UITableview to autowrap long text - iphone

How can I get a UITableView to automatically wrap text which is longer than the width of the cell?

You need to dynamically determine the height of the cell, and set your label so that it autosizes itself. There's a fairly comprehensive explanation here: http://www.cimgf.com/2009/09/23/uitableviewcell-dynamic-height/

Set the "setNumberOfLines" property of the label to wrap the text to required number of lines. If you don't want the .... at the end of the text if it is too long then
label.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap;
or if you want to show the ... after the text then don't use the above code.
All the best.

See the options for the lineBreakMode of the UILabel inside the UITableViewCell here.


UILabel does not wrap (if I change default font size)

I am working on a simple storyboard prototype. My TableViewController uses Dynamic Prototype as Content.
I have a cell with 4 label of which two will be set in code (the label text). The height of the cell will be calculated in code too. The Line Breaks are set to Word Wrap and everything's working fine with the default values (System 17.0):
see here:
..but if I change the Font Size of the "Fantasy Street..." label it will not break any more instead it just will be cut off!
see here: with System Font 16
Lines are set to 0
Word Wrap is still active
.. I also tried to do it manually in code but no change.
Does anyone have an explanation for that?
****edited:** when I add
myLabel.frame = CGRectMake(t.origin.x, t.origin.y, t.size.width, t.size.height *2);
to the cellForRowAtIndexPath I still see the cut off label. But if I then scroll the table view so the label is outside the viewable area shortly it will be displayed with the complete text when it is visible again.
By the way, I am working with viewTags, so I don't have a dedicated Cell Class e.g. UILabel *myLabel = (UILabel *)[cell viewWithTag:2];
You should check UILabel width; the width should be less than that of the value. Then like this:
(void) viewWillLayoutSubviews {
_landPhoneTips.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = _landPhoneTips.bounds.size.width;
I spent hours dealing with this identical problem before finally sorting it out last evening. After changing the font size, you must select the UILabel within the storyboard and select Edit > Size to Fit Content, even if you had already previously done so! In doing so you apparently reset some setting that gets messed up when changing the font size. Once done, the UILabel will wrap as it did previously.

Label Text alignment with multiple lines

I have a label with multiple lines .I want the text on the label always starts from top left corner independent of the height and number of lines of label.
Right now i am using a property
[question1Label setContentMode: UIViewContentModeTopLeft];
But its not working
I've noticed that contentMode property of UILabel doesn't affect its text's alignment. Use the textAlignment property.
label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;
Edit: This will align the text Center-Left. In order to show the text from Top-Left you need to find the height of the text using sizeWithFont: method of NSString. See this SO post to know how to do it.
As an alternative you can use UITextField, the subclass of UIControl, which inherits UIControl's the contentVerticalAlignment property.
textField.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentTop;
You can use this property to align the text on top. You can disable the user from editing the text by using the property userInteractionEnabled property.
The accepted answer no longer worked for me as UITextAlignmentLeft has been depreciated.
The following works great!
// Allow multiline label centered
[label setNumberOfLines:0];
[label setTextAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];

How to wrap the data in a label of a cell in iphone?

im passing huge data to a label of a cell.So i need to wrap the line.I tried the below methods ------- cell.textlabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; cell.textlabel.lineBreakMode =UILineBreakModeTailTruncation;By truncating the label also no use.In this way my problem didnt get solved.I want all the data to be displayed in the same font size also.If the label of a cell containg less data,the font size is different and if the label of a cell containing more data,the font size is small.Please help me out.....thanks in advance
you can find the uilabels expected size programetically and also appply the word wrap..please refer this.UILabel size according to text
there are two things you need to know when wrapping text to label.
1. numberOfLine on which you want to display the text
2. lineBreakMode.
most of the time we set numberOfLine = 0 when we need to wrap the text, but keep in mind that 0 indicate , uses as many line as needed to display the text. This will cause to push the label view beyond it's container view. So make sure you have used
cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeTailTruncation;

How to make text in a UITableViewCell wordwrap?

I have a grouped UITableView with a few sections. The text in some of the cells can get quite long, I was wondering how I could make the text word-wrap?
textLabel.numberOfLines = 0;
You can set this to a fixed number of lines if you prefer. It may be a good idea to set the lineBreakMode, and you will probably need to implement:
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSString sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:
You'll have the specify the number of lines the text will use.
Setting it to zero will wrap it automatically.
cell.textLabel.numberOfLines=0; // line wrap
set numberOfLines > 1 on your label and set an appropriate lineBreakMode as well. You might need to modify the frame of the label to have enough space. You can do this in tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath: of your table view delegate.
It looks like this question Custom Cell Height, right? I don't really get what word-wrap do, but I assume that you want to change the cell size according to the text length, is that right? So you can look at the above question and answer

One label, two different fonts?

I need to format text in a label like this:
username: some text from this user. This will
create additional lines of text that will go
on and on and on.
Where "username" is bold. This will go into a UILabel, which is in a custom table cell. Is there a way to get this type of layout?
For this relatively simple case, you might be able to fake it. Have one label with the bold username, and another label with the plain text in the same position. Insert enough spaces before the plain text to leave room for the username. You can use UIStringDrawing methods to measure the bold text and the spaces.
CGSize usernameSize = [theUsername sizeWithFont:theBoldUsernameFont];
CGSize spaceSize = [#" " sizeWithFont:thePlainCommentFont];
NSString *indentedComment = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%*s%#" , (int)ceil( usernameSize.width / spaceSize.width ) , "" , theComment];
If you use plain UILabel it's not available. Use two labels for this task.
You need to use either a UIWebView or CoreText to do this kind of advanced text layout. A web view has a lot of overhead but is most flexible and you can't use it effectively in a UITableView cell. CoreText is low level and not that well documented. You could ditch the table view and just lay out the table with CSS and HTML in the web view, which is how I do it.
You can still use a UITableViewCell but have the cell use a UIWebView subview. Set up a custom cell subclass with a clever setter method that allows you to send nsstrings to the method with turns those into a pretty formatted view.