Launch IPad App from another app like email/web browser - iphone

How can I launch my IPad app from another native IPad app such as email or web browser. I am pretty new to objective C. Thanks.

What you're looking for is what's called a Custom URL Scheme for your App. You can find more information and a great write up on how to accomplish this here:


How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

How To Make iPhone App Into A Web App

If I make a iPhone app, like a grade manager. What technologies are necessary to make it into a web app.
This includes reading the data from iPhone app in the web app portal (not necessarily editing from web app as of now).
I think I need to transition from using plists to using MYSQL?
Probably you need to this:
it's an Open Source Mobile Framework That Supports iOS and other platforms.
Hope it will give you a guide.
The best approach would probably be to write a web app that can communicate with the iPhone app, not "converting" the iPhone app to run on the web.

Using another one application in one Iphone Application?

anytutorial to use good reader application in iphone sdk?
can I use Good reader application in my Iphone APplication?
To launch another application you have to find out if they have published a protocol to use and then 'open' that URL. See example, but not sure if GoodReader has published a protocol or how to find out if they have. You could always contact the developer directly.
You can't access another applications Sandbox or start another application via code, otherwise Apple will reject the app. I stand corrected to the answer about URL schemes to launch another app. You learn something new everyday.
You [can also] build the PDF functionality into your own app (i.e. use a UIWebView to do that for you).

start an iphone app from within another iphone app?

Is it possible to write a function in an iphone app A that when you click on a button within that app A it will close app A and automaticall open up App B
Take a look at Custom URL schemes.
Nice tutorial here

iPhone Mobile Safari File System Access

Is it possible to write to a file in a native iPhone application and have a Safari browser read from that file after having the browser opened from the native app?
Alternatively (and this would be great!), would it be possible to launch a mobile Safari webapp from a native iPhone app, and have that application access the OS 3.0 External Accessory Framework? My assumption is no...
Basically, I have a functioning iPhone app that wraps a simple mobile Safari webapp, but I'd like to utilize the external accessory framework once I have launched the Safari webapp from the iPhone app...
You can use the phonegap framework : it provide a project template and libraries to access native function in javascript (like writing/reading a file).
Consider also the localstorage and the SQLLite DB...
There are 2 different interpretations. If you want to launch MobileSafari from your app, then the answers will be no since MobileSafari and your app are isolated by sandboxes. But you may include the detail in the URL like…
But you can embed a UIWebView in your app, then the answers will be yes (to the UIWebView), since you may communicate with the web view with any ObjC code.