iPhone to iPhone communication - iphone

I have been looking into communication methods between two iPhone devices and as I understand it there are two main methods to do this: Bluetooth and WiFi. However I wanted to know if anyone knows of any other way of sharing information between two iPhones? If I were in an area with no WiFi or mobile signal, and couldn't use Bluetooth for whatever reason, is there anything that could be done to broadcast data from one iPhone to another?
I'm sure its a bit of a silly question, but if you don't ask, you don't get; and if someone knows of anything I might be able to look into with regards to this, I would be very appreciative.

AFAIK Wifi and Bluetooth are your only options for direct phone-to-phone communication.

Offcourse, there is still cellular data network because you are talking about the iPhone ;)


Bonjour data sending multiple devices

Does Bonjour allows one iOS device to send data or image to multiple iOS devices at a same time?
I am able to detect number of iOS devices over a wifi network. But the problem is coming in sending data or image to more than 1 iOS device at the same time.
Should i go for gamekit bluetooth approch for the above problem? Sample code for the question will be appreciated, and help is always welcome.
Yeah I think you should use Bluetooth to do the thing mentioned in your question.
Here are some of the samples. Please have a look:-
It may help you, Thanks!

Wi-fi capture packets IVS.

(^.^)"Hi again sorry for my English is not good if someone like correct my redaction I would appreciate this"
Hi, is anybody now if I can capture IVs with my iphone from the wi-fi networks , any source code, Api, tutorial, etc.. who can make this who can put the iphone wifi promiscuous mode monitor to capture packets.
I've looking for but can not find nothing.
Take a look at Stumbler.
Note that it uses private APIs so most of this code is not suitable for
App Store aplications. But as a learning resource it's priceless.

An application to check iPhone connection with USB

I want to know if an iPhone is connected to USB programmatically.
So far by googling i found http://developer.apple.com/programs/mfi/.
Do I really need this api to find out whether an iPhone is connected to USB device?
I just want to make an iPhone app that prints out in console whether the iPhone is connected with USB or not.
Thanks much.
You might be able to use the solution from this question.
The solution detects if the device's battery is currently being charged which, if connected to USB, most likely will be unless it is a 3rd party accessory in which case there's a different SDK for those I believe.
In any case, if the solution isn't helpful it might point you in the right direction.
Did some more digging and it appears that this may not be possible other than the battery charging solution mentioned previously.
So to answer your question "Do I really need this api to find out whether an iPhone is connected to USB device?":
Yes, it appears that way.

Iphone communication between 2 cell phones

I am developing an application for an Iphone and I need to know if there is a way to communicate between 2 iphones either through some kind of messaging or anything similar to that. Kind of like a yahoo messanger.
You should read about GameKit and it's p2p connectivity. Question with some example can be found here

iPhone and it's wireless area

Is there a way to discover other iPhones in the range of it's wireless area? So I give an example. I am staying at the airport. Somewhere near me there is also an iPhone. Me and the other iPhone's owner playing the same game. Is there a way to alert me and the other player that we are so close to eachother? Is this working also if we aren't on the same wireless networ, or there aren't any wireless?
And if there is a way to do this, can you give me some start point? Like a link where I can learn the basics or something like this. Maybe the name of this procedure, because I either don't know how to search in google about this topic. Thanks in forward!
The peer-to-peer discovery and connectivity you're describing can be accomplished with Game Kit framework.
Originally I thought it only worked via bluetooth, but after quickly looking over this GameKit Wifi question it seems wifi is also supported.
Hope this helps!