What is the difference between schema and data dictionary? - rdbms

The definition of schema is logical structure of data in database. It is owned by a user and has the same name as the database user. The schema contains name of table, what is it's column type etc. And the data dictionary also contains metadata only (offcourse it is at database level and not at user level). What is the exact difference between schema and data dictionary?

These definitions are from my experience (programmer for 20+ years, 7 years in consulting, some time as an independent contractor). YMMV.
"Schema" describes structure. It might include metadata that describes aspects of the structure.
A "data dictionary" associates context with elements of the structure. It also might include metadata that describes aspects of relationships.
For example, A 'person' might be described by the usual fields - last_name, first_name, honorific, etc. If there is a relationship to another person - father, husband, etc - those values might be considered "schema data" because the relationships are constrained by specific values.
That the 'person' is a 'student' or a 'teacher' or a 'prisoner' etc - that is defined by the data dictionary for the particular system.

Usually "schema" means "inside the RDBMS". This generally means some technical minimum. Perhaps supplemented with one "comment" field.
Data Dictionary usually means "outside the RDBMS". This generally means some larger and more complex structure that is not limited to RDBMS table/column technology.
If you had two specific examples of a specific schema (e.g. Oracle) and a specific data dictionary against which to compare, you'd have an "exact" difference.


When to use an owned entity types vs just creating a foreign key or adding the columns directly to the table?

I was reading about owned entity types here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/owned-entities#feedback and I was wondering when I would use that. Especially when using .ToTable(); although I am not sure if ToTable creates a relationship with keys.
I read the entire article so I understand that it essentially forces you to access the data via nav properties and prevents the owned table from being treated as an entity. They also say Include() is not needed and the data comes down with every query for the parent table so its not like you are reducing the amount of data that comes back.
So whats the point exactly? Also whats the point of "table splitting"?
It takes the place of Complex types with the option to set it up like a 1-1 relationship /w ToTable while automatically eager-loaded. This would use the same PK in both tables, same as 1-1.
The point Table-splitting would be that you want an object model that is normalized, where the table structure is not. This would fit scenarios where you have an existing table structure and want to split off related pieces of that data into sub-entities associated with the main entity. With the ToTable option, it would be similar to a 1-1 relationship, but automatically eager-loaded. However when considering the reasons to use a 1-1 relationship I would consider this option a bad choice.
The common reasons for using it in normal 1-1 relationships would include:
Splitting off expensive to load, rarely used data. (images, binary, memo)
Encapsulating data particular to a single application off of a common entity. i.e. if I have a "Customer" which is used by a billing system vs. a CRM I might have "CustomerBillingData" and "CustomerCRMData" owned by "Customer" rather than an inherited BillingCustomer / CRMCustomer. As there is a "single" customer that may serve one or both systems. Billing doesn't care about CRM data, CRM doesn't care about Billing. If all data is in "Customer" then both systems potentially need to be updated, and I cannot rely on constraints when the data is optional to the other system. By using composition I can enforce required data for a particular system.
In neither of these cases would I want to use table-splitting or anything that automatically eager-loads, so Owned Types /w ToTable would not replace 1-1 relationships by any stretch. It's essentially a more strict version of complex types, I'd say it's strictly used for entity organization. Not something I'd admit to wanting to use very often.

Entity Framework Pluralization Concern

This is a two part question:
1) What is the advantage of pluralizing other than having model respective tables names implying that they contain a collection of entity records?
2) Pluralizing is a very intricate art, and is sensitive to language localization. When I created an Entity called Schema, EF yielded a table called Schemata.
There is a major problem with this. Primarily, a developer would need to know that the plural of Schema is not Schemas, but the aforementioned. Also, this means that EF maintains some sort of a linguistic dictionary which explicitely dictates pluralization of words, and this can lead to unexpected results..
PS: Ok..., lets have the SO antifa-blm-nazis vote to close my question because it doesn't meet some guidelines, and because they have nothing better to do with their lives, and this commentary is really offensive(albeit true to life)!
Every Entity Framework entity I've ever created I have control over the pluralized version of the name, so I'm not sure what the issue is. You don't have to accept the suggested pluralization. The pluralization is useful in following connections to child entities and their collections, so there is a reason to have them in the first place. Use common sense in creating pluralized names that have the broadest, most easily grasped meaning.

is it possible to consider language lookup table as a value object

I have a language table for 2 fields id and language_name. Can I consider this as a value object?
Ex record: 1 EN
2 DE
3 TR
As soon as these values are immutable, I think I don't need to give them Ids and make it as an entity which represented in database directly.
You can consider them as value object, but you don't have to consider everything in DDD way.
According to Martin Fowler's definition:
When we use a Domain Model, we use it because it contains complicated
domain logic. It can be helpful the classify this domain logic into:
validations: checks that input makes sense and objects are properly
suited for further actions.
consequences: initiating some action that will change the state of the world
derivations: figuring out some
information based on information we already have
ValueObject s are good at validates and derivations.
Language tables, on the other hand, are usually used to solve i18n issues(ui/query conern). Generally speaking, there is no domain logic here.This kind of features are easily implemented in simple CRUD style and better for being so. Consider them in DDD add lots of constraints like only aggregates can be returned by the repository or you could only modify an local entity through it's aggregate. For example, Users edit a product, add english description and deutsch description. One can model product as an aggregate and description as value object, but this does not add much value and somtimes annoying(Now a product cannot be edited by a english editor and a deutsch editor at the same time for concurrent modification on an aggregate).
But what if there is some real domain validations and derivations on the product aggregate? like inventory and pricing. This is where bounded context comes to the play. One can have both an inventory/pricing bounded context modeled in DDD and a product description context modeled in CURD.

Core Data Union Query Equivalent

I want to get the union of data from different entities. I have a number of entities (different kinds of tags e.g. location, events etc) and I want data for a table view that shows "All Tags" (i.e. the union of all tag entities). How do I make a fetch request with Core Data for this kind of a use case?
I know that Core Data is not an ORM but if my explanation above was not good enough, I will explain the corresponding database use case. I have different tables e.g. events, locations, people etc and I would like to UNION the results from these different tables. Remember that a UNION concatenates the rows and not columns.
One obvious solution is to get the data from the different entities separately and then just concatenate together the NSMutableArrays. I am wondering if there is a more efficient way.
There is no way to fetch more then one entity type in a fetch request ...
UNLESS, the entities you like to 'Union' have the same base class in your model (other than NSManagedObject).
So if all your entities were to inherit from a base class named Tag for example, you would be able to fetch all of them together.
This however, will create a unified table for all these entities (a very sparse table if the intersection between the classes is small) in the actual database file.
In your case this might not be feasible as there is no real connection between 'Person' and 'Location' for instance, or you might decide that this will cause a performance issue.
The other solution will be (as you suggested) to create a fetch request for each entity.

ADO.NET Entity Framework: Can I have multiple entity types for the same row

I have a base class Participants inherited by Artist, Author and TextWriter.
I have only one table in the data store:
Participants {
The idea is to have a class for all the roles that a participant can have.
I've managed to create the edmx file but when I try to get an Participant (as Artist) that is also an Author I receive the following error:
All objects in the EntitySet 'Participants' must have unique primary keys. However, an instance of type 'Artist' and an instance of type 'Author' both have the same primary key value, 'EntitySet=Participants;ID=1'.
Thank you
Yes, this is possible. What you're asking for is "table per hierarchy" inheritance. Your table needs to contain any "discriminator column" which identifies the type of each row.
However, no record for one person can have more than one concrete type when materialized (read from the DB), because an object can only have one type. I've written about this issue before:
One of the mental barriers that you have to get over when designing a good object relational mapping is the tendency to think primarily in object oriented terms, or relational terms, whichever suits your personality. A good object relational mapping, though, incorporates both a good object model and a good relational model. For example, let’s say you have a database with a table for People, and related tables for Employees and Customers. A single person might have a record in all three tables. Now, from a strictly relational point of view, you could construct a database VIEW for employees and another one for customers, both of which incorporate information from the People table. When using a one VIEW or the other, you can temporarily think of an individual person as "just" an Employee or "just" a Customer, even though you know that they are both. So someone coming from this worldview might be tempted to do an OO mapping where Employee and Customer are both (direct) subclasses of Person. But this doesn’t work with the data we have; since a single person has both employee and customer records (and since no Person instance can be of the concrete subtype Employee and Customer simultaneously), the OO relationship between Person and Employee needs to be composition rather than inheritance, and similarly for Person and Customer.
If "Bob" is a Participant who is both an Artist and an Author, then he cannot be of type, say, Artist and Author at the same time, unless one is a supertype of the other. Either Artist and Author should have a subtype relationship with the other or you should use aggregation rather than inheritance to relate Participant with Artist and Author. An instance of an object can have only one concrete type; this does not change because you store it to the DB.