Notifications for Joomla extension updates - content-management-system

Is there an extension that would check whether there are newer versions available to the installed extensions on a Joomla site, and would notify the site administrator?
Ideally, I am looking for something similar to Drupal's "Update" module.
I understand that there is no central place for keeping all these modules and their versions for Joomla, but at least a lot of them are available on the Joomla Extensions site, along with the needed information, so perhaps somebody wrote a tool that checks that source?

Aha, looks like this is to be included in Joomla 1.6, according to this description (check out the "Find Updates" button, looks great).

But if you are using Joomla 1.5 until 1.6 is stable check out:
Excellent for keeping components up to date :)


How to migrate from TinyMCE 4 to TinyMCE 5 - Prestashop

A day ago my prestashop website, in the comment box of the blog started to display the following message:
And entering the post that explains how to migrate the version of TinyMCE , I do not understand very well how to perform these steps in my prestashop.
How can I update this?a
if you are using a third-party module to make your blog it might be is including its own version of TinyMCE. You should try to dig in its code to understand that.
If this is not the case, the blog uses TinyMCE which is normally included in Prestashop core.
On said that, this second case is likely to be the one. Update the e-commerce unlikely will solve your problem. I honestly don't remember in which version they are with TinyMCE but doing an upgrade like that might break back-office editor forms so I don't think they are keen on that at the moment. They are doing a major rollover to Symfony, I am pretty sure this is their priority right now. As said in one comment, Prestashop's dev team has to solve the issue on their side.

TYPO3 feedback / guestbook

Hello to all TYPO3 enthusiasts,
I am asking myself since about 2 weeks now, how to make a feedback/guestbook page with TYPO3.
What I want:
I have a page, where visitors can leave a feedback.
When they send a feedback, it shall not be showed immediately. It shall be stored in a database, with a flag "allowed: yes/no". If the administrator allows the visitors feedback, it shall appear on the page.
The feedbacks, that haven't yet been allowed, shall be displayed in the backend, where they can be enabled.
My problem
I don't even know, if this is realizable? If it is, what is the next step to make this working? Do i have to create my own extension for that?
Would be very nice, if someone can answer me my question and maybe give me some advices.
Have a look at
The current master version should be capable of doing this for TYPO3 7.6
Here is a third one :-)
I tested that and it worked for me, I think it should also work on 7.6 so you can just ignore the requirements.
Since I needed some changes I rewrote most of the code and my version is working on 7.6. Write a comment if you want me version.
Download and install extension tt_guest from TYPO3 extensions repository
This would offer the funktionality you described

Do I need to update ExpressionEngine CMS Plugins or Modules?

I have been working with Wordpress and Drupal for a while now, and something you have to do to maintain those CMSs is update themes, plugins, core, and modules.
My question is do you have to do that with the ExpressionEngine CMS? In the addons dropdown, there are modules, accessories, extentions, fieldtypes, and plugins. When I go to these, it doens't look like there is a way to update them. It shows what version there is, and I am able to delete them from there, but no updates anywhere in sight. Is it something I even need to do?
Edit: I found the "update modules" button, but I still do not see anything like that for plugins, or anything else.
EE doesn't make it quite as easy as it is in WordPress. You could check out the Lamplighter extension to see what's still in need of an update then download from the respective source.
This is getting into opinion a bit but when I did a lot of EE dev, I usually stuck to the philosophy that if it worked, I used it and didn't worry about upgrading. Occasionally an extension/plugin would get a significant upgrade, a security patch, or have a feature implemented that I needed. That's That's when I'd go through the process of downloading and installing updates.

My Joomla Backend is destoyed - only Text no graphics

my Joomla-backend ist destroyed. i can do a log in in a normal way, but then i see only text, no graphics. and also the wohle site is not visible and i can't scoll it. i made a screenshot, please look at it to see what i mean. i have to upgrade my Joomla Version but i cant do it with this broken backend. The current Joomla Version is 1.5.26
So, how can i fix this? I need full acces to my backend. Please help.
This is why we should not use older version of joomla.
you must install newer version of joomla
It is more reliable and secure.
Here is the step by step migration process

Plugin Suggestions - Wordpress as a Membership Directory

I've been trying struggling over the last 2 weeks to find a viable way to configure a Wordpress installation as a membership directory that pulls information from user profiles (custom and default) and displays it in a presentable (possibly sortable) format.
Initially, something along the lines of the Sobi2 plugin for Joomla! was searched for, but to no avail. I stumbled on to a fairly straightforward blog entry on the subject, but it just seemed to list plugins without instructions on how to use them. see below.
Any suggestions on decent plugins that can achieve what I'm looking for?
I'd like to avoid shelling out $175 for an enterprise plugin like aMember if possible.
You must go with DirectoryPress if cost is not barrier. This is excellent Directory Plugin. Check below link...
If you're looking for Free Plugins then here are few of them...
check which is similar to Sobi2