Do I need to update ExpressionEngine CMS Plugins or Modules? - content-management-system

I have been working with Wordpress and Drupal for a while now, and something you have to do to maintain those CMSs is update themes, plugins, core, and modules.
My question is do you have to do that with the ExpressionEngine CMS? In the addons dropdown, there are modules, accessories, extentions, fieldtypes, and plugins. When I go to these, it doens't look like there is a way to update them. It shows what version there is, and I am able to delete them from there, but no updates anywhere in sight. Is it something I even need to do?
Edit: I found the "update modules" button, but I still do not see anything like that for plugins, or anything else.

EE doesn't make it quite as easy as it is in WordPress. You could check out the Lamplighter extension to see what's still in need of an update then download from the respective source.
This is getting into opinion a bit but when I did a lot of EE dev, I usually stuck to the philosophy that if it worked, I used it and didn't worry about upgrading. Occasionally an extension/plugin would get a significant upgrade, a security patch, or have a feature implemented that I needed. That's That's when I'd go through the process of downloading and installing updates.


ExpressionEngine 1.6.8 Contact Form

I've been asked to make some changes to a site that was built with Expression Engine 1.6.8. Even though I'm not familiar with this CMS, I can find my way around to make the updates, except I'm not sure about adding a contact form. I'm guessing that ultimately I'll have to upgrade this version to the newest (2.7, I believe?) in order to get the tags found on this page to work:
My only hesitation in making the upgrade is my unfamiliarity with EE, and the fact that someone else is probably creating a brand new website for the one I'm working on, and very likely without EE (so I'm learning something that I may not need again).
Any suggestions for a quick fix, or should I just bite the bullet, upgrade, and use what I've found?
Take a look at the EE 1.x docs.
At a glance it appears that syntax has changed little bit. Maybe that's why your EE2 tags were not working in EE1.
I would definitely try to use the tags as shown in the EE1 docs if this site is that old. Making a jump from 1.6.8 to 2.7 can become treacherous due to variables such as how the templates were coded, which add-ons were used, if those add-ons are even available any longer, what functionality was deprecated or absorbed, etc...
I only say ditch the efforts because you mentioned having another site in progress. If you would like to work through the updates/upgrades, follow the docs here and here and learn it. It is definitely worth the learn. Once you tap into EE, it's hard to roll back.
I ended up writing my own html code within the template and processed it with a php script to send the form input to an email address, just as I normally would on a website. Not being familiar with ExpressionEngine, I don't think I understood why I was continually being referenced to use a module in order to do this, but I suppose for anyone who is not a coder but is experienced with EE, that would be the way to go. From what I understand, the email module is not free and does not come with the core version, which is what I had to work with, but comes with the licensed version, which made this all the more confusing.

How to use Plone as Document Management?

I wish to create a document repository for my company. Reason is because my company have many documents and they did not have a version tracking in place. This means everyone is using different version all the time.
Plone is something new to me and i got to know from a good friend of mine. And too bad he is not around anymore to answer my question. I believed in him and i wish to materialize his idea, to use Plone as a document repository for my company.
I have install Plone and manage to view the default Plone page, add all company's username and change the logo to my company's logo. And now the biggest question is, how to setup the document repository? What i have in mind was to create a "page" for the user to add files, download files, search for files and read its description.
Any lead for me to go about?
Same problem here. We started to use Plone as our main DMS 4 weeks ago (inserting existing docs at present).
For working copies, we use iterate (insert under eggs in your buildout.cfg).
For versioning, Products.CMFEditions. I believe this worked out of the box.
For creating new workflow, look into and read the docs.
In a previous question we asked, we were still looking at Dexterity which has alot going for it but eventually we decided on adapting an existing content type based on Archetypes.
As for inserting files, as long as the description is ok, they will be found through the in-built search functionality, but you might consider using Iterate mentioned above to make sure that nobody is using the same file twice.
As your new, as I am, the docs seem hard at first but are actually quite good.
And this book is still giving me the foundation we need to keep adding functionality.
Good luck
I think, you should get pretty far with vanilla Plone installation, without developing your own extensions or other customization add-on-products. Therefore, I'd recommend you to start with Plone 4 User Manual to find out everything you could do out-of-the box.
As #Speediro mentioned, versioning support comes built-in for the main content types (and you don't actually see CMFEditions mentioned anywhere), but it's not activated for file uploads. Although, as briefly mentioned in the manual: Content items can be configured to have versioning enabled/disabled through the Site Setup → Plone Configuration panel under "Types".
Working Copy Support ( should also be there already waiting for activation on Site Setup's add-ons-panel.
Yet, before the Plone Collective (=community) Developer Docs or Professional Plone 4 Development, I'd recommend Practical Plone 3. It has a bit outdated graphics (because it was made for Plone 3), but it's great next step after the user manual. E.g. how to define content rules to send e-mails notifications for content updates (still through the browser without coding). Or how to create custom forms using Products.PloneFormGen.
When you really need to write your own code, it'd be time for Professional Plone 4 and the Collective Docs.
If you can't have a developer to manage your stuff, I would recommand to stay on official Plone, no custom code and use only widly used addons.
I mean:
stay on the default theme (sunburst)
use the default plone content types
only customize the logo
activate in the addon controlpanel
do not play with workflow because they need to know what you are doing. by default a file has the visibility of it's folder. It mean if you can see the folder you will be able to see all files inside. You can just activate default worklfow for files under the ZMI.
Use collective.quickupload addon
Your database will going really fast to a huge size because Plone is doing indexing and indexing means lot's of spaces. So you will have to handle this as system adminstrator;

Versioning for Dummies

I'm looking for a subversion tool, and i have the following requirements:
Must integrate into VS 2008
Automatically submits new versions
Does not use the command line as primary interface
Doesn't clutter up explorer with bright icon overlays or context menus
is only going to be used by one user mostly if not completely, so doesn't need to have advanced diff tools or anything like that
Basically, i want a subversioning tool that will only bother me when creating a project or actually needing to get something from a previous version.
Does something like that exist, and if so, what is it?
Yes. VisualSVN (commercial)
Except for "automatically submits new versions" - that makes no sense.
The day computers know when your code is ready to be committed and free of bugs is the day the world needs a lot less programmers
You commit when you're done a task, which effectively gives you a rollback point. It's also important to add a meaningful commit message ("Fixed crash when clicking on Save button") - this way you can find things easily later. A lot of new users to version control skip this part, and unfortunately only learn the hard way 3 months later when they need to go back and undo a fix/feature.
AnkhSvn is a free alternative, I've personally only used 1.x, which was really quite terrible. It definitely looks more usable in 2.x.
One upside to VisualSVN is that it uses TortoiseSVN for a lot of its dialogs. This means when you're working with subversion just from explorer, you have basically the same interface and same UI. Quite handy, as it lets you do things like edit images or text files without having to fire up VisualStudio, or edit scripts/installers, or other parts of a product that are not necessarily in VisualStudio.
Yes, they are available.
The two I know of are VisualSVN and AnkhSVN. There are a bunch of comparisons available on SO
I use AnkhSVN myself. It is free, integrates nicely with Visual Studio, and doesn't cause any performance issues.
visual SVN is what you need.

mojoPortal OR Umbraco?

I have been look around for Free/Open Source ASP.NET CMS / Portal systems for a while now, and have seived it down to two different ones.
Umbraco -
mojoPortal -
Both look excellent and have different appealing features, but I am looking for people who have used both and which one you went with and why??
I actually went for Umbraco in the end and would never look back, its incredibly easy to install and use
To install you can use the web platform installer to install it and the AMAZING amount of free projects you can EASILY install with a couple of clicks make it by far the best CMS out there
If you are unsure where to start have a read of this
I tried Umbraco and it is not for the timid. I feel I'm a fairly technical person, Sr. Web Developer... and after several hours I gave up.
MojoPortal just works.
It has its flaws, but the simple fact that it just works means it wins.
I used Kentico, DNN, Sitecore, Joomla, CMS Made Simple (Yes admittedly not mojoPortal). Umbraco is by far the most powerful if you are after a highly customised and highly specified solution. Linq2Umbraco just seals the deal.
However, if you are after idiot proof CMS with everything built in, and your biggest concern is to look for check boxes to enable forum/blogs/whatever other joke modules/bells and whistles/etc. Umbraco isn't for you. IMO Kentico/DNN are the ones.
Edit - And 3 years later, I've used SharePoint, epiServer, SiteFinity as well.
Umbraco still wins hands down.
mojoPortal seems easier to use to me and it works even with javascript disabled like using noscript browser plugin. Seems more care of accessibility has been taken using progressive enhancement javascript techniques whereas you can't manage your site at all with javascript disabled using Umbraco.
I haven't tried mojoPortal, but I love Umbraco.
Things I like:
Clean code
Uses XSLT, python, or .NET to extend
Awesome community support
Tutorial videos for easy learning
Admin area is extensible
Good plug-in projects
But really its because I can use it for both small and large projects easily.

Can Eclipse 3.5 discover all bundles in the plugins dir?

Simple usecase: assemble an Eclipse product using simple scripts, just dumping bundles into the plugins dir.
This used to work with 3.3 - with 3.5 it's broken: my application doesn't start as the app plugin is not found.
Question: what's the easiest way to fix that? This seems to be the only pain in the whole upgrade process for me.
I guess this is a no-no for P2: it maintains the file instead, which is probably very smart.. a bit too smart for me.
Some ideas I had:
can I just skip P2 altogether and get back to plain old, simple -dirty- discovery mechanism?
can I set up plugins dir as a 'watched directory'
looks like I need to use the p2.reconciler for that.. oh wait, it's deprecated already :-( bug 251561.. (thanks VonC for the pointer)
can this old setting in the config.ini still work? (which is now replaced with the 'simpleconfigurator') osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common#2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator#3:start, org.eclipse.core.runtime#start
should I call the (p2) director?
"please pick my plugins up" :)
I'd avoid the dropin folder for this - that's more for the
I'd avoid messing with the if possible.
I don't care about all those smart features in my product yet- actually the users don't use the built-in update mechanism at all.
So I'd like to KISS (ie: just to start up), and add more advanced support when needed.
I've asked this on Eclipse forums, but no answer yet, so would really be grateful for some enlightenment.
Also, feel free to correct me on the assumptions - I've just read the P2 docs, which seem confusing at times.
Answer: actually option 3 above seems to work after all - thanks Francis for confirming this! (it didn't work originally, but that was probably caused by some missing deps).
My only issue with that now is, some Eclipse bundles actually require simpleconfigurator. So I wonder if swapping it out will cause problems down the line.
You can alter your configuration/config.ini file to not use the org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator (which does the p2-based configuration) and instead use the org.eclipse.update.configurator which is the old-school way of just configuring whatever is in the plugins directory. This should give you what you want.
Even if it does not fully answer what you are after, you can specify in an eclipse.ini (like the one I describe here):
That does specify to p2 to monitor any directory of your choosing to detect plugins in it.
Another source of idea could be this article: Composing and updating custom Eclipse distros
It's not hard to create a feature based product that includes these things, and do a product build to end up with something like this:
Note: the concept of reconciliation is detailed in the eclipse Wiki.
For certain installations of Eclipse, there will exist the notion of a shared installation -- this may be in the case of a Linux system where a base set of software is installed via packages (perhaps RPMs), or may be in a Maya deployment where shared profiles are defined in a central server.
In both cases, it is necessary to perform reconciliation between the shared profile and the user's current instantiation of the profile including any modifications they may have made.
Part of this mechanism is the Dropins Reconciler setting. Although, as bug 251561 illustrates, it is not advised to put too many plugins in there.
Maybe this will help you (shot in the dark)? I found this when upgrading my Eclipse installation to Galileo and trying to keep my Flex Plugin install.