How to approach porting a game engine to another platform? - porting

I've run into this problem several times before and wanted to hear what other's experience and advice is. Assume you have a working and stable but relatively small game engine that works on only one platform, and you want to port it to another platform.
The first step is obvious: you take the code, link it to the platforms libraries instead of the old ones, make necessary changes to the project or target build settings and then hit build. About five to twenty thousand errors appear. Of course there are a lot of duplicates but it immediately raises the question what the next steps should be?
How do you approach porting a game engine to another platform, or any platform-specific code that can't just be compiled on the other platform due to inherent changes in system and API design? How do you wade through all these error? How do you identify the parts that should be approached first?
In general: how should i approach porting existing source code?
I'm looking for general advice on how to approach a source code port. Assume the programming language and compiler are the same on both platforms, so it's mostly API changes.

A textbook answer (perhaps) might be wrapping all of your platform-specific calls and using these wrapper functions throughout your code instead of the platform-specific. This way, if you can match the methods you use one-to-one on both platforms (easier said than done, maybe) then you can switch out which platform-specific function is called with your wrapper functions, and not change the rest of the logic in your code.
Say you have:
void RenderBadGuy(int badGuyID)
// Windows-specific bad-guy rendering code here
For now you can just write ("G_" is for generic)
void G_RenderBadGuy(int badGuyID)
This adds a small amount of overhead to your engine, but this shouldn't break things as you have them (just an extra function call).
Now, every place you use RenderBadGuy, just use G_RenderBadGuy. Rinse and repeat for all of your methods, and now later you can switch out your code to something like
void G_RenderBadGuy(int badGuyID)
// now we're rendering on a Mac
and then your main engine wouldn't change.
You probably can do this a lot nicer and more generically than this (pointers to functions, I don't know) but that's the idea.
Or, you could do a Java-like thing and have your library talk with a module that in turn knows the specifics of your platform. Just develop different modules (like VMs) for each platform, and you only develop your library once.


Unity Platform Dependant Objects/Components

my first question on here and I cant seem to find a similar question so sorry if this has been asked before.
This is Unity related by the way, and yes I have also posted on Unity3D answers but thought I might also be able to get help from knowledgeable individuals on stack overflow also.
Basically I am wondering if there is a way to make platform dependent objects or components. I know I can wrap code in pre-processor directive commands which I have been doing, but I tend to use a ton of plugins, many of which only function on specific platforms.
However, I have just one project for all my platform dependent versions of the game and wish to continue working this way. So I was wondering if somehow I can make say an object that has the compatible plugin components, that will only be created if a certain platform is being built for.
If not, is there a way to make an object use say a specific plugins component if say on WP8, but then another entirely different component in its place if building for Android?
If these are not possible, how do you guys get around having platform dependant plugins? Do you simply just make separate projects for each platform? (feels like that defeats the point of unity's cross platform-ness though...)
Thanks guys, any help will be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately, you will be forced to rely on pre-processor directives if you need to run unique code per platform.
However, this can be a lot easier to manage if you apply a facade-based design pattern. Instead of peppering platform-specific details in myriad scripts throughout your project, you can create one or more facade components that expose a more generic, abstract interface. The facades can internally manage prefabs, APIs, or whatever other platform-specific details you need.
As an example, you could write a SaveManager class that manages player save data. On platforms where direct file access is available, the SaveManager instantiates and controls an internal FileSaveManager that uses direct file access. On other platforms such as web builds, the SaveManager instantiates and controls a PlayerPrefsSaveManager that uses Unity's PlayerPrefs system instead. That way, each of those classes contains only the code that it needs, and other classes can just call SaveManager without worrying about those details.

Building a simple bridge between objc and lua?

I have integrated Lua with my ObjC code (iphone game). The setup was pretty easy, but now, I have a little problem with the bridging. I have googled for results, etc... and it seems there isn't anything that could work without modifications. I mean, I have checked luaobjc bridge (it seems pretty old and dicontinued), I heard about LuaCocoa but it seems not to work on iphone, and wax is too thick.
My needs are pretty spare, I just need to be able to call objc methods from lua and don't mind having to do extra work to make it work (I don't need a totally authomatic bridging system).
So, I have decided to build a little bridge myself based on this page It has key information about how to accomplish what I need, but the tutorial is not completed and I have some doubts about how to deal with method overloading when called from lua, etc...
Do anybody know if there exist any working bridge between objc and lua on the iphone or if it could be so hard to complete the bridge the above site offers?
Any information will be welcomed.
Don't reinvent the wheel!
First, you are correct that luaobjc and some other variants are outdated. A good overview can be found on the LuaCocoa page. LuaCocoa is fine but apparently doesn't support iPhone development, so the only other choice is Wax. Both LuaCocoa and Wax are runtime bridges, which means that you can (in theory) access every Objective-C class and method in Lua at the expense of runtime performance.
For games and from my experience the runtime performance overhead is so significant that it doesn't warrant the use of any runtime binding library. From a perspective of why one would use a scripting language, both libraries defy the purpose of favoring a scripting language over a lower-level language: they don't provide a DSL solution - which means you're still going to write what is essentially Objective-C code but with a slightly different syntax, no runtime debugging support, and no code editing support in Xcode. In other words: runtime Lua binding is a questionable solution at best, and has lots of cons going against it. Runtime Lua bindings are particularly unsuited for fast-paced action games aiming at a constantly high framerate.
What you want is a static binding. Static bindings at a minimum require you to declare what kind of methods will be available in Lua code. Some binding libraries scan your header files, others require you to provide a special declaration file similar to a header file. Most binding libraries can use both approaches. The benefit is optimal runtime performance, and being able to actually design what classes, methods and variables Lua scripts have access to.
There are but 3 candidates to bind Lua code to an iPhone app. To be fair, there are a lot more but most have one or more crucial flaws or are simply not stable or for special purposes only, or simply don't work for iPhone apps. The candidates are:
tolua and tolua++
Big disadvantage shared by all Lua static binding libraries: none of them can bind directly to Objective-C code. All require to have an additional C or C++ layer available that ultimately interfaces with your Objective-C code. This has to do with how Objective-C works as a language and how small a role it has played (so far) when it comes to embedding Lua in Objective-C apps.
I recently evaluated all three binding libraries and came to enjoy SWIG. It is very well documented but has a bit of a learning curve. But I believe that learning curve is warranted because SWIG can be used to combine nearly any programming and scripting language, it can be advantageous to know how to use SWIG for future projects. Plus, once you understand their definition file implementation it turns out to be very easy (especially when compared to luabind) and considerably more flexible than tolua.
OK, bit late to the party but in case others come late also to this post here's another approach to add to the choices available: hand-code your LUA APIs.
I did a lecture on this topic where I live coded some basic LUA bindings in an hour. Its not hard. From the lecture I made a set of video tutorials that shows how to get started.
The approach of using a bindings generation tool like SWIG is a good one if you already have exactly the APIs that you need to call written in Objective-C and it makes sense to bring all those same API's over into LUA.
The pros of the hand-coding approach:
your project just compiles with one standard Xcode target
your project is all C & Obj-C
the LUA is just data shipped along with your images
no fiddling with "do I check in generated code" to Git
you create LUA functions for just the things you want
you can easily have hosted scripts that live inside an object
the API is under your control and is well known
dont expose engine APIs to level building team/tools
The last point is just that if you have detail functions that only make sense at the engine level and you don't want to see those when coding the game play you'll need to tell SWIG not to bind those.
Steffens answer is perfect and this approach is just another option, that may suit some folks better depending on the project.

How to code sharing between Android and iOS

I'm moving away from strict Android development and wanting to create iPhone applications. My understanding is that I can code the backend of iOS applications in C/C++ and also that I can use the NDK to include C/C++ code in Android apps. My question however is how? I've googled quite a bit and I can't find any clear and concise answers.
When looking at sample code for the NDK, it seems that all the function names etc. are Android (or at least Java) specific and so I would not be able to use this C/C++ backend to develop an iPhone frontend?
I'd appreciate some clarification on this issue and if at all available some code to help me out? (even just a simple Hello World that reads a string from a C/C++ file and displays it in an iOS and Android app).
Thanks guys
Note that I almost exclusively work on "business/utility/productivity" applications; things that rely heavily on fairly standard UI elements and expect to integrate well with their platform. This answer reflects that. See Mitch Lindgren's comment to Shaggy Frog's answer for good comments for game developers, who have a completely different situation.
I believe #Shaggy Frog is incorrect here. If you have effective, tested code in C++, there is no reason not to share it between Android and iPhone, and I've worked on projects that do just that and it can be very successful. There are dangers that should be avoided, however.
Most critically, be careful of "lowest common denominator." Self-contained, algorithmic code, shares very well. Complex frameworks that manage threads, talk on the network, or otherwise interact with the OS are more challenging to do in a way that doesn't force you to break the paradigms of the platform and shoot for the LCD that works equally badly on all platforms. In particular, I recommend writing your networking code using the platform's frameworks. This often requires a "sandwich" approach where the top layer is platform-specific and the very bottom layer is platform-specific, and the middle is portable. This is a very good thing if designed carefully.
Thread management and timers should also be done using the platform's frameworks. In particular, Java uses threads heavily, while iOS typically relies on its runloop to avoid threads. When iOS does use threads, GCD is strongly preferred. Again, the solution here is to isolate the truly portable algorithms, and let platform-specific code manage how it gets called.
If you have a complex, existing framework that is heavily threaded and has a lot of network or UI code spread throughout it, then sharing it may be difficult, but my recommendation still would be to look for ways to refactor it rather than rewrite it.
As an iOS and Mac developer who works extensively with cross-platform code shared on Linux, Windows and Android, I can say that Android is by far the most annoying of the platforms to share with (Windows used to hold this distinction, but Android blew it away). Android has had the most cases where it is not wise to share code. But there are still many opportunities for code reuse and they should be pursued.
While the sentiment is sound (you are following the policy of Don't Repeat Yourself), it's only pragmatic if what you can share that code in an efficient manner. In this case, it's not really possible to have a "write once" approach to cross-platform development where the code for two platforms needs to be written in different languages (C/C++/Obj-C on iPhone, Java for Android).
You'll be better off writing two different codebases in this case (in two different languages). Word of advice: don't write your Java code like it's C++, or your C++ code like it's Java. I worked at a company a number of years ago who had a product they "ported" from Java to C++, and they didn't write the C++ code like it was C++, and it caused all sorts of problems, not to mention being hard to read.
Writing a shared code base is really practical in this situation. There is some overhead to setting up and keeping it organized, but the major benefits are these 1) reduce the amount of code by sharing common functionality 2) Sharing bug fixes to the common code base. I'm currently aware of two routes that I'm considering for a project - use the native c/c++ (gains in speed at the expense of losing garbage collection and setting targets per processor) or use monodroid/monotouch which provide c# bindings for each os's platform functionality (I'm uncertain of how mature this is.)
If I was writing a game using 3d I'd definitely use approach #1.
I posted this same answer to a similar question but I think it's relevant so...
I use BatteryTech for my platform-abstraction stuff and my project structure looks like this:
On my PC:
gamename - contains just the common code
gamename-android - holds mostly BatteryTech's android-specific code and Android config, builders point to gamename project for common code
gamename-win32 - Just for building out to Windows, uses code from gamename project
On my Mac:
gamename - contains just the common code
gamename-ios - The iPhone/iPad build, imports common code
gamename-osx - The OSX native build. imports common code.
And I use SVN to share between my PC and Mac. My only real problems are when I add classes to the common codebase in Windows and then update on the mac to pull them down from SVN. XCode doesn't have a way to automatically add them to the project without scripts, so I have to pull them in manually each time, which is a pain but isn't the end of the world.
All of this stuff comes with BatteryTech so it's easy to figure out once you get it.
Besides using C/C++ share so lib.
If to develop cross-platform apps like game, suggest use mono-based framework like Unity3D.
Else if to develop business apps which require native UI and want to share business logic code cross mobile platforms, I suggest use Lua embedded engine as client business logic center.
The client UI is still native and get best UI performance. i.e Java on Android and ObjectC on iOS etc.
The logic is shared with same Lua scripts for all platform.
So the Lua layer is similar as client services (compare to server side services).
-- Anderson Mao, 2013-03-28
Though I don't use these myself as most of the stuff I write won't port well, I would recommend using something like Appcelerator or Red Foundry to build basic applications that can then be created natively on either platform. In these cases, you're not writing objective-c or java, you use some kind of intermediary. Note that if you move outside the box they've confined you to, you'll need to write your own code closer to the metal.

What does "monolithic" mean?

I've seen it in the context of classes. I suspect it means that the class could use being broken down into logical subunits, but I can't find a good definition. Could you give some examples?
Thanks for the help.
Edit: I love the smart replies, but I'm obviously referring to "monolithic" within a software context. I know about monoliths, megaliths, dolmens, and all the stone-related contexts. Gee, I have enough of them in my country...
Interesting question. I don't think there are any formal definitions of what a monolithic class is, but you've got the idea. A class that contains multiple components that are logically unconnected, or pointlessly coupled, is a monolithic class.
If you've read The Pragmatic Programmer, which I strongly recommend, you can define a monolithic class as an anti-pattern that goes against almost everything from that book.
As for examples, you'll find more in the realm of chip and OS design, where there are formal definitions of monolithic chips/kernels, which are similar to a monolithic class. Here are some examples, although each of them can be argued against being on this list:
JOGL - Java bindings for OpenGL. This could be arguable, and with good reason.
Most academic projects - For obvious reasons.
If you started programming alone, rather than joining a team, then chances are you can open one of your first projects, and there will be a class that is monolithic.
If you look up the etymology of the word you'll see it comes from the Greek monos (single) and lithos (stone). In the context of software as you mention it, it describes a single-tiered application in which the code for the user interface and the data access are combined into a single program from a single platform.
"Monolithic" is a term that has been used to flame succesful software. This link exposes the assumptions inherent in the term, and their limited usefulness.
The basic assumption is that a system works better if it is built from software components that each have an individual, well-defined task. Intuitively, this seems right. If each component works, the entire system must work, right?
In reality, it's not that easy. A larger, compositional (non-monolithic) system can miss a critical function, even when there is no single component to blame. This happens when the architectural design fails to allocate a function to any specific component. This can happen especially if it's a function which doesn't map cleanly to a single component.
Now Linux (to continue with the linked example) in reality is not monolithic. It has a modular userspace on top of a monolithic kernel, a userspace that comes with many separate utilities. Except when it doesn't.
My definition of a Monolithic design in software development, is a design which requires additional functionality to be added to a single indivisible block of code.
Everything is in one place, and therefore easy to find
Can be simpler, given there less relations to consider (can also be more complex see cons)
Over time as functionality is added the complexity of the system may exponentially increase, to the point new features are extremely hard or impossible to implement
Can make it difficult for multiple developers to work with e.g Entity Framework EDMX files have the entire database in a single file which can be extremely difficult for multiple developers to work on.
Reduced re-usability, by definition it does not have smaller components which can be then reused and re-purposed to solve other problems, unless a complete copy of the code is made and then modified.
A monolithic architecture is a model of software structure which is created as one piece where all Rails tools (ActionMailer, ActiveJob, ActionCable, etc.) can be gathered together with the code that these tools applies. The tools are not connected with each other but they are also not autonomous.
If one feature needs changes, it will influence the work of the whole process and other features because they are parts of one process.
Let’s recall what Ruby on Rails is, what it can offer, its pros and cons. Its most important benefit is that it is easy to work with.
If you write rails new you immediately get a new application at once, then you can create any REST API you want and use Rails helpers and generators, which makes development even easier.
If you need to send emails in your Rails app, then use Rails ActionMailer. When you need to do some hard processing, ActiveJob will help you. With Rails 5 you will also be able to use websockets out of the box. Thus, it will be easy to create chats or make your application more interactive.
In case you use correct DSL syntax, you can use all that and even more immediately. Moreover, you don’t have to know everything about the internal implementation of these tools, consider it’s DSL, and receive the expected result.
It means something is the opposite of modular. A modular application can have parts, referred to as modules, replaced without requiring replacement of the entire application. Whereas a monolithic application, after having a part fixed or upgraded, must be replaced in it's entirety.
From Wikipedia: "Modularity is desirable, in general, as it supports reuse of parts of the application logic and also facilitates maintenance by allowing repair or replacement of parts of the application without requiring wholesale replacement."
So in the context of a monolithic class, all its features are self-contained and if you want to add or alter a feature to the class you would need to alter/add code in the class and recompile it. Conversely a modular class exposes access to functionality which is implemented externally. For example a "Calculator" class may use a separate "Add" class for actually adding numbers; call a "Multiply" function from a separate library; or even call an "Amortize" function from a web service. As long as the each of these functional parts can be altered externally from the class, it is modular.

Shared Library for iPhone and BlackBerry

I have a set of functionality (classes) that I would like to share with an application I'm building for the iPhone and for the Blackberry (Java). Does anyone have any best practices on doing this?
This is not going to be possible as far as I understand your question - the binary format for the iPhone and Java are not compatible - and even for a native library on a blackberry device.
This is not like building for OS X where you can use Java unfornately the iPhone doesn't support Java.
The best idea is probably to build you library in Objective-C and then port it to Java which is an easier transition than going the other way. If you programme for Objective-C and make sure you code has no memory leaks - then the changes are not so complex.
If you keep the structure of your classes the same then you should find maintenance much simpler - fix a bug in the Java and you should find it easy to check for the same bug in the ObjC methods etc.
Hope this helps - sorry that it is not all good news.
As Grouchal mentioned - you are not going to be able to share any physical components of your application between the two platforms. However you should be able to share the logical design of your application if you carefully separate it into highly decoupled layers. This is still a big win because the logical application design probably accounts for a large part of your development effort.
You could aim to wrap the sections of the platform specific APIs (iPhone SDK etc.) that you use with your own interfaces. In doing so you are effectively hiding the platform specific libraries and making your design and code easier to manage when dealing with differences in the platforms.
With this in place you can write your core application code so that it appears very similar on either platform - even though they are written in different languages. I find Java and Objective-C to be very similar conceptually (at least at the level at which I use it) and would expect to be able to achieve parity with at least the following:
An almost identical set of Java and Objective-C classes with the same names and responsibilities
Java/Objective-C classes with similarly named methods
Java/Objective-C methods with the same responsibilities and logical implementations
This alone will make the application easier to understand across platforms. Of course the code will always look very different at the edges - i.e when you start dealing with the view, threading, networking etc. However, these concerns will be handled by your API wrappers which once developed should have fairly static interfaces.
You might also stand to benefit if you later developer further applications that need to be delivered to both platforms as you might find that you can reuse or extend your API wrappers.
If you are writing a client-server type application you should also try and keep as much logic on your server as possible. Keep the amount of extra business logic on the device to a minimum. The more you can just treat the device as a view layer the less porting you'll have to do over all.
Aside from that, following the same naming conventions and package structure across all the projects helps greatly, especially for your framework code.
The UI API's and usability paradigms for BlackBerry and iPhone are so different that it won't be possible in most cases to directly port this kind of logic between apps. The biggest mistake one could make (in my opinion) is to try and transplant a user experience designed for one mobile platform on to another. The way people interact with BlackBerrys vs iPhones is very different so be prepared to revamp your user experience for each mobile platform you want to deploy on.
Hope this is helpful.
It is possible to write C++ code that works in both a BB10 Native app and an iOS app.
XCode would need to see the C++ files as ObjectiveCPP code.
I am currently working on such a task in my spare time. I have not yet completed it enough to either show or know if it is truly possible, but I haven't run in to any road-blocks yet.
You will need to be disciplined to write good cross-platform code designed w/ abstractions for platform-specific features.
My general pattern is that I have "class Foo" to do cross platform stuff, and a "class FooPlatform" to do platform specific stuff.
Class "Foo" can call class "FooPlatform" which abstracts out anything platform specific.
The raw cross-platform code is itself not compile-able on its own.
Separate BB10 and XCode projects are created in their respective IDEs.
Each project implements a thin (few [dozen] line) "class FooPlatform" and references the raw cross-platform code.
When I get something working that I can show I will post again here...