iPhone SDK Get tmp directory - iphone

How do i get the tmp directory on the iPhone or iPad?
if i use NSTemporaryDirectory() to create a file it does not save to the simulator temp directory.

As drawnonward said correctly in a comment
"NSTemporaryDirectory() will do the right thing on a device."
and thats true...
EDIT: Apparently there may be a problem with this approach on later Os's (>6.1.3), maybe try the NSCachesDirectory instead of the tmp directory.

As an alternative, from the documentation on NSFileManager URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:
You can also use this method to create a new temporary directory for storing things like autosave files; to do so, specify NSItemReplacementDirectory for the directory parameter, NSUserDomainMask for the domain parameter, and a valid parent directory for the url parameter. After locating (or creating) the desired directory, this method returns the URL for that directory. If more than one appropriate directory exists in the specified domain, this method returns only the first one it finds."


KDB generating ERROR:file/path/location/sym os reports: No such file or directory

I am trying to save table as partition using .Q.dpt[hdbroot;.z.d;`tablename].
But it's generating No such file or directory error, but the directory is present.
can you please help me on this.
I have created blank folder to store the data but it's checking for sym file while storing data.
I have created one blank folder and gave that folder path to hdbroot variable, but it's not working.
I could replicate your error by trying to save to a location that doesn't exist on the machine.
'/does/not/exist/sym. OS reports: No such file or directory
[0] .Q.dpt[`:/does/not/exist;.z.d;`t]
Like I mentioned in my comment, make sure that the hdbroot variable is exactly the location you're expecting. key can help you determine this, here is a quick helper function for you.
q)exists:{"Folder/file ",$[11=abs type key x;"exists";"does not exist"]}
"Folder/file does not exist"
"Folder/file exists"

How can I rename file uploaded to s3 using javascript api?

'pickAndStore' method allows me to specify full path to the file, but I don't know it's extension at this point (file path has to be defined before file is uploaded, so it's not possible to provide a path with correct extension).
if I use 'pick' and then 'store' I have 2 files (because both methods uploads file to the s3). I can delete 'old' file, but it's not optimal and can be pain (take ages) with really big files.
Is there any better solution? Ideally to rename existing file.
Currently, there is no workaround for renaming file.
However, in our Javascript API v2 we are planing to add new callback function. onStart callback will be fired after user pick file but before file uploading. There could be option like renaming file based on original filename.
We will keep you updated.

addToFolder(): The copy version of the file is deleted, if the original version is deleted

I started doing development with google scripts few days ago and recently joined stackoverflow. I have a problem with addToFolder() function. I have the following piece of code that copies my new spreadsheet into a folder (test/sheets) in my Google Drive:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.create("test");
var ssID = ss.getId();
My problem is that now I have 2 versions of the same file (one in the root of my Google Drive folder and the other in test/sheets folder), whenever I try to delete either of the copies, the other copy is deleted as well. Is there a way to delete the old file and keep the new one OR is there a way to create the file in the desired folder in first place?
thanks for you quick response. I played with this for couple of hours but still have problem copying the file to the destination folder. The problem is that even when I use makeCopy Method of the file, still addToFolder is the only option to mention the folder. Again this ends up having the tagged filename in the destination folder.
I had the same problem with the copy method.
Here is my new Code:
var SetLocationFile = "icompare/sheets/stocks"
var FolderID = DocsList.getFolder(SetLocationFile);
var FileID = DocsList.getFileById(ssID);
Folders in Google Docs\Google Drive are actually tags. When you "add" a file to the folder "test/sheets", you do not make a copy of your file, you just attach the tag "test/sheets" to it. Now the same file is shown both in the "test/sheets" folder (i.e. in the list of all files with the tag "test/sheets") and in the root. If you wish to make a copy of the file, you should use the copy method. (Please let me know if I just misunderstand your question.)
I realize this is an old questions but you can simply use .removeFromFolder(DocsList.getRootFolder()); to remove the file from the root folder.
I would also like to know the answer to this question.. seems rather "weird" that the API does not even provide a way to create spreadsheets and place them in a certain map? And no, I do not want a Copy of the file, I want the file to be in a specific map and in no other map...

how to give the default path in gwt

i m creating a project in gwt (point) is project name ...
i want to store a image in point/war/images folder, whaich i gave the full path like C:\Documents and Settings\computer\workspace\m\war\images\ tthe the iamge will stored in images folder but i want to give the default path
i give "../war/images/" as default path, but this give me error (he system cannot find the path specified )
can any body help to give the default path
Usually you put images in the war/images directory, and you access them like
Image img = new Image("images/my_image.jpg")
You may also read this thread, and this question.

URLForResource alway returns nil

I created a project without checking "use CoreData". The Project name is "glossary"
Now I changed my mind and so for I added an data model usinng Add->New File->Resource->Data Model->gave it the name Glossary->didn`t select any class->Finish.
The next step was to design my Data Model.
Then I added the needed Code to my AppDelegate.
For all Steps i was following this Tutorial:
My problem now is located in this line:
NSURL *modelURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"glossary" withExtension:#"momd"]
modelURL is always nill
Creating an extra NSBundle Ref and calling mainBundle shows me that this is working, however i don`t know if it is really the right path.
Doing the same Steps on an project with selected "use CoreData" while creating works great.
Has anybody an idea?
It has to do with model versioning. You want to add a versioned model (item in Xcode project tree will have .xcdatamodeld extension) and then your code will run smoothly.
In Xcode 4 when you add a new Core Data file it is versioned by default. Even if you added Core Data support after project creation.
If you don't plan to have model versions, just use .mom in your code.
I'm not 100 % sure, but URLForResource does work for files only and momd is directory.
URLForResource documentation: The method first looks for a matching resource file in the nonlocalized resource directory of the specified bundle. (In Mac OS X, this directory is typically called Resources but in iOS, it is the main bundle directory.) If a matching resource file is not found, it then looks in the top level of any available language-specific “.lproj” directories. (The search order for the language-specific directories corresponds to the user’s preferences.) It does not recurse through other subdirectories at any of these locations. For more details see Bundles and Localization.