In-app settings controlled by plist? - iphone

Is there a library or good tutorial which covers creating in-app settings, like this:
What I would like is if it:
doesn't use the built-in Settings app, and does not replicate it's settings in the Settings app
is controlled by a plist file with various Dictionaries and Arrays
creates a nice looking table view
allows edit-in-place text fields as well as switches and sliders and ticks etc
doesn't have any of the annoying problems I've come across when trying to build my own version (not scrolling to show the textfield, cells disappearing)
It would appear that the iphone dev world is crying out for such a thing.


I've used the open source project InAppSettings, and it works well.


which multi-selection can be implemented in iphone (Registration page)

I have multi-selection dialog(drop-down) in Android where user selects all options applicable to him in registration page.What can be used in Iphone for the same purpose ?
And selecting a few options will unhide few textfields which is mandatory to fill.
Let me know what can be my approach.Please share any open source code links.
Thanks in advance.
No, there is no such thing within the iOS SDK and that is for a good reason - those elements are just not pretty, funky and usable well enough when acting on a touch display.
Consider using UIPickerView or UISegmentedControl instead. Maybe also have a look at Action Sheet.

Steps for internationalisation in Xcode

I've been trying to add a Portuguese translation to my app. At the moment it's all in English. (well, it started that way).
I'm using a Storyboard for the main part of the UI. There are also a couple of additional xib files for reusable UI in table etc...
Anyway, I set out on the path of trying to internationalise the app and managed to convert the Storyboard to Portuguese.
I then tried to set up some strings (just a couple to begin with) to make translations of those also.
I've now got an storyboard that's only in Portuguese (I lost the English version) and none of the strings are being translated properly anyway.
I've set all the string back to just use #"blah" now (I'd put NSLocalizedString in a couple of places).
So I should be back to square one (once I fix the storyboard).
Anyway, is there a list of steps somewhere of how to go about making an app localised?
Any help appreciated.
There are couple of tutorials available - this is one of the good ones:
This will definitely help you to get started real quick!
However, if you are on iOS6 xCode 4.5 you should also check the new features regarding localization. Apple now has also gon the route to have just one XIB (not like before multiple XIBs, one per language - which was impossible to maintain)
Probably the most important point is to always use NSLocalizedString, so there is no need for multiple XIBs. And then it's real easy to just add a new strings file for each language.
All you have to do then is in the Project Editor select your project -> select the Info tab on the right -> scroll all the way down -> there you find the localizations, press the little + on the buttom to add a new language. That's it.

Can InAppSettingsKit be used just for

I would like to use InAppSettingsKit only for displaying the settings in the of the iPhone. I have different custom settings for in-app settings. Is this possible and how can this be achieved ?
To support traditional panes, the app must include a Settings.bundle with at least a Root.plist to specify the connection of settings UI elements with NSUserDefaults keys. InAppSettingsKit basically just uses the same Settings.bundle to do its work. This means there's no additional work when you want to include a new settings parameter. It just has to be added to the Settings.bundle and it will appear both in-app and in All settings types like text fields, sliders, toggle elements, child views etc. are supported.
The plists are searched in this order:
InAppSettings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.inApp.plist - InAppSettings.bundle/FILE.inApp.plist
Settings.bundle/FILE.inApp.plist Settings.bundle/FILE~DEVICE.plist
I hope it helps!!
The InAppSettingsKit library searches automatically on all your settings bundles, in that order I wrote before. However, the only searches into the Settings.bundle. So, if you want a separated settings file for your app (using InAppSettingsKit) you can create a Settings.bundle for your settings app and a, e.g., InAppSettings.bundlefor your in-app settings.

Disable specific settings dynamically

I am developing an iPhone app which uses Settings.bundle to let the user choose some options.
I have two questions regarding this:
How can I completely remove/hide some setting? (for instance if the app is running on iPhone 3G I want to hide settings regarding the compass)
How can I disable (fade) a setting? (for instance, I have two Toggle Switches and if the first is set to OFF the second one has no meaning and should be disabled)
You can't. Your app cannot dynamically influence what is shown in the Settings app.

How to Show a GPL licence in iphone application bundle

i am making an app for iphone and for that i am using certain free libraries.My problem is that i want to show their complete license of nearly 4-5 pages in my application bundle so that a user can open settings in iphone and see that licensing page at one time but i am unable to do it.I have read these Specifiers for making an application bundle .
but i want to show a page full of text like Settings->General->About->Leagl
just like in iphone through PSChildPaneSpecifier .Please help me how to do this>???
You can create the same effect as used by Apple's iWorks apps for the license > section of the settings, without using any custom preference controller. Note this works for iOS 5 on the iPad, I have not tried it elsewhere. Use a PSChildPaneSpecifier for the initial control in the root plist. This points to the name of another plist file which will be the displayed child pane. You do not add .plist to the name within the root.plist file, it is implied. This plist file must be within the settings bundle. Next, use PSGroupSpecifiers in the child pane as the controls. For each paragraph use another PSGroupSpecifier - so the thing will scroll. Only use the Title section of the PSGroupSpecifier. The next gotcha that I found, was that by putting the strings in the plist file, the text was clipped in portrait orientation, so a placeholder string needs to go in the plist file and a StringTable used to point to a strings file. Text read from the strings file is properly kerned and displays without clipping.
The iPhone's "Legal" page is a custom preference controller which you can't use (not even with undocumented methods – you need to write a preference bundle in system locations which AppStore apps can't reach at all).
If you'd like to display the license, show it in the app.
I think you are going to need to use something like a UITextView, just make it non-editable. You can make in unobtrusive in your app but I think that is the only way to have 4-5 pages.
I don't think there is a nice way of displaying this in the preferences bundle. Personally I would either provide a series of url links or bring the preferences into the app itself. There is a good framework on github here that you may be able to modify.