Iphone communication between 2 cell phones - iphone

I am developing an application for an Iphone and I need to know if there is a way to communicate between 2 iphones either through some kind of messaging or anything similar to that. Kind of like a yahoo messanger.

You should read about GameKit and it's p2p connectivity. Question with some example can be found here


Direct VoIP call from one iOS device to another

I'am going to develop peer-to-peer VoIP iOS application. And want do it without any SIP proxy, SIP providers and other servers. Just VoIP calls frpm iOSdevice-to-iOSdevice. Both iOS device could be somewhere in Internet. Is it real in VoIP (with PJSIP for example and general with SIP)?
Could you please point me to main keys that I need for development.
I have already read these topics. Is it real solve problems with addressing in my configuration. PJSIP could help with correcting addressing?
Look at Apples Multipeer Connectivity framework. I have built an app that does exactly what you want. If you look to my profile and the questions I have asked you will get some good guidance. Though I recommend you do it with a backend since MultiPeer wasn't the best solution, atleast when it comes to supporting multiple peers and to be able to call another device that has the app in the background.
See Frank Shearar's Answer Here
In short, it looks like this would be a very difficult task.
Another option would be to use the Twilio SDK for iPhone (Obj-C). This would work well for what you're trying to do and would be a whole lot easier. Link

PTT iPhone apps .. How it works?

Here's an example of PTT app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iptt-push-to-talk/id311931218?mt=8
I just wondered how it works ? is there any kind of Streaming Server behind this service .
You'll have to dig into SIP/VoIP.
siphon, for example is a very interesting project.
There are also many qustions/answer on this topic on SO:
How to implement VoIP + SIP in iPhone?
Use SIP in iPhone app
Try searching iphone voip or iphone sip on SO and you'll get many many more.
and of course there is Wikipedia:
Voice over IP
Session Initiation Protocol

iOS bluetooth without GameKit

I already know that using GameKit, I can only connect to other iOS devices running the same app.
But I want to connect to a Parallaz EasyBluetooth chip to send and receive commands, so I need a different solution. I suppose there are some libraries for jailbroken devices, but I don't know any. Can you give me some names or hints to look for?
Is this maby what you need?

iPhone to iPhone communication

I have been looking into communication methods between two iPhone devices and as I understand it there are two main methods to do this: Bluetooth and WiFi. However I wanted to know if anyone knows of any other way of sharing information between two iPhones? If I were in an area with no WiFi or mobile signal, and couldn't use Bluetooth for whatever reason, is there anything that could be done to broadcast data from one iPhone to another?
I'm sure its a bit of a silly question, but if you don't ask, you don't get; and if someone knows of anything I might be able to look into with regards to this, I would be very appreciative.
AFAIK Wifi and Bluetooth are your only options for direct phone-to-phone communication.
Offcourse, there is still cellular data network because you are talking about the iPhone ;)

iphone and bluetooth device

could i connect my nokia phone to iphone using the following Object..?
i mean (GameKit)
note that here not two iPhone but it is one iPhone other one is only one Bluetooth device..
thanks and regards
Could you be a little bit more specific about what your purpose is?
Are you trying to create a cross-platform game or simply transferring data between the devices?
Though the documentation clearly states that:
The GKPeerPickerController class
provides a standard user interface to
allow an iPhone to discover and
connect to another iPhone.
So I don't think this is the right way to go.