is it possible to consider language lookup table as a value object - entity-framework

I have a language table for 2 fields id and language_name. Can I consider this as a value object?
Ex record: 1 EN
2 DE
3 TR
As soon as these values are immutable, I think I don't need to give them Ids and make it as an entity which represented in database directly.

You can consider them as value object, but you don't have to consider everything in DDD way.
According to Martin Fowler's definition:
When we use a Domain Model, we use it because it contains complicated
domain logic. It can be helpful the classify this domain logic into:
validations: checks that input makes sense and objects are properly
suited for further actions.
consequences: initiating some action that will change the state of the world
derivations: figuring out some
information based on information we already have
ValueObject s are good at validates and derivations.
Language tables, on the other hand, are usually used to solve i18n issues(ui/query conern). Generally speaking, there is no domain logic here.This kind of features are easily implemented in simple CRUD style and better for being so. Consider them in DDD add lots of constraints like only aggregates can be returned by the repository or you could only modify an local entity through it's aggregate. For example, Users edit a product, add english description and deutsch description. One can model product as an aggregate and description as value object, but this does not add much value and somtimes annoying(Now a product cannot be edited by a english editor and a deutsch editor at the same time for concurrent modification on an aggregate).
But what if there is some real domain validations and derivations on the product aggregate? like inventory and pricing. This is where bounded context comes to the play. One can have both an inventory/pricing bounded context modeled in DDD and a product description context modeled in CURD.


UML attribute to association class or simple class?

I'm having a difficulty figuring out where to put the Level attribute. I want the employee to have a variety of skills which have different levels. For that purpose I made a many to many relationship which is implemented as an EmployeeSkill association class.
An example of said class is as follows: An employee named Jack might have a skill of Java which is level beginner, while he could also have a skill of C# which is advanced level. Should the level be saved in the EmployeeSkill association class or in the Skill class? I suspect it should be on the association class.
A property of the association class?
Your narrative with the Employee instance "Jack" being associated with Skill instance "Java" with a level of "beginner" shows that the skill is independent of the level, and the level is related to the combination of a given employee and a given skill.
To model accurately the semantic of this narrative, level should indeed be the property of the association class EmployeeSkill.
Could it be a property of the skills?
It would not be wrong to move level as a property of Skill. But the model would have a different semantic, since every Employee associated with a Skill would share the same level. This means that "Jack" being associated to a skill like "Java" but rather a skill like Elementary Java.
This alternative model makes it also less convenient to desperately search for all employees knowing about Neural network regardless of the level. And it would not be obvious for the system to see that elementary neural network is related to advanced neural network expertise and that Advanced java has little to do with Advanced javascript.
To have the same power of expression, the skills that are related but correspond to a different level would require an explicit association, which would make the model more cumbersome to use and fragile.
Remarks that are unrelated to your question
You seem to repeat the JobCategory's and the Country's attribute within Employee. This is confusing, as the associations already associate the class with another set of each of these attributes. Did you mean the redundant attributes to implement the associations and show the db table layout than the class? If so, you should disambiguate using some custom stereotypes. But I'd rather recommend to remove the redundant items and make a comment at the bottom of the diagram to explain that you implement associations.
I wonder if the multiplicities of the association between Skill and SkillCategory are not inverted (i.e. one category can have several skills and each skill is associated with only one category) ? Or that you meant a many-to-many association if skills can belong to several categories.
In the association class you use the prefix FK to highlight the foreign keys. Use <<FK>> to make it a custom stereotype (see may first remark about using stereotypes).
As qwerty_so pointed out in the comments, you use a nesting connector for the associations with enumerations. This is syntactically acceptable but does not mean what you think. This is meant to deal with namespaces. Just remove that circle-plus symbol to make it a normal association and it will mean what you think.

Modeling many to many relations with postgreSQL

I work in cattle production and I am learning about database design with postgreSQL. Now I am working on an entity attribute relationship model for a database that allows to register the allocation of the pastures in which cattle graze. In the logic of this business an animal can be assigned to several grazing groups during its life. Each grazing group in turn has a duration and is composed of several pastures in which the animals graze according to a rotation calendar. In this way, at a specific time, animals graze in a pasture that is part of a grazing group.
I have a situation in which many grazing groups can be assigned to many animals as well as many pastures. Trying to model this problem I find a fan trap because there are two one-to-many relationships for a single table. According to this, I would like to ask you about how one can deal with this type of relationship in which one entity relates to two others in the form of many-to-many relationships.
I put a diagram on the problem.
model diagram
Traditionally, using a link table (the ones you call assignment) between two tables has been the right way to do many-to-many relationships. Other choices include having an ARRAY of animal ids in grazing group, using JSONB fields etc. Those might prove to be problematic later, so I'd recommend going the old way.
If you want to keep track of history, you can add an active boolean field (to the link table probably) to indicate which assignment is current or have a start date and end date for each assignment. This also makes it possible to plan future assignments. To make things easier, make VIEWs showing only current assignment and further VIEWs to show JOINed tables.
Since there's no clear question in your post, I'd just say you are going the right way.

OData REST API where table has columns unique to customer

We would like to create an OData REST API. Our data model is such that each customer has their own database. All database objects have the same definition across all customer databases, with the exception of a single table.
The customer specific table we will call Contact. When a customer adds a column the system creates a column with a standardised name with a definition translated from options selected by the user in the UI. The user only refers to the column data by a field name they have specified to enable the user to be able to generate friendly queries.
It seems to me that the following approaches could be used to enable OData for the model described:
1) Create an OData open type to cater for the dynamic properties. This has the disadvantage of user requests for a customer not providing an indication of the dynamic properties that can be queried against. Even though they will be known for the user (via token authentication). Also, because dynamic properties are a dictionary, some data pivoting and inefficient query writing would be required. Not sure how to implement the IQueryable handling of query options for the dynamic properties to enable our own custom field querying.
2) Create a POCO class with e.g. 50 properties; CustomField1, CustomField2... Then somehow control which fields are exposed for use in OData calls. We would then include a separate API call to expose the custom field mapping. E.g. custom field friendly name of MobileNumber = CustomField12.
3) At runtime, check to see if column definitions of table changed since last check. If have, generate class specific to customer using CodeDom and register it with OData. Aiming for a unique URL for each customer. E.g.{customer guid}/odata
I think the ideal for us is option 2. However, the fact the CustomField1 could be an underlying SQL data type of nvarchar, int, decimal, datetime, etc, there are added complications.
Has anyone a working example of how to achieve what has been described, satisfactorily?
Thanks in advance for any help.
We have run into a similar situation but with our entire dataset being unknown until runtime. Using the ODataConventionModelBuilder and EdmModel classes, you can add properties dynamically to the model at runtime.
I'm not sure whether you will have to manually add all of the properties for this object type even though only some of them are unknown or whether you can add your main object and then add your dynamic ones afterwards, but I guess either would be workable.
If you can get hold of which type of user it is on the server, you could then add only the properties that you are interested in (like option 3 but not having to CodeDom).
There is an example of this kind of untyped OData server in the OData samples here that should get you started:
The research we carried out actually posed Option 1 as the most suitable approach for some operations. i.e. Create an SQL view that unpivots the data in a table to a key/value pair of column name/column value for each column in the table. This was suitable for queries returning small datasets. This was far less effort than Option 3 and less confusing for the user than Option 2. The unpivot query converted the field values to nvarchar (string) values and thus meant that filtering in the UI by column value data types was not simple to achieve. (If we decide to implement this ability, I believe this can be achieved by creating a custom attribute that derives from EnablQueryAttribute, marking the controller action with it and manipulate the IQueryable before execution).
However, we wanted to expose a /Contacts/Export endpoint that when called would output the columns from a table with a fixed schema joined on a table with a client specific schema and output to a CSV file. All the while utilising the OData supported filter syntax. One of our customer databases has more than 12 million rows of data and is made up of approximately 30 columns.
To achieve this it looks like our best bet would have been to work with the Microsoft.OData.Core.UriParser.UriQueryExpressionParser class, unfortunately Microsoft in their wisdom have declared this as internal, as well as many of it's dependants.
Walking an abstract syntax tree built from OData supported query options and applying our own visitor to each node to build some dynamic Linq query/SQL seems like a possible solution.
For the time-being we will simply implement a cut-down set of supported $filter criteria without the support for grouping parenthesis.

Symfony2: Difference between those metodology "Embedded Form" and "Data Transformer"

Consider the following scenario
We have a simple database that involves two entities: user and category.
For our hypothesis let's say that a user can have only a type of category and a category can be associated with n users.
Now, consider a web page where a user - say ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR - could edit user table and associate them to a different one category.
As far I know (and I'm still new to symfony in general) if I use Doctrine and symfony2 in tandem, with - let's say - annotation method, i'll have two entity (php classes).
Embedded form
I will create a form that will show the user and, for show - and persist, of course! - also his category I "choose" to follow the "embedded form" strategy.
Having said that the entity has been created, i'll have to create a form for category (suppose that into formBuilder I'll add only id attribute of the category).
After that I have to add to formBuilder of UserType class the previous form and, with "some kind of magic" the form will render (after the appropriate operations) as magic and just as magically, when i'll post it (and bind, and so on) back all the informations will be persists onto database
Data Transformers
A.K.A. trasnform an input of a form into an object and vice versa.
In that way I'll have to define a - let's say - CategorySelectorType that into his builder, will add a Class (service ?) that will do those transformations.
Now we define the data transformer itself that will implement the DataTransofmerInterface (with his method and so on...)
The next step will be register that entity into services and add into UserType the form that will use this service.
So I don't understand any "strong" difference between those two metodology but "reusability" of the service. Somebody can offer me a different point of view and explain me the differences, if any?
A data transformer does not replace a embedded form, it rather enhances forms and wraps data transformation nicely.
The first sentence on the cookbook page about Data Transformers sums it up nicely:
You'll often find the need to transform the data the user entered in a
form into something else for use in your program.
In your example above, you could add a drop-down list of categories so the admin can select one for the given user. This would be done using a embedded form. As the category field is the id of an existing category, there is no need to transform the data.
For some reason you now want the admin to be able to enter a free text of the category. Now you need to do some tranformation of the text into the object in question. Maybe you want him to be able to either add a new or select a current category with this text field. Both is possible by using a data transformer which takes the text and searches for the category. Depending on your needs, not existing categories can be created and returned.
Another use case is when a user enters data which needs to be modified in some way before storing them. Let's say the user enters a street, house number and city but you want to store the coordinates instead.
In both cases it doesn't matter if you embed the form into another!
Could you do that in your controller? Of course. Is it a good idea to do such things in the controller? Probably not, as you have a hard time testing (while doing it in the transformer let you unit test the transformation nicely) or reusing it.
Of course it is possible to place the transformation code someplace else. The user object itself is not a good place, as the model should not know about the entity manager, which is needed to do the transformation.
The user type would be possible, but this means that it gets tied to the entity manager.
It all adds up to the very powerfull concept of Separation of concerns, which states that one class should only do one thing to make it maintainable, resuable, testable and so on. If you follow this concept, than it should be clear that data transformation is a thing on its own and should be threated as such. If you don't care, you may not need the transformation functionality.

UML class diagram: to add fields used to implement relationships or not?

I am trying to figure out if it is correct to put in the fields of the particular class a reference to an object/collection that this class is related with.
Let's say I have a class University that aggregates many instances of Student class. When I put on my diagram both classes, I add the relationship of aggregation between them.
And now the question: Can I add in University a field like 'students : Student[]'? Do I have to? Or maybe I must not?
Thanks in advance,
Attributes own association properties in UML 2. This is new and it is not always easy to understand the concept. I didn't understand why we need an attribute till I have seen the following demo.
The golden rule is that attributes should be created in order to save association information in the model. I have found an interesting teaching session on association and aggregation in UML 2.
It is a 2m30s flash demo
The above association creation is for expert level, I mean modeler who wants clean design and clean model as well as perfect metamodel. If you don't care then just create an association at model level and it would do the job but the code generation will not be done. It means that mappings for database will needed to be created at code level later by developers.
To understand the difference between both kinds of associations see this other flash demo at:
It depends on what you are doing with your model, but generally, you shouldn't have to use an attribute for this, you can use an association instead. Associations are able to contain more information that attributes, such as whether they are composite or shared, which ends are navigable, multiplicity on each end, named endpoints, etc.
One benefit of associations is that one association can actually represent a property on each class it is connected to, while an attribute only represents a property on the class it belongs to.
So, in your case, University has Students, so you'd draw an association from University to Student, naming each endpoint and setting the multiplicity correctly.
Now when you go to generate code from your model, just be sure to take into account associations as well as attributes. This way you won't need to add the properties both as attributes and associations, just as associations. I have a few diagrams I've tested this approach with, generating sql and php code from the xmi via an xsl transform, and it works quite well... if you'd like more details I can dig it up.
There are 3 types of relations : association, aggregation and composition. composition is a specialization of aggregation, aggregation is a specialization of association.
Using one or the other depends on the phase of your analysis. You could just use association in first draft and then refine it later to aggregation or composition, the difference with aggregation is that a student had no meaning out of one University Universe. If there are several universities instances, it would be aggregation rather.
If you use relations, there's no need to and you shouldn't add students[] because it is redundant. And if you do that you lose the semantics of the 3 types of relations.