postgreSQL - pg_class question - postgresql

PostgreSQL stores statistics about tables in the system table called pg_class. The query planner accesses this table for every query. These statistics may only be updated using the analyze command. If the analyze command is not run often, the statistics in this table may not be accurate and the query planner may make poor decisions which can degrade system performance. Another strategy is for the query planner to generate these statistics for each query (including selects, inserts, updates, and deletes). This approach would allow the query planner to have the most up-to-date statistics possible.
Why postgres always rely on pg_class instead?

pg_class doesn't contain all the statistics needed by the planner, it only contains information about the structure of the table. Statistics generated by analyze command contain information about values existing in each column so when executing a command like:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE cname = "pg";
the planner knows how much rows are in the table and how many rows have the value "pg" in the column cname. These information does not exist in pg_class.
Another nice feature of PostgreSQL is autovacuum, in 99,9999% of cases it should be enabled so the database actualizes statistics as soon as some (can be defined in config file) number of rows change. That minimizes the chance of wrong execution plan because of wrong table statistics.


Is estimated row count accurate when only inserts are done in a table?

We use PostgreSQL for analytics. Three typical operations we do on tables are:
Create table as select
Create table followed by insert in table
Drop table
We are not doing any UPDATE, DELETE etc.
For this situation can we assume that estimates would just be accurate?
SELECT reltuples AS estimate FROM pg_class where relname = 'mytable';
With autovacuum running (which is the default), ANALYZE and VACUUM are fired up automatically - both of which update reltuples. Basic configuration parameters for ANALYZE (which typically runs more often), (quoting the manual):
autovacuum_analyze_threshold (integer)
Specifies the minimum number of inserted, updated or deleted tuples
needed to trigger an ANALYZE in any one table. The default is 50
tuples. This parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file
or on the server command line; but the setting can be overridden for
individual tables by changing table storage parameters.
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor (floating point)
Specifies a fraction of the table size to add to
autovacuum_analyze_threshold when deciding whether to trigger an
ANALYZE. The default is 0.1 (10% of table size). This parameter can
only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server command
line; but the setting can be overridden for individual tables by
changing table storage parameters.
Another quote gives insight to details:
For efficiency reasons, reltuples and relpages are not updated
on-the-fly, and so they usually contain somewhat out-of-date values.
They are updated by VACUUM, ANALYZE, and a few DDL commands such
as CREATE INDEX. A VACUUM or ANALYZE operation that does not
scan the entire table (which is commonly the case) will incrementally
update the reltuples count on the basis of the part of the table it
did scan, resulting in an approximate value. In any case, the planner
will scale the values it finds in pg_class to match the current
physical table size, thus obtaining a closer approximation.
Estimates are up to date accordingly. You can change autovacuum settings to be more aggressive. You can even do this per table. See:
Aggressive Autovacuum on PostgreSQL
On top of that, you can scale estimates like Postgres itself does it. See:
Fast way to discover the row count of a table in PostgreSQL
Note that VACUUM (of secondary relevance to your case) wasn't triggered by only INSERTs before Postgres 13. Quoting the release notes:
Allow inserts, not only updates and deletes, to trigger vacuuming
activity in autovacuum (Laurenz Albe, Darafei
Previously, insert-only activity would trigger auto-analyze but not
auto-vacuum, on the grounds that there could not be any dead tuples to
remove. However, a vacuum scan has other useful side-effects such as
setting page-all-visible bits, which improves the efficiency of
index-only scans. Also, allowing an insert-only table to receive
periodic vacuuming helps to spread out the work of “freezing” old
tuples, so that there is not suddenly a large amount of freezing work
to do when the entire table reaches the anti-wraparound threshold all
at once.
If necessary, this behavior can be adjusted with the new parameters
autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold and
autovacuum_vacuum_insert_scale_factor, or the equivalent
table storage options.

distkey and sortkey on temporary tables - Redshift

I am starting to do some research on query tuning, and have been experimenting with using distkey and sortkey. From what I've read if I set the distkey to the joining column, the query planner will use a merge join instead of a hash join, which should be faster in Redshift. I was wondering if this also applies to temporary tables? Our production tables are actually views, so they do not have any keys already set. I'm not sure why we don't use the actual warehouse tables.
Yes, keys can be set for temporary tables:
create temp table fred DISTKEY (1) as ...
this is easily done with column position - first column in this example. You can also set the distribution style on temp tables is you so desire. Doing this can force data to stay "on node" for intermediate results in very large and complex queries. Redshift does a good job make reasonable decisions on how to distribute intermediate results but isn't perfect and doesn't understand the nature of the data. I've done this with good results when large data images are in play.
As to you second point about using views instead of tables - In Redshift standard views are basically SQL macros that are flattened / optimized through by the Redshift query compiler. So use of views instead of tables is not bad in itself. Use of view, especially complex ones, can hide what is being done by the query and this can add unneeded and unexpected complexity to the query. The keys are set in the tables referenced by the views. (I'm assuming that the views are not referencing external/spectrum tables)
Lastly, you state you are looking to achieve Merge Join behavior to improve performance. While it is true that this is the fastest type of join, the time and work required to get merge joins to happen on temp tables will not be offset by this performance gain (experience). Redshift will only use a Merge join when it is sure that the data being joined will "zipper" together without issue. If it isn't completely sure this is the case it has to perform a Hash join which is a more general process. To get Redshift to do the Merge join you will need to sort and analyze your temp tables which will cost much more time than the savings you will get. It is far more important to have your joins be "DIST NONE" - no network distribution of the data - than moving from a hash join to a merge join.
Yes, it can be done. Just put the distkey before the start of the table query
create temp table a distkey(column_name) as
(select query .....)

Query to find a critical situation in Greenplum database(4.3.12) which has postgres version 8.2.15

Need a SELECT query that can find the users,procpids along with query statements runs by them with the waiting_state when a particular table is accessed in their respective queries which as a result leads to the concept of blocking table and waiting table.

Alter Table Set Statistics requires table lock

I have run into a case such that Pg always preferring into a sequential scan for a table that has around 70M rows. (Index scan is ideal for that query and i have confirmed it by setting enable_seq_scan=off, speed improved by 200x)
So, in order to help Pg understand my data better i executed this
Unfortunately this requires Update Exclusive lock which locks the entire table (too much lock).
Is there a solution to avoid locking for this statement ?
Data sharding is done for this table based on Primary Key Range, so I would like Pg to even understand my Pk better so that it knows which User has got large data. Will it be of use if i increase the statistics of PrimaryKey column as well ?
From the very docs you linked
This form sets the per-column statistics-gathering target for subsequent ANALYZE operations. The target can be set in the range 0 to 10000; alternatively, set it to -1 to revert to using the system default statistics target (default_statistics_target). For more information on the use of statistics by the PostgreSQL query planner, refer to Section 14.2.
And, on the docs for Explicit Locking
Conflicts with the SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE, SHARE, SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, and ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock modes. This mode protects a table against concurrent schema changes and VACUUM runs.
Acquired by VACUUM (without FULL), ANALYZE, CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY, and ALTER TABLE VALIDATE and other ALTER TABLE variants (for full details see ALTER TABLE).
So you can't change the schema, or vacuum while analytics are happening. So what? They should happen very fast. Almost instantly.

SQLite ANALYZE breaks indexes

I have a table that contains about 500K rows. The table has an index on the 'status' column. So I run the following explain command:
Results in a predictable 'explanation'...
SEARCH TABLE my_table USING INDEX IDX_my_table_status (status=?) (~10 rows)
After many additional rows are added to the table, I call 'ANALYZE'. Afterwards, queries seemed much slower so I re-ran my explain and now see the following:
SCAN TABLE my_table (~6033 rows)
First thing I notice is that BOTH the row estimates are WAY off. The biggest concern is the fact that the index seems to be skipped once ANALYZE is ran. I tried REINDEX - to no avail. The only way I can get the indexes back is to drop them, then re-create them. Has anyone seen this? Is this a bug? Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I have tried this on multiple datbases and I see the same results. This is on my PC, and on MAC and on the iPhone/iPad - all the same results.
When SQLite fetches rows from a table using an index, it has to read the index pages first, and then read all the table's pages that contain one or more matching records.
If there are many matching records, almost all the table's pages are likely to contain one, so going through the index would require reading more pages.
However, SQLite's query planner does not have information about the record sizes in the index or the table, so it's possible that its estimates are off.
The information collected by ANALYZE is stored in the sqlite_stat1 and maybe sqlite_stat3 tables.
Please show what the information about your table is.
If that information that not reflect the true distribution of your data, you can try to run ANALYZE again, or just delete that information from the sqlite_stat* tables.
You can force going through an index if you use ORDER BY on the indexed field.
(INDEXED BY is, as its documentation says, not intended for use in tuning the performance of a query.)
If you do not need to select all fields of the table, you can speed up specific queries by creating an index on those queries' fields so that you have a covering index.
It's not uncommon for a query execution plan to avoid using an existing index on a low-cardinality column like "status", which probably only has a few distinct values. It's often faster for the lookups to be performed by scanning the db table. (Some DBAs recommend never indexing low-cardinality columns.)
However, based on the wildly varying row counts in the explain plan, I'm guessing that SQLite's 'analyze' performs similarly to MySQL's 'analyze' when using the InnoDB storage engine. MySQL's 'analyze' does a random set of dives into the table data to determine row count, index cardinality, etc. Because of the random dives, the statistics may vary after each 'analyze' is run, and result in differing query execution plans. Low-cardinality columns are even more susceptible to incorrect stats, as, for example, the random dives may indicate that the majority of the rows in your table have an "active" status, making it more efficient to table scan rather than use the index. (I'm no SQLite expert, so someone please chime in if my hunch about the 'analyze' behavior is incorrect.)
You can try testing the use of the index in the query using "indexed by" (see, although forcing the use of indexes is usually a last resort. Different RDBMSs have different solutions to the low-cardinality problem, such as partitioning, using bitmap indexes, etc. I would recommend researching SQLite-specific solutions to querying/indexing on low-cardinality columns).