start an iphone app from within another iphone app? - iphone

Is it possible to write a function in an iphone app A that when you click on a button within that app A it will close app A and automaticall open up App B

Take a look at Custom URL schemes.
Nice tutorial here


Launch IPad App from another app like email/web browser

How can I launch my IPad app from another native IPad app such as email or web browser. I am pretty new to objective C. Thanks.
What you're looking for is what's called a Custom URL Scheme for your App. You can find more information and a great write up on how to accomplish this here:

Open links from non-native app in Safari app

We are creating a non-native iPhone app that will eventually go through the phonegap process. But what I'm trying to do right now is: We have links that open in Twitter and LinkedIn, but when clicking them they open right in the same app window. Is there any way to force the links to open in the actual Safari app. It looks like this is possible with Objective-C, but I don't see how to do it with HTML. Thanks!

iPhone - Creating Home Screen for App that show icons to launch other app with in app

I just wanted to know how can I create Home Screen after launching my App, that shows multiple icons/app buttons to launch other apps, just like the way iPhone home screen has multiple icons/pages that list app icons.
My app will have different features like map,dining, weather etc.
This type of functionality is not allowed by Apple. That is any sort of desktop replacement or dashboard system is explicitly prohibited.
However, if you check out the Facebook iPhone app, you can see that you could do something similar. That is one app showing a grid of icons. Each of the icon buttons launches a different view within the app itself.
This type functionality is allowed and is provided by the three20 library:
This library was spun off from code created in the Facebook App.

Can you open apps within other apps, with no URL scheme?

Is it possible to open another app, like Camera, from a third-party app? I know there are URL schemes - - but I just want to open an app, not send any data to the app.
Unfortunately, no. Launch Services is private API on the iPhone. You application can launch another app only through trying to open a URL registered by that app or a file document the app understands. However, as far as I know, your app has no control over or knowledge about which app exactly will handle the URL or the file.
One way to fire up the camera from within your app, of course, is the UIImagePickerController class.
It's not quite what you're asking, but it might be as close as you're going to get.

IPhone launch application with home button

do you know in which ways is it possible to launch an application?
I know that it is possible by clicking on the icon, and it is possible by clicking an url with a cistom protocol,
Anyone know if there ae more ways?
For example is it possible to make an application be launched when the users touch 3 times the home button?
or when the user start a call?
thank you
The only ways that it is possible to launch an application are the ways you describe:
Clicking the application's icon
Via a custom URL scheme
The above applies to non-jailbroken iPhones. I would imagine it is techinically possible to hack a jail-broken iPhone to launch apps in other ways, but naturally such functionality would not be permitted on the App Store
Jailbroken phones can use libactivator. It has a set of predefined touch and physical button events that can start an application. Of course it is not viable if you plan to publish your app in the store.