generate code dynamically with annotations at build time in Java?, and Generating, compiling and using Java code at run time?.
You can add a custom generic method to the base class that would be overridden by each subclass (in the generated code) and it may return Object. It would be a working approach, if it's worth the hassle.

Import class to access constant values

I defined a class in one of my many MATLAB packages. To my suprise, I could not access a constant property of my class without importing the class definition. Even if it is a method of the class itself. Like so:
classdef TestClass
properties( Constant )
function obj = TestClass()
function getC(obj)
import test.TestClass;
I just want to check whether I am doing something wrong here or is this the correct way to use constants in MATLAB.
Since you have placed TestClass inside a package Matlab needs to know where to look to find the definition for this class, even if it's a reference from within the class or function. An alternate to the above code could be:
function getC(obj)
Alternately, if within a class, constant values can be accessed from the object itself.
function getC(obj)
If neither of these is working for you, you may need to refresh the classdef for TestClass from memory. This will cause matlab to reload the constant value, which is pulled into Matlab when it first parses the classdef file to determine the structure of the class. This can be done using clear classes, however a warning that it will also clear all other classes, variables, and any breakpoints you have set.
If you want to see if this is necessary you can view the metaclass object to determine what Matlab "thinks" your class structure should be. You can do this using the following.
mc = ?test.TestClass;
You may need to index into the property list to find the specific property you are interested in, but the thing you are looking for are the following fields.
Name: 'c'
Constant: 1
DefaultValue: 0

What do parentheses do after a class is called?

I have been trying to make a simple player class that contains all of the important player functions in python. I was just getting into the pygame module, when I noticed a class used parentheses. I took the time to learn what a class does in python, but, couldn't find why parentheses are used after for a class. Here is my main code.
class plr(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
self.image = pygame.Surface((20,20))
Any explanations?
The parentheses at the end of the line in a class statement surround the base classes of the class you're defining. In the common case, there's just one base class (which may be object if no other base class is needed). In Python 3, you can omit the base class and object will be used by default, but you should always explicitly name object (or some subclass) as a base in Python 2, or you'll get an "old-style" class which is something you probably don't want. (Old style classes are quite thoroughly obsolete and not worth learning about if you're new to Python. They don't exist any more in Python 3.)
Specifying a base class lets your new class inherit methods and other behavior from the base class. Inheritance is a key part of Object Oriented Programming, so you'll probably encounter it quite a bit!
In your specific example, the plr class is inheriting from pygame.sprite.Sprite. That means you can call Sprite methods on instances of plr, and they'll usually just work. You can override some of them, if you want to customize your object's behavior.
I do see an error in your code. The __init__ method you've written will recurse infinitely, since it calls plr.__init__, which is itself! You probably wanted it to call pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__, which is overriding. You can make that call either with the long name I mentioned above, or by using super (which is nicer). Try:
class plr(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
super(plr, self).__init__()

Subclassing an Akka Agent

I would like to create a subclass of akka.agent.Agent. I have tried the following...
import akka.agent.Agent
import markets.tickers.Tick
class TickerAgent(val initialValue: Tick) extends Agent[Tick] {
} which point I am prompted to implement the remaining methods of the abstract Agent class. However, I want to keep the default implementations for these methods. It seem from the source that the default implementations are defined in a final, private SecretAgent class inside the Agent companion object.
Is there anyway for me to somehow import or otherwise access the default Agent when implementing a subclass of Agent?
According to my knowledge, there is no other way except implementing the abstract methods defined Agent[T] class. You can call the default methods inside your methods implementation.

Swift: class func .... why use this instead of func when creating a method inside a class?

I'm new to coding, apologies for dumb question.
Am following a tutorial to build a note taking app using Swift in Xcode.
Within a class definition I have been defining methods using the keyword func myMethod etc. At one point the instructor decides to define a Class method (within the existing class) using class func myMethod.
Why would you do this?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
By defining a class method it means that you don't need an instance of that class to use the method. So instead of:
var myInstance: MyClass = MyClass()
You can simply use:
The static (class) function is callable without needing an instance of the class available; it may be called without having to instantiate an object.
This can be useful for encapsulation (avoiding placing the function in the global namespace), or for operations that apply to all objects of a given class, such as tracking the total number of objects currently instantiated.
Static functions can be used to define a namespaces collection of related utility functions:
aDate = Utils.getDate()
aTime = Utils.getTime()
Another common use is for the singleton pattern, where a static function is used to provide access to an object that is limited to being instantiate only once:
obj = MySingleton.getInstance()
One answer is namespacing. If a function is only relevant to a certain class there is no need to declare the function globally.
This is Swift's take on static methods:
Static methods are meant to be relevant to all the instances of a class (or no instances) rather than to any specific instance.
An example of these are the animation functions in UIView, or the canSendMail function from MFMailComposeViewController.