Using MATLAB's plotting features as an interactive part of a Fortran program - matlab

Although many of you will have a decent idea of what I'm aiming at, just from reading the title -- allow me a simple introduction still.
I have a Fortran program - it consists of a program, some internal subroutines, 7 modules with its own procedures, and ... uhmm, that's it.
Without going into much detail, for I don't think it's necessary at this point, what would be the easiest way to use MATLAB's plotting features (mainly plot(x,y) with some customizations) as an interactive part of my program ? For now I'm using some of my own custom plotting routines (based on HPGL and Calcomp's routines), but just as part of an exercise on my part, I'd like to see where this could go and how would it work (is it even possible what I'm suggesting?). Also, how much effort would it take on my part ?
I know this subject has been rather extensively described in many "tutorials" on the net, but for some reason I have trouble finding the really simple yet illustrative introductory ones. So if anyone can post an example or two, simple ones, I'd be really grateful. Or just take me by the hand and guide me through one working example.
platform: IVF 11.something :) on Win XP SP2, Matlab 2008b

The easiest way would be to have your Fortran program write to file, and have your Matlab program read those files for the information you want to plot. I do most of my number-crunching on Linux, so I'm not entirely sure how Windows handles one process writing a file and another reading it at the same time.
That's a bit of a kludge though, so you might want to think about using Matlab to call the Fortran program (or parts of it) and get data directly for plotting. In this case you'll want to investigate Creating Fortran MEX Files in the Matlab documentation. This is relatively straightforward to do and would serve your needs if you were happy to use Matlab to drive the process and Fortran to act as a compute service. I'd look in the examples distributed with Matlab for simple Fortran MEX files.
Finally, you could call Matlab from your Fortran program, search the documentation for Calling the Matlab Engine. It's a little more difficult for me to see how this might fit your needs, and it's not something I'm terribly familiar with.
If you post again with more detail I may be able to provide more specific tips, but you should probably start rolling your sleeves up and diving in to MEX files.

Continuing the discussion of DISLIN as a solution, with an answer that won't fit into a comment...
#M. S. B. - hello. I apologize for writing in your answer, but these comments are much too short, and answering a question in the form of an answer with an answer is ... anyway ...
There is the Quick Plot feature of DISLIN -- routine QPLOT needs only three arguments to plot a curve: X array, Y array and number N. See Chapter 16 of the manual. Plus only several additional calls to select output device and label the axes. I haven't used this, so I don't know how good the auto-scaling is.
Yes, I know of Quickplot, and it's related routines, but it is too fixed for my needs (cannot change anything), and yes, it's autoscaling is somewhat quircky. Also, too big margins inside the graf.
Or if you want to use the power of GRAF to setup your graph box, there is subroutine GAXPAR to automatically generate recommended values. -2 as the first argument to LABDIG automatically determines the number of digits in tick-mark labels.
Have you tried the routines?
Sorry, I cannot find the GAXPAR routine you're reffering to in dislin's index. Are you sure it is called exactly like that ?
Reply by M.S.B.: Yes, I am sure about the spelling of GAXPAR. It is the last routine in Chapter 4 of the DISLIN 9.5 PDF manual. Perhaps it is a new routine? Also there is another path to automatic scaling: SETSCL -- see Chapter 6.
So far, what I've been doing (apart from some "duck tape" solutions) is
use dislin; implicit none
real, dimension(5) :: &
x = [.5, 2., 3., 4., 5.], &
y = [10., 22., 34., 43., 15.]
real :: xa, xe, xor, xstp, &
ya, ye, yor, ystp
call setpag('da4p'); call metafl('xwin');
call disini(); call winkey('return');
call setscl(x,size(x),'x');
call setscl(y,size(y),'y')
call axslen(1680,2376) !(8/10)*2100 and 2970, respectively
call setgrf('name','name','line','line')
call incmrk(1); call hsymbl(3);
call graf(xa, xe, xor, xstp, ya, ye, yor, ystp); call curve(x,y,size(x))
call disfin()
which will put the extreme values right on the axis. Do you know perhaps how could I go to have one "major tick margin" on the outside, as to put some area between the curve and the axis (while still keeping setscl's effects) ?
Even if you don't like the built-in auto-scaling, if you are already using DISLIN, rolling your own auto-scaling will be easier than calling Fortran from MATLAB. You can use the Fortran intrinsic functions minval and maxval to find the smallest and largest values in the data, than write a subroutine to round outwards to "nice" round values. Similarly, a subroutine to decide on the tick-mark spacing.
This is actually not so easy to accomplish (and ideas to prove me wrong will be gladly appreciated). Or should I say, it is easy if you know the rough range in which your values will lie. But if you don't, and you don't know
whether your values will lie in the range of 13-34 or in the 1330-3440, then ...
... if I'm on the wrong track completely here, please, explain if you ment something different. My english is somewhat lacking, so I can only hope the above is understandable.
Inside a subroutine to determine round graph start/end values, you could scale the actual min/max values to always be between 1 and 10, then have a table to pick nice round values, then unscale back to the correct range.

Dump Matlab because its proprietary, expensive, bloated/slow and codes are not easy to parallelize.
What you should do is use something on the lines of DISLIN, PLplot, GINO, gnuplotfortran etc.


Using Gurobi to run a MIQP: how can I improve time performance?

I am using Gurobi to run a MIQP (Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming) with linear constraints in Matlab. The solver is very slow and I would like your help to understand whether I can do something about it.
These are the lines which I use to launch the problem
clear model;
clear params;
model.A=[Aineq; Aeq];
model.rhs=[bineq; beq];
model.sense=[repmat('<', size(Aineq,1),1); repmat('=', size(Aeq,1),1)];
This is a screenshot of the output in the Matlab window.
Question 1: It is the first time I am trying to run a MIQP and I would like to have your advice to understand what I can do to improve performance. Let me tell what I have tried so far:
I cheated by imposing params.MIPGap=10^(-1). In this way the phase of node exploration is made shorter. What are the cons of doing this?
I have big-M coefficients and I have tied them to the smallest possible values.
I have tried setting params.ScaleFlag=2; params.ObjScale=2 but it makes things slower
I have changed params.method but it does not seem to help (unless you have some specific recommendation)
I have increase params.Threads but it does not seem to help
Question 2 (minor): Why do I get a negative objective in the root simplex log? How can the objective function be negative?
Without having the full model here, there is not much on advise to give. Tight Big-M formulations are important, but you said, you checked them already. Sometimes splitting them up might help, but this is a complex field.
What might give great benefits for some problems is using the Gurobi parameter tuning tool. So try to export your model and feed the tuning tool with it. It automatically tries different of the hundreds of tuning parameters and might give some nice results.
Regarding the question about negative objectives in the simplex logs, I can think of a couple of possible explanations. First, note that the negative objective values occur in the presence of dual infeasibilities in the dual simplex run. In such a case, I'm not sure exactly what the primal objective values correspond to. Second, if you have a MIQP with products of binaries in the objective, Gurobi may convexify the objective in a way that makes it possible for a negative objective to appear in the reformulated model even when the original model must have a nonnegative objective in any feasible solution.

matlab running all linprog algortithms (is there a matlab-list of algorithms?)

Matlab offers multiple algorithms for solving Linear Programs.
For example Matlab R2012b offers: 'active-set', 'trust-region-reflective', 'interior-point', 'interior-point-convex', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'trust-region-dogleg', 'lm-line-search', or 'sqp'.
But other versions of Matlab support different algorithms.
I would like to run a loop over all algorithms that are supported by the users Matlab-Version. And I would like them to be ordered like the recommendation order of Matlab.
I would like to implement something like this:
while (isempty(x))
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options);
In 99% this code should be equivalent to
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,x0,options);
but sometimes the algorithm gives back an empty array because of numerical problems (exitflag -4). If there is a chance that one of the other algorithms can find a solution I would like to try them too.
So my question is:
Is there a possibility to automatically get a list of all linprog-algorithms that are supported by the installed Matlab-version ordered like Matlab recommends them.
I think looping through all algorithms can make sense in other scenarios too. For example when you need very precise data and have a lot of time, you could run them all and than evaluate which gives the best results.
Or one would like to loop through all algorithms, if one wants to find which algorithms is the best for LPs with a certain structure.
There's no automatic way to do this as far as I know. If you really want to do it, the easiest thing to do would be to go to the online documentation, and check through previous versions (online documentation is available for old versions, not just the most recent release), and construct some variables like this:
r2012balgos = {'active-set', 'trust-region-reflective', 'interior-point', 'interior-point-convex', 'levenberg-marquardt', 'trust-region-dogleg', 'lm-line-search', 'sqp'};
r2017aalgos = {...};
v = ver('matlab');
switch v.Release
case '(R2012b)'
algos = r2012balgos;
case '(R2017a)'
algos = r2017aalgos;
% loop through each of the algorithms
Seems boring, but it should only take you about 30 minutes.
There's a reason MathWorks aren't making this as easy as you might hope, though, because what you're asking for isn't a great idea.
It is possible to construct artificial problems where one algorithm finds a solution and the others don't. But in practice, typically if the recommended algorithm doesn't find a solution this doesn't indicate that you should switch algorithms, it indicates that your problem wasn't well-formulated, and you should consider modifying it, perhaps by modifying some constraints, or reformulating the objective function.
And after all, why stop with just looping through the alternative algorithms? Why not also loop through lots of values for other options such as constraint tolerances, optimality tolerances, maximum number of function evaluations, etc.? These may have just as much likelihood of affecting things as a choice of algorithm. And soon you're running an optimisation algorithm to search through the space of meta-parameters for your original optimisation.
That's not a great plan - probably better to just choose one of the recommended algorithms, stick to that, and if things don't work out then focus on improving your formulation of the problems rather than over-tweaking the optimisation itself.

Should I use Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB?

I have an issue, where I need to handle a lot of figures in matlab and the code is starting to get messy. Different kinds of plot objects are added to the code in different stages and some have legends and some does not. The problem is that there is no NULL legends. As soon as an object is created, so is a legend. However, until the legend(handles,...) is called they are not shown. This means that if things are plotted and some, need a legend entry and some not, a lot of handles needs to be passed around.
Now, the file is starting to be quite long, about 1500 lines, with some globals that spans over many functions in the file and so. To prevent the "Do not use globals" comments to pour in, yes I know globals are normally unnecessary, but the code was like that when I laid my hands on it. However, now the code is getting more and more messy and I think about using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to handle figures.
The idea is to have the custom figure objects handling themselves and thus make more readable code, split up in smaller blocks. The idea is to have a design like
class Figure
To be defined, for example formatting plotting, edit title,…
The complete design is not really thought through completely, but the point of this questions is really about using OOP in matlab. What I have seen so far it os not really used were much. Are there a reason for this? Could anyone give pros and cons to OOP in matlab? Is OOP recommended or not in matlab?
I have added the information about my issue since I understand that OOP is more needed for large complex issues, so an answer would preferably take the drawbacks in comparison with the complexity of the problem into account. (For example, do never use OOP in matlab, do it only when you have complex problems, do it whenever you like,...)
Okay the question is about OOP in Matlab - but is it not OOP in Matlab in your organisation?
By that I mean to think who is going to use/develop and maintain the code going forward.
Background: I have used OOP for my own toolbox (because its complex/large enough to warrant it - and I develop/maintain it) - however in consultancy jobs for the majority of my clients I create functions (which in some instances call my toolbox) - because when the job is finished they get the source code and the majority are (much) more comfortable working with functions rather than classes.
In summary - I decide on whether to use OOP on the job specifics and the situation where the code will be used (developed & maintained) in the future.
So back to your topic - I would consider where you think the code is going to go and who will develop/maintain it. Will they be comfortable with classes - or will they be more comfortable with functions?
FYI: Last year I was talking to Mathworks and they said that they run multiple "Intro to Matlab" courses per week - but only 1 "Matlab Classes" per quarter!! That gives you an indication on the level of Matlab class use in industry.

Numerical Integral of large numbers in Fortran 90

so I have the following Integral that i need to do numerically:
Int[Exp(0.5*(aCosx + bSinx + cCos2x + dSin2x))] x=0..2Pi
The problem is that the output at any given value of x can be extremely large, e^2000, so larger than I can deal with in double precision.
I havn't had much luck googling for the following, how do you deal with large numbers in fortran, not high precision, i dont care if i know it to beyond double precision, and at the end i'll just be taking the log, but i just need to be able to handle the large numbers untill i can take the log..
Are there integration packes that have the ability to handle arbitrarily large numbers? Mathematica clearly can.. so there must be something like this out there.
This is probably an extended comment rather than an answer but here goes anyway ...
As you've already observed Fortran isn't equipped, out of the box, with the facility for handling such large numbers as e^2000. I think you have 3 options.
Use mathematics to reduce your problem to one which does (or a number of related ones which do) fall within the numerical range that your Fortran compiler can compute.
Use Mathematica or one of the other computer algebra systems (eg Maple, SAGE, Maxima). All (I think) of these can be integrated into a Fortran program (with varying degrees of difficulty and integration).
Use a library for high-precision (often called either arbitray-precision or multiple-precision too) arithmetic. Your favourite search engine will turn up a number of these for you, some written in Fortran (and therefore easy to integrate), some written in C/C++ or other languages (and therefore slightly harder to integrate). You might start your search at Lawrence Berkeley or the GNU bignum library.
(Yes I know that I wrote that you have 3 options, but your question suggests that you aren't ready to consider this yet) You could write your own high-/arbitrary-/multiple-precision functions. Fortran provides everything you need to construct such a library, there is a lot of work already done in the field to learn from, and it might be something of interest to you.
In practice it generally makes sense to apply as much mathematics as possible to a problem before resorting to a computer, that process can not only assist in solving the problem but guide your selection or construction of a program to solve what's left of the problem.
I agree with High Peformance Mark that the best option here numerically is to use analytics to scale or simplify the result first.
I will mention that if you do want to brute force it, gfortran (as of 4.6, with the libquadmath library) has support for quadruple precision reals, which you can use by selecting the appropriate kind. As long as your answers (and the intermediate results!) don't get too much bigger than what you're describing, that may work, but it will generally be much slower than double precision.
This requires looking deeper at the problem you are trying to solve and the behavior of the underlying mathematics. To add to the good advice already provided by Mark and Jonathan, consider expanding the exponential and trig functions into Taylor series and truncating to the desired level of precision.
Also, take a step back and ask why you are trying to accomplish by calculating this value. As an example, I recently had to debug why I was getting outlandish results from a property correlation which was calculating vapor pressure of a fluid to see if condensation was occurring. I spent a long time trying to understand what was wrong with the temperature being fed into the correlation until I realized the case causing the error was a simulation of vapor detonation. The problem was not in the numerics but in the logic of checking for condensation during a literal explosion; physically, a condensation check made no sense. The real problem was the code was asking an unnecessary question; it already had the answer.
I highly recommend Forman Acton's Numerical Methods That (Usually) Work and Real Computing Made Real. Both focus on problems like this and suggest techniques to tame ill-mannered computations.

max likelihood fminsearch

I used Matlab-fminsearch for a negativ max likelihood model for a binomial distributed function. I don't get any error notice, but the parameter which I want to estimate, take always the start value. Apparently, there is a mistake. I know that I ask a totally general question. But is it possible that anybody had the same mistake and know how to deal with it?
Thanks a lot,
#woodchips, thank you a lot. Step by step, I've tried to do what you advised me. First of all, I actually maximized (-log(likelihood)) and this is not the problem. I think I found out the problem but I still have some questions, if I don't bother you. I have a model(param) to maximize in paramstart=p1. This model is built for (-log(likelihood(F))) and my F is a vectorized function like F(t,Z,X,T,param,m2,m3,k,l). I have a data like (tdata,kdata,ldata),X,T are grids and Z is a function on this grid and (m1,m2,m3) are given parameters.When I want to see the value of F(tdata,Z,X,T,m1,m2,m3,kdata,ldata), I get a good output. But I think fminsearch accept that F(tdata,Z,X,T,p,m2,m3,kdata,ldata) like a constant and thatswhy I always have as estimated parameter the start value. I will be happy, if you have any advise to tweak that.
You have some options you can try to tweak. I'd start with algorithm.
When the function value practically doesn't change around your startpoint it's also problematic. Maybe switching to log-likelyhood helps.
I always use fminunc or fmincon. They allow also providing the Hessian (typically better than "estimated") or 'typical values' so the algorithm doesn't spend time in unfeasible regions.
It is virtually always true that you should NEVER maximize a likelihood function, but ALWAYS maximize the log of that function. Floating point issues will almost always corrupt the problem otherwise. That your optimization starts and stops at the same point is a good indicator this is the problem.
You may well need to dig a little deeper than the above, but even so, this next test is the test I recommend that all users of optimization tools do for every one of their problems, BEFORE they throw a function into an optimizer. Evaluate your objective for several points in the vicinity. Does it yield significantly different values? If not, then look to see why not. Are you creating a non-smooth objective to optimize, or a zero objective? I.e., zero to within the supplied tolerances?
If it does yield different values but still not converge, then make sure you know how to call the optimizer correctly. Yeah, right, like nobody has ever made this mistake before. This is actually a very common cause of failure of optimizers.
If it does yield good values that vary, and you ARE calling the optimizer correctly, then think if there are regions into which the optimizer is trying to diverge that yield garbage results. Is the objective generating complex or imaginary results?