which multi-selection can be implemented in iphone (Registration page) - iphone

I have multi-selection dialog(drop-down) in Android where user selects all options applicable to him in registration page.What can be used in Iphone for the same purpose ?
And selecting a few options will unhide few textfields which is mandatory to fill.
Let me know what can be my approach.Please share any open source code links.
Thanks in advance.

No, there is no such thing within the iOS SDK and that is for a good reason - those elements are just not pretty, funky and usable well enough when acting on a touch display.
Consider using UIPickerView or UISegmentedControl instead. Maybe also have a look at Action Sheet.


customize iphone settings programmatically

I have an application in which, after running it and selecting setting of iPhone, inside the application name, there should be a button.
I know that through settings.bundle we cannot add a button.
So is there some way to do it programmatically?
Or else can we add a uitableviewcell to settings same like safari and all so that it looks like a button?
Please guide me in this.
Thanks in advance
According to this post it is not possible.
If you are not bound to use the iPhone system settings you may have a look at the inAppSettingsKit

dynamic button text iphone

If you want to make a multilingual button on a native iPhone app, where it can be one language by default, but based on your settings, show different text on the same button, how would you go about it?
Is it also possible to style (e.g. with text-shadows and custom fonts) the text on the button?
I'm not an iOS developer, but I'm attempting to provide designs for an iOS developer and don't understand the limitations (yet) when going from CSS3 to iOS UI elements.
So far, iOS development appears to be like creating image-maps where none of the CSS logic is applicable from web development and almost all UI elements appear to need all states as flattened images. I thought the controls were more dynamic but haven't found the right terminology for results from google to be very forthcoming on the topic.
U can use NSLocalizedString for multilingual text on button.
Configuring Button Title
titleLabel property
reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted property
– setTitle:forState:
– setTitleColor:forState:
– setTitleShadowColor:forState:
– titleColorForState:
– titleForState:
– titleShadowColorForState:
Also set Custom font like this:
yourButton.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Courier" size:22.0];
if u want to add gradient to button then u will have to use CALayer like this:
yourButton.layer = //any modification in button's layer here
For more refer UIButton class reference

Make Popups With Cocoa Touch

I'm trying to make a popup like in "Camera+" or "Tweetbot" (like this one : Tweetbot or this one Camera+). How can I do this ?
That component is generally called a Popover or a Callout. Apple provides you with an Implementation on the iPad (UIPopover) but not on the iPhone.
There are a few Libraries which attempts to solve this and creates similar popovers like the ones you've shown. With a bit of customisation you can get it to look like this ones you've linked. Below is a list of the ones i've found so far:
There's similar question here: iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?.
There is a solution. It's called WEPopover and you can download it from github.
For ipad use the popover control:

iPhone login screen number pad

I am writing an app and I want to show the login screen just like in iPhone where you have to enter 4 digit code to login. What's the best way to do this? Is there a UIView that comes with the SDK or will i have to design my own keyboard
CocoaControls is an excellent site to browse Cocoa & Cocoa Touch custom UI components:
You can use PINView: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/pinview
Or KVPasscodeViewController: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/kvpasscodeviewcontroller
Or JSLockScreen: http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/jslockscreen
Previously answered at steps / idea for a Iphone passcode like custom interface for Application: this option from that question looks promising (see https://github.com/vikingosegundo/KeyPad).
You can use this latest source code to do so. URL is https://github.com/abury/ABPadLockScreen
Hopes this will help you.

In-app settings controlled by plist?

Is there a library or good tutorial which covers creating in-app settings, like this:
What I would like is if it:
doesn't use the built-in Settings app, and does not replicate it's settings in the Settings app
is controlled by a plist file with various Dictionaries and Arrays
creates a nice looking table view
allows edit-in-place text fields as well as switches and sliders and ticks etc
doesn't have any of the annoying problems I've come across when trying to build my own version (not scrolling to show the textfield, cells disappearing)
It would appear that the iphone dev world is crying out for such a thing.
I've used the open source project InAppSettings, and it works well.