Extjs Form Action Submit - Custom override? - forms

Looking at the source code of Action.Submit, I'm trying to figure out where ext is appending the form's fields to the parameters.
Instead of sending each field as a separate parameter, I want to send something like:
formObj:{field1:value, field2:value}
Currently, each of those values are simply added to the parameter list along with any custom/baseParams.
Where are these formfields being added so that I can change this behaviour?

I'm not sure what your override needs to look like, but you'll probably want to look at Ext.Ajax.request() (in Core / Connection.js). When posting a form, the fields get serialized there, in this code block:
if(form = Ext.getDom(o.form)){
url = url || form.action;
serForm = Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(form);
p = p ? (p + '&' + serForm) : serForm;

If you really want to track the process of creating parameter list, you can refer to Ext.form.Action.getParams.
You should also consider Ext.form.BasicForm.getValues as it returns exactly the result you want, the only problem is that you'll need to send it manually, e.g. using Ext.Ajax.request.


mirth connect Database Reader automatic column mapping

Please could somebody confirm the following..
I am using Mirth Connect 3.5.08232.
My Source Connector is a Database Reader.
Say, I am using a query that returns multiple rows, and return the result (via JavaScript), as documentation suggests, so that Mirth would treat each row as a separate message. I also use a couple of mappers as source transformers, and save the mapped fields in my channel map (which ends up to contain only those fields that I define in transformers)
In the destination, and specifically, in destination response transformer (or destination body, if it is a JavaScript writer), how do I access the source fields?
the only way I found by trial and error is
var rawMsg = connectorMessage.getRawData();
var xmlMsg = new XML(rawMsg);
logger.info(xmlMsg.some_field); // ignore the root element of rawMsg
Is this the right way to do this? I thought that maybe the fields that were nicely automatically detected would be put in some kind of a map, like sourceMap - but that doesn't seem to be the case, right?
Thank you
If you are using Mapper steps in your transformer to extract the data and put it into a variable map (like the channel map), then you can use any of the following methods to retrieve it from a subsequent JavaScript context (including a JavaScript Writer, and your response transformer):
var value = channelMap.get('key');
var value = $c('key');
var value = $('key');
Look at the Variable Maps section of the User Guide for more information.
So to recap, say you're selecting a column "mycolumn" with a Database Reader. The XML sent to the channel will be something like this:
Then you can choose to extract pieces of that message into specific variables for later use. The transformer allows you to easily drag-and-drop pieces of the sample inbound message.
Finally in your JavaScript Writer (or in any subsequent filter, transformer, or response transformer), just drag the value into the field you want:
And the corresponding JavaScript code will automatically be inserted:
One last note, if you are selecting a lot of variables and don't want to make Mapper steps for each one individually, you can use a JavaScript Step to iterate through the message and extract each column into a separate map variable:
for each (child in msg.children()) {
channelMap.put(child.localName(), child.toString());
Or, you can just reference the columns directly from within the JavaScript Writer:
var msg = new XML(connectorMessage.getEncodedData());
var column1 = msg.column1.toString();
var column2 = msg.column2.toString();

JQuery Wildcard for using atttributes in selectors

I've research this topic extensibly and I'm asking as a last resort before assuming that there is no wildcard for what I want to do.
I need to pull up all the text input elements from the document and add it to an array. However, I only want to add the input elements that have an id.
I know you can use the \S* wildcard when using an id selector such as $(#\S*), however I can't use this because I need to filter the results by text type only as well, so I searching by attribute.
I currently have this:
values_inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='a']");
This works how I want it to but it brings back only the text input elements that start with an 'a'. I want to get all the text input elements with an 'id' of anything.
I can't use:
values_inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='']"); //or
values_inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='*']"); //or
values_inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='\\S*']"); //or
values_inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^=\\S*]");
//I either get no values returned or a syntax error for these
I guess I'm just looking for the equivalent of * in SQL for JQuery attribute selectors.
Is there no such thing, or am I just approaching this problem the wrong way?
Actually, it's quite simple:
var values_inputs = $("input[type=text][id]");
Your logic is a bit ambiguous. I believe you don't want elements with any id, but rather elements where id does not equal an empty string. Use this.
values_inputs = $("input[type='text']")
.filter(function() {
return this.id != '';
Try changing your selector to:
I figured out another way to use wild cards very simply. This helped me a lot so I thought I'd share it.
You can use attribute wildcards in the selectors in the following way to emulate the use of '*'. Let's say you have dynamically generated form in which elements are created with the same naming convention except for dynamically changing digits representing the index:
id='part_x_name' //where x represents a digit
If you want to retrieve only the text input ones that have certain parts of the id name and element type you can do the following:
var inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='part_'][id$='_name']");
and voila, it will retrieve all the text input elements that have "part_" in the beginning of the id string and "_name" at the end of the string. If you have something like
id='part_x_name_y' // again x and y representing digits
you could do:
var inputs = $("input[type='text'][id^='part_'][id*='_name_']"); //the *= operator means that it will retrieve this part of the string from anywhere where it appears in the string.
Depending on what the names of other id's are it may start to get a little trickier if other element id's have similar naming conventions in your document. You may have to get a little more creative in specifying your wildcards. In most common cases this will be enough to get what you need.

Sending an array as a query parameter to a rest WS (nullpointerException)

I need to call a rest web service in playframework 2 and I need to send a query parameter which is an array. In regular html I would send it like:
GET http://host.com?a=1&a=2&a=3
But when I do it when I try to do it with the playframework 2 WS api I do the next:
Map<String,String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
paramMap.put("a",new String[]{"value1","value2"});
WS.WSRequestHolder holder = WS.url("http://host.com");
Set<String> keys = paramMap.keySet();
for (int i = 0; i < paramMap.get(key).length; i++)
holder.setQueryParameter(key, paramMap.get(key)[i]);
And the first time that setQueryParamater() arrives, everything goes perfect but the second time I get a NullPointerException and paramMap.get(key)[i] is not null. Is this possible? is there any workaround?
Thanks in advance!
In regular html you need to dsend it like:
GET http://host.com?a=1&a=2&a=3
Using ampershand(&) to separate parameters in query string instead of comma(,)
Edit: Sorry forgot to type: Like ur trying to do within the loop you should not have fields with same name. You should change it as:
I don't know if this causes NullPointerException you face. But even if does not i suggest you change ur implementation to keep one value per field (key, value)
Ok, it seems to be a bug in play-framework, but solved in 2.1 version.

Web2py - Multiple tables read-only form

I've searched around the web for a way to achieve this, and found multiple solutions. Most of them had messy code, all of them drawbacks. Some ideas involved setting default values of all the db fields based on a record. Others worked by appending multiple SQLFORMs, which resulted in differences in indentation on the page (because it's 2 HTML tables in 1 form).
I'm looking for a compact and elegant way of providing a read-only representation of a record based on a join on two tables. Surely there must be some simple way to achieve this, right? The Web2py book only contains an example of an insert-form. It's this kind of neat solution I am looking for.
In the future I will probably need multi-table forms that provide update functionality as well, but for now I'll be happy if I can get a simple read-only form for a record.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
This seems to work for me:
def test():
fields = [db.tableA[field] for field in db.tableA.keys() \
if type(db.tableA[field]) == type(db.tableA.some_field)]
fields += [db.tableB[field] for field in db.tableB.keys() \
if type(db.tableB[field]) == type(db.tableB.some_field)]
ff = []
for field in fields:
ff.append(Field(field.name, field.type))
form = SQLFORM.factory(*ff, readonly=True)
return dict(form=form)
You could add in field.required, field.requires validtaors, etc. And also, since you're using SQLFORM.factory, you should be able to validate it and to updates/inserts. Just make sure that the form you are building using this method contains all of the necessary information to validate the form for update -- I believe you can add them easily to the Field instantiation above.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and you need to get the values of the record in question to pre-populate the form based on a record id (after form is defined)... also.. I just realized that instead of those list comprehensions, you can just use SQLFORM.factory and provide the two tables:
def test():
form = SQLFORM.factory(db.tableA, db.tableB, readonly=True)
record = ... (query for your record, probably based on an id in request.args(0))
for field in record.keys():
if (*test if this really is a field*):
form.vars[field] = record[field]
return dict(form=form)
Some tweaking will be required since I only provided psuedo-code for the pre-population... but look at: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/7#Pre-populating-the-form and the SQLFORM/SQLFORM.factory sections.

Codeigniter: Submitting Forms

How do I submit a form that can do two different things based on the URI?
For example, if the URI contains a string "new" the form will submit differently than it would if "new" were not in the URI.
I'm having trouble implementing this, as when a form is submitted, it takes the URI of whatever "form_open" says.
Altering the form_open path is probably not the way to do this. How are you using this? Does the person filling out the form affect the "new" string?
What I would do is put a hidden input on the form and set THAT value to "new". Then in the controller, use a GET to take the value of the input form, and do a simple IF / ELSE statement based off the value of that variable.
This way, you could setup several different ways to use the same form - hidden=new, hidden=old, hidden=brandnew, hiddend=reallyold could all process the form values differently, even sending them to different tables in your DB or whatever.
Kevin - I thought I'd done something like this before and I had - here's a quick look:
In routes.php:
$route['some/pathname/(:any)'] = "my_controller/my_function/$1";
Then in mycontroller.php:
function my_function($type)
if ($type == "new") {
do this }
elseif ($type == "update)" {
do this }