mp4 stream to iphone/ipod touch via http - iphone

is it possible to stream video to iphone/ipod touch over http without a proper streaming server with .net? may be some sort of progressive download?

The best way that I suggest is to use HTML 5. The iDevices (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) doesn't support Silverlight or Flash.

I think the mobile devices you are trying to watch the videos from have a 'video size limit' because when i test my website i test everything over wifi for real world scenarios and when i reach a certain video size i am not able to watch the video on that mobile device. videos under 1gb work great, but when i try watching a 2.5gb HD video it will not open the video on my ipod/ipad/iphone/android devices....


iphone send video to ipad live streaming and wireless control (like AR Drone)

How can I send video from an iPhone to an iPad?
I'm building a robot that is an iPhone controlling an arduino, for the next phase I would like to be able to send some live streaming video from the iPhone to see in an iPad and have the iPad sending commands to the iPhone.
so how to send live streaming video from one device to the other (WiFi preferred or BlueTooth), and how to control one device via wireless from the other?
The best example for what I intend to do is the Parrot AR Drone and another app for the toy,
app clone to pilot the Quadracopter
The difference is that I would be getting the image from an iPhone and sending the control orders to the iPhone [from an iPad] as well, not a separate hardware.
Thanks a lot!
Most of the apps I've seen that do this use AVFoundation to capture data form the video camera - then push the frames to a server somewhere. You probably won't want to push every frame. For the receiving side of things I would have a server hosting a web page with an html5 video tag looking at an m3u8 playlist. Have your files from the iphone go into the playlist folder.
<video src="">
Your browser does not support the VIDEO tag
Then set your view on the ipad or computer to look at that webpage. There is for sure a more direct way of sending the files straight to the ipad for viewing - but I like being able to view the video from any broswer :)
If you want to stay away from a web view on the ipad you can also get the files as you would retrieve any file over a network. The web view is just the easiest way in my opinion.
How to integrate Live555 in XCode (iOS SDK)
hope this helps!

RTMP (Real Time Media Player) format in iPhone

Is iPhone supports RTMP (Real Time Media Player) Video format to play into iphone/ipod or ipad?
On website, it is working with flash player, like JWPlayer, but i doubt whether its supported with iPhone as we will be generating APIs parsing XML.
Any ideas, would be appreciated.
Thanks !
There is no RTMP streaming to IOS devices. Apple is keen on HTTP Live Streaming, which is closely related to MPEG-TS.

How to show streaming videos in flash in iPhone application

I want to show live video streaming which is in the form of flash. Can any body tell me how to do this in an iPhone application.
The iPhone doesn't support Flash, so using it isn't an option. You can, however, do HTTP streaming of video. Read Apple's documentation for more information.
Adobe announced during their Keynote at MAX yesterday that you will be able to compile Flash for iPhone apps. They have some sample projects available on the Adobe labs site
You can take those sample files and extend them to accomplish what you're looking for.
The native compile output from Flash Professional isn't going to be available until CS5.
Note: Flash is not native on the iPhone and will not run in browser. Also, apps will not have access to the video camera or the microphone.
No flash but you can stream mp4 etc.
good tutorial on how to stream video:

video API iphone

I want to play H.264 video streamed from network. To play video iphone provides the media player API. Does anyone one aware of any documented or undocumented API for decoding and playing single video frame?
Is it Live video or on demand ?
If live the only way is to use iPhone OS 3 with MediaPlayer.
take a look at the discussions group from apple there is some interesting thread.

How do I stream video and play it?

How can I stream video data from the network and play it on an iPhone?
First, are you developing a Web app optimized for iPhone or a native application ?
In the first case, your only option is to transcode your video files to Quicktime H.264 (m4v or mp4 extension). You can use Quicktime Pro (use the export menu) or VLC (as a free alternative). Then simply add a hyperlink to the video file on your HTTP server. Make sure it presents the right content-type and stuff (read Safari Web Content Guide for iPhone OS: Configuring Your Server). That'll work for web and native apps (in a native app you would use the MPMoviePlayerController view). So can "stream" (technically called progressive download of a Quicktime movie file).
If you're talking about streaming live content (i.e. content that you produce live or transcode a live feed) there is currently no official way of doing it (as of iPhone OS 2.2). iPhone OS does not support RTSP/RTP streaming. A number of native iPhone applications (such as and Orb Live) have created their custom live streaming solution (most of them transfer a delayed streams with many seconds of latency over HTTP then somehow decode it on the phone using FFmpeg or other libraries).
Are you trying to stream video in your app or just streaming on your iPhone? For streaming video through an app, use the MPMoviePlayerController and pass the URL of your video to it. The MPMoviePlayerController will itself stream the video and play it for you.
If you're looking for a server based solution (with a very affordable Amazon EC2 option), be sure to check out Wowza at
It streams directly to iPhone/iPod Touch without a custom app.
note: I'm not affiliated with them at all... just a fan/customer.
edit: Just noticed how old this question was. :)